Salafiyyah Reminders

‎أهل السنة و الجماعة


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☆-مآ أحزَن الله عَبداً الا لـ يُسعده ♡

• لـ طلب بوت حمايه? ? @VAOD_BOT

☆-1 المنشئ #حمودي_الزعيم

☆-2المنشئ #الذهبي

✹ القنـاه الاولئ علئ التليڪرام والباقي تقليد

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

2 months ago

The Prophet ‎ﷺ said:

“Do not belittle any form of righteousness, and even if you did not find any good deed except meeting your brother with a smiling face, then do so.”

?Sahih Muslim & at-Tirmidhi

2 months ago

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud رضي الله عنه said that the Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ said:

“Beware of the belittled sins, because they gather on a person until they destroy him.”

He then said that the Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ gave them an example:

“This is the example of people who set up camp on a flat land, and then their servants came. One of them collected some wood and another man collected some wood until they collected a great deal. They then started a fire and cooked what they put on it.”

?Ahmad 1:204

2 months ago

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud رضي الله عنه came out to his companions and said:

“You are the removal of my sorrow.”

[?روضة العقلاء]

It’s said that Imam Shafi’ said, if it wasn’t for Qiyam al-Layl and his companions, he wouldn’t have wanted to stay in the Dunya another day.

2 months, 1 week ago

Whoever wishes to attain the levels of the strangers, let him bear with patience the harm he will meet from his parents, his wife, his brothers and relatives.

If one were to ask, how can they harm me seeing as I am beloved to them and they to me?

It was said in reply:

You have opposed them in their love of this world and their great desire for it. They, in order to attain this world, do not care what they lose of their religion; if you follow them in this, they will love you; if you oppose them and instead traverse the path to the Hereafter by following the truth, they will behave coarsely towards you.

Your parents will be pained and angry at your actions, your wife will vexed at you and seek separation, and your brothers and relatives will rarely meet you.

You will be, amongst them, saddened and disturbed, and it is then that you will look at yourself with the eye of a stranger and you will understand the circumstances of all strangers like yourself, you will feel isolated from your brothers and relatives, and you will find yourself alone traversing the path to Allah.

Be patient for just a few days, bear the ignominy of this world for a few minutes, partake scarcely of this lowly life, you will find that this leads you to the Abode of well-being, its land is pure, its gardens resplendent, its fruits bountiful and its rivers sweet; therein will you have all the soul desires and all the eye takes delight in, therein will you abide for eternity.

? The Journey of the Strangers pg 42-43

2 months, 1 week ago

In Surah al-Araf, ayah 17, when Shaytan was outcast from Jannah for disobeying Allah’s command and for being arrogant, part of what he said is this:

ثُمَّ لَـَٔاتِیَنَّهُم مِّنۢ بَیۡنِ أَیۡدِیهِمۡ وَمِنۡ خَلۡفِهِمۡ وَعَنۡ أَیۡمَـٰنِهِمۡ وَعَن شَمَاۤىِٕلِهِمۡۖ وَلَا تَجِدُ أَكۡثَرَهُمۡ شَـٰكِرِینَ﴿ ١٧ ﴾

“Then I will approach them from their front, their back, their right and their left. And you will find most of them ungrateful.”

This is in reference to preventing the believers from the right path.

Shaytan mentions each direction but one thing he doesn’t mention is from above.

Ibn Abbas said: Iblis cannot come from above because there is no barrier between the servent and the mercy of Allah.

[?تفسير الجلالين]

2 months, 2 weeks ago

do not detest the trials that befall you, for what you detest may be the cause of your salvation and what you like may be the cause of your ruin.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

The Prophet ‎ﷺ said:

“The servant will not acquire the status of the Muttaqin until he abandons what is harmless out of fear of falling into that which is harmful”


2 months, 2 weeks ago

Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله:

O monotheist, advice from someone who loves you:

Be diligent to not let a day pass without reading a portion of Qur’an and praying Witr at night, from this moment until you die.

? From the Shaykh’s X account

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Yahya ibn al-Munkadir narrated: "I heard some of those who knew Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir saying:

'One night, he was praying and he cried but his crying became excessive that his family became worried for him but nevertheless that did not lessen his tears, rather it only increased them. His family requested Abu Hazim to come over [to calm him down] so when he arrived he found him still crying.

So he asked him: 'O my brother, what made you cry so much? For you have made your family worry about you?'

He said: ‘I came across an ayah I recited from the book of Allah'. Abu Hazim asked: ‘Which ayah is it?' He replied: It is the statement of Allah:

"And there will appear to them from Allah that which they had not taken into account."(39:47)

Upon hearing this ayah, Abu Hazim was emotionally moved and started weeping as well.

Hilyah al-Awliya

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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

☆- لـ نـشـر اعلانـاتــكم $ @QQQQKS
10قنوات لتمويل @XX_2S

☆-مآ أحزَن الله عَبداً الا لـ يُسعده ♡

• لـ طلب بوت حمايه? ? @VAOD_BOT

☆-1 المنشئ #حمودي_الزعيم

☆-2المنشئ #الذهبي

✹ القنـاه الاولئ علئ التليڪرام والباقي تقليد

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

سيرافقك قلبي إلى اخر العمر
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago