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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Dear members,
I am excited to call you to our conference in Kyparissia, Greece (1st to 6th of Sept) - for all the DeSci enthusiasts!
The conference will feature leading experts in Social Science and Political Science from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, focusing on how conflicts in these regions are struggling scientists and educators.
Key topics include:
- combating misinformation,
- how exactly approaches for fighting misinformation leverage peer review crisis,
- support of decentralized science amid regional pressures on scientists and educators within DAOs,
- how specific DAO Governance constitutions may protect scientists and assist them,
- announcement the Laboratory for Exemplary DeSci Practices.
The conference is under support of the Briva Universitate, SCIENCE AT RISK.Emergency Office (Germany) and Jocelyn DAO for Scientists At Risk.
Feel free to suggest your round tables and separate talks!
The flyer is for DeSci part. Here - the general conference with keynote speakers!
We are closing the partnership with GOSH because of significant mismatch between the democratic mission of the creator and the readiness to align to these values of the GOSH platform creators.
We will return only in a new image and exactly on the different platform.
Decentralised Science is still about the people rather than excellence of technology.
In any democracy, fairness must prevail over exploitation.
Especially when we're talking about Scientists At Risk, which community I am, Oksana Stanevich, the exemplary representative.
I will post updates here about the changes in technological partnership soon.
We've started, please, join ?
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Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution…
? The General Theory of DAO
Watch the full video ? or read our post. Choose what is more convenient for you!
Today, we delve into the intriguing world of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), a field for which a comprehensive theoretical framework has yet to be established ?.
What is DAO? What's the difference between DAO and the DAO? What is social choice theory, Arrow's impossibility theorem, and more? We will explain it to you right away!
? What is the state of research of the DAO in general?
There is only a little research.
DAOs have been sued by the SCC in Californian court as unregistered associations. The SCC and regulatory authorities see DAOs as a kind of corporate structure; they do not see them as a social structure.
The discussions regarding DAOs come from empirical ideas about how it should be done, but there is no factual basis for any of that.
That's why GOSH claims to do a systematic review and come up with some basis for this simply because it doesn't exist.
? There are two DAOs- DAO and the DAO
The DAO is the first DAO. It's the Ethereum DAO. It was started in 1785 by Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis of Condorcet, who published his essay on applying analysis to the probability of majority decisions. He was talking about what we now call Condorcet's paradox.
It's one of these election paradoxes, voting paradoxes. And this is one of the most famous. It's a cyclic problem.
There are two distinct theories ?: social choice theory and choice theory. They are two completely different things. Social choice theory talks about the choice of a group of people, the choice of the social, while choice theory talks about individual preferences and individual choices.
? Lewis Carroll worked in social choice theory. He proposed the idea that you need to measure everything, the distance between all of the choices, and then count them, comparing each one with the other.
Kennet Joseph Arrow started Arrow's Impossibility Theorem ? , which states that having an optimal voting system with more than two alternatives is impossible. Various voting methods and procedures can be used in DAOs, but no single system can solve all the paradoxes.
? Wicked problems are common in DAOs and require voting, which means decisions cannot be formalized. Horst Rittel and Webber proposed them in 1973. The basic idea is that they are complex issues that need a clear solution.
General Theory of DAO, First Part. Oksana Stanevich at the Free University
Today, we delve into the intriguing world of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), a field where a comprehensive theoretical framework is yet to be established. In our lecture, we will explore DAOs as sophisticated hybrid models that blend democratic…
?Dear deScientists who interested in voting systems and governance of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs):
Today at 7pm (GMT+3), as part of the course "Democracy in Science?! Yes, Indeed!" (which Oksana Stanevich holds at the Free University) - mathematician Andrey Lyashin and blockchain architect Mitja Goroshevskywill lecture on the topic:
?General Theory of DAO
Short description:
Today, we dive into the captivating realm of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), an area where a comprehensive theoretical framework is still emerging. In our lecture, we'll explore DAOs as intricate hybrid models that blend democratic principles with economic incentives and expertise-based delegation. This approach aims to tackle inherent limitations and challenges in collective decision-making, as highlighted by Arrow's theorem and the complexities of aggregating diverse preferences. By harnessing economic valuation, expert influence, and adaptable participation mechanisms, we'll examine how DAOs navigate and potentially overcome these complexities. This analysis will be situated within the broader context of choice theory, game theory, and mathematical economics, offering an interdisciplinary perspective to better comprehend and anticipate the evolution of DAOs in decentralized systems.
?For better synchronization, please, complete a brief survey before the session.
?See you at 6:55pm (GMT+3) by this link.
As I announced before, I keep seminars at the Free University (
about decentralized science and democracy in science. So, this Sunday we will have a very interesting meeting - come listen and ask questions!
On Sunday, 19 to 21-30 GMT+3, we meet with mathematician Andrei Lyashin, CTO of Pruvendo, and Mitya Goroshevsky, CEO of GOSH , to discuss
General theory of DAO
Short description:
Today, we delve into the intriguing world of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), a field where a comprehensive theoretical framework is yet to be established. In our lecture, we will explore DAOs as sophisticated hybrid models that blend democratic principles with economic incentives and expertise-based delegation. This approach seeks to address some of the inherent limitations and challenges in collective decision-making, as underscored by Arrow's theorem and the complexities of aggregating diverse preferences. By leveraging economic valuation, expert influence, and flexible participation mechanisms, we will examine how DAOs navigate and potentially overcome these complexities. This analysis will be situated within the broader context of choice theory, game theory, and mathematical economics, providing us with a rich interdisciplinary perspective to better understand and predict the evolution of DAOs in decentralized systems.
Don’t unfollow me - in the next post I will tell you about the Laboratory of Exemplary DeSci Practices (@DesciExperiment in Twitter).
I admire princess Diana for her ability to apply influence for public goods. And she used to say "Oh my Gosh!" at the moments she was surprised. What a coincidence ?
For the MinD Hackathon, our team has developed and improved the entire framework and judgment tool with the purpose of empowering volunteer services and civilians in Israel. GOSH
? By the way, the expert judgment mechanics are the same available in the technology we've donated to the United Nations Public Sector DAO. Details
? We leveraged the hightechnology to contribute to the public good, inspired by Princess Diana's effective use of her influence. Together with Ethernity Cloud.
? We acknowledge and SpatialChat for their assistance during the MinD Hackathon. And TechTikkun for taking the MinD Hackathon in the roadmap and exited projects - as the first use cases for feeding IT social entrepreneurship in Israel.
? We joyfully congratulate the winners: Gleb Shemaev Grigorii Vasiliev Andrey Lyashin Roman Kuchynski Sergey Egorov Boris Kwitkin Kostiantyn Koval Lilia Barladyan
?? ?? We are deeply honored to get an expert judgement from the invited experts: Alexander Shlemov Aleksey Komissarov Anna Smoliarova Dmitrii Botov Eli Briskin Eugene Kreinin Georgy Krivov Zakhar Kogan Irina Kalinin Ilya Kolin Irma Shlosberg Maxim Leykin Max Sokoriansky Max Vorobev Rod Mamin Stanislav Kapulkin
? I personally gratitude Philip Etingen Oleg Muromtsev Dima Maslennikov Michael Kalika Roman Belykh Mitja Goroshevsky Artem Mironov Roman Matusevich Sergey Horelyshev Dmitrii Botov Alvaro Bonnelly
? For the wave of recognition in social media I specially thank Michael Pellivert Daniil Chernov Leonid Goldenberg Pavel Katz who shared the information about the MinD Hackathon through their channels. Only because of this we were able to collect up to 100 applications and get response from more than 20 experts to judge.
? Special Thanks to Felix Tseitlin for the support of the evidence-based approach and the data from @WeAreIsraelBot provided to us for the relevant prototypes proposition.
Details and experts feedback regarding projects you may see here:
"Oh my Gosh!" Collective intelligence in practice: MinD Hackathon
What is on the backstage of the MinD Hackathon experts judgment? Sharing details about winners, rewards distribution and experts feedback upon the projects. Preface: recently GOSH donated its technology for Public Sector DAO in the United Nations.
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