Schmidt House Podcast

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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2 months, 1 week ago

Ep.529 : The Three Honest Politicians ?

2 months, 1 week ago

Canadians, this could happen to any of you very soon. Enough is enough. Reach out to me if you have had enough and want to protect our homeland and our people.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

The bigot crusade has ended.

Final score, 17 wins, no losses, no casualties.

Enemy efforts to disrupt and cancel were entirely ineffective. For all their bluster and threats, it amounts to social media posts of outraged freaks. One old woman threw an egg at an empty bus and missed. Some hid in bushes across the street and tweeted. Thats it. There is nothing at all to be afraid of from these losers. They are utterly incapable of anything beyond complaining. They are 2 inches tall.

Thank you to the dozens of volunteers and staffwhot worked hard to make this happen. It was a very ambitious endeavor well outside our usual effort but Im very pleased with how it went.

We met thousands of people from Halifax to Tofino, nearly half of whom came to our events alone. It was a pleasure and honor to meet everyone and I speak for all of us when I say we were overwhelmed with the amount of love and support we received.

I'll be back to regular streaming very soon. We filmed nearly everything and will try putting together something for everyone to watch later in the year documenting our escapades. We were very mean to Indians, yes.

Oh yes.

One thing that was abundantly clear is that the Canadian spirit is alive and well and has no desire to die quietly. The instinct is returning and we are far from beaten.

You only need a few good people to make a difference. We found thousands.

See you soon


2 months, 2 weeks ago

This aged like jeet shit. ?

2 months, 3 weeks ago

^ this is justification for mass mobilization against all migrants by locals. They should disregard police and treat them as enemy combatants if they try to stop them from administering mob justice.

At what point does the body count matter? "Dont be racist" was the excuse for Lee Rigby. How many murders ago was that? At what stage do you accept you are at war?

Mob justice is better than no justice, which is what the UK lives under now.

We all know, however, that this won't happen. After decades of liberal jewish propaganda, most people are content to literally have children murdered on a regular basis rather than do anything or risk a fingernail.

If foreign invaders can murder your women and children without facing anything less than merciless annihilation, you don't deserve to exist.

So far, it looks like Ireland is coming out on top of their long-standing feud with the UK. At least they're burning the migrant housing centers.

Personally, I think they should wait until the centers are at capacity before setting fire to them.

Go ahead and be angry at me because I want to protect children from animals. It sure is easier than facing the real enemy isn't it, you fucking baby killing cowards.

5 months ago

There are people (many of you) who have been blowing the whistle on mass immigration, illegal and legal, for years. Been called racist, smeared by government watchdogs, while political commentary pundits have been busy propping up and hiding behind their favourite political party, unwilling to even acknowledge it.

It’s only been recently I’ve noticed, now that it’s become relatively mainstream, after so many of you took the shots and broke through the Overton window, now the topic is gaining momentum in the twittersphere.

These milquetoast gatekeepers are now coming out of the woodwork, finally talking about Canada changing demographically, because YOU were vocal.

You are the pioneers who led the way. You took the narrow path when no one else would.

Never forget that.


5 months ago

We will get no credit and they deserve no glory. They will still smear us becasue we were right and they were late and they are cowards.

5 months ago

Are you fed up yet?

We recommend to visit

Spin, Attack, Raid friends and Build on your way to an Empire.
Collect Coins and Stars for Airdrop! @robincoin_bot

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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