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Kanal yaqin 2 hafta inactive bo’ladi. O’sha gap, sodiqlarga sodiqmiz)
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Keyin yanayam yoshi katta (qari) ko'rinaman
Hali yosh bo'b turib sochim oqaradimi deymanda bu ketishda
Orada o'zim haqimda shunaqangi tesha tegmagan gaplar eshitib qolamanki, o'zim ham hayron qolib, hikoyani davomiga qiziqib ketaman (qizim bilan qanday ajralishganimga)
City infrastructure must be carefully designed to ease city-dwellers' lives. In this regard, some urban planners suggest that districts be separately arranged based on the purpose of the buildings, such as residential areas, shopping areas or downtowns. While distance and time can be the major drawbacks of such a development, I think these can be eclipsed by the advantages.
It is true that the distance between distinct areas might be considerably far for some people, especially when they are located in the opposite sides of a city. When a huge traffic flow goes into one direction, there is always a high probability of traffic congestion, say, when everyone is driving their children to school or going to work. This will consequently lead to gridlock or tailback formation, and people would lose their invaluable property - time.
However pressing the disadvantages could sound, I believe that positive sides of separate arrangements bear more weight. Instead of rather a chaotic lifestyle, it is far better to have a much more organized one, with institutions being collectively built based on their functions. Offices tend to be quite hectic, especially when there is a lot of pressure, whereas schools should be quieter for effective learning. Traffic jams can be handled skillfully if city planners formulate roads efficiently. Distance may still remain as an issue, but it is natural that no device works perfectly in all conditions.
In conclusion, I reiterate that positive sides of discrete city planning outweigh the negative ones though distance - the only unsolvable issue - staying intact even with a much advanced infrastructure.
Word count: 260 words
Time: 35 minutes on phone, with an exhausted mind
#writing #task2 #essay #Azamattypes #road_to_9
In many cities, planners tend to arrange shops, schools, offices and homes in specific areas and separate them from each other. Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages?
Kanalni "padderja" qilish maqsadida yana bir odam chiqib ketti...
Shunaqa toifa o'quvchi bo'lmang?⚠️
O'quvchi(lar) darsga kelmaydi, sababini oldindan aytib qo'ymaydi, guruhda yozsang javob ham yozmaydi, atayin o'qimaydi lekin kechasi 11 yarimda telegramga kiradi.
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