GUIDELESS through the night - and out of it?

"Do not go gentle through that good night"

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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
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1 Jahr, 11 Monate her

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GUIDELESS through the night - and out of it💡

[4 von 9] WEDEN - RA der ASEN

1 Jahr, 11 Monate her
GUIDELESS through the night - and …
1 Jahr, 11 Monate her

Die Sagen des Phönix1. Deutsche Teilübersetzung zu einer der wichtigsten weltanschaulichen Schriften der slawisch-arischen Weden.

1 Jahr, 11 Monate her
1 Jahr, 11 Monate her
2 Jahre, 8 Monate her

Current Year: 7530

What calendar did the Tartarians and our Vedic Aryan ancestors use? They used, what in Slavic Sanskrit language is named the Krugolet, in English this literally translates as "Summer-Cycle", or circle of summers. It is a highly scientific and precise astrological calendar. The calendar we use today is what I will call the false Jewish calendar where the year is 2022, on the real Jewish calendar it is only 720.

The reasoning behind this name is because our forebears counted summers, not empty "years". To this day in Slavic languages we count summers, if you ask someone how old they are, for example "Skolko Tebe Let?" literally word for word means "How many have you got summers?". Now we do have another word for the word for year which was introduced recently, it is literally "god", I will get to that shortly. Currently on the calendar it is attested to be summer 7530 (as of 2022 on the false Jewish calendar). 7530 since what? What are we counting from exactly? We cannot say for certain because the enemies have destroyed much of our knowledge, however from all accounts it can be agreed upon that there was some major event, most likely it was the (re)creation of life on Earth in carbon form (just the life here, neither Earth itself nor the cosmos), which I propose to be the events of Genesis in the Old Testament, or the Jewish Bible.

This calendar was the original of the pre Christian Vedic Aryan civilization, and it was in use until the Jewish Criminal Peter the "Great" who had recently conquered much of Tartary, into modern day "Russia", introduced through a series of "reforms" the Gregorian Roman calendar. By the way his language was German, he barely spoke Russian, nor was he Russian, I will explain why this is important shortly, just keep in mind that earlier I mentioned that in the Slavic language Matrix, there was a new word which entered the vocabulary "God", pronounced like the German word "Gott", a word meaning year. What they did next was very sly and subliminal, but it worked. When Caesar (Tsar) Peter the "Great", aka Ivan the Terrible, a Roman Emperor, in Summer 7207 (1700 AD on false calendar), shortly after having conquered the western portion of Tartary and immediately beginning the forceful Christianization of it's inhabitants, they introduced a new calendar, the Roman calendar, which falsely attested that the current year at the time was 700. 700 years since what? 700 years since the proclaimed death of a Rabbi named Yeshuah Hamashiach (Not Christ!), or how his name was written in the Latin language of Rome, Iesus. What the new Roman occupiers did next was take the year 700, and put an 'i' before it, as it was "in the year of our lord 700", i700. Mint millions of coins, ever so slightly changing that "i" into a 1 by altering the serifs, do the same on the administrative buildings and newly printed texts, and boom, you've just created 1000 years of history which never happened, all you have to do from that point is to fold the timeline onto itself and change minor details. Anyways about that word "God" in Slavic languages, which means "year" in English; Peter the "Great", who now occupied western Tartary, had told the Pagan inhabitants that they were receiving a new "God", or "Gott", because Peter spoke German - not Russian. The God that they were receiving was Yahweh or his alter ego incarnate "Jesus" (Not Christ!). So not only did they received a new God/Gott, they received a new year, a new calendar which fabricated 1000 extra years. In essence it was a sick joke by the Romans, and just like that they eradicated thousands of years of Aryan history.

I originally wanted to share this information all in one post, but it has gotten incredibly long, so this will be several parts, which will not be posted immediately one after another. In the next few posts I will talk about the calendar itself, how it works, as well as the Day and Night of Svarog aka the Yugas or cosmic cycle.

2 Jahre, 8 Monate her
GUIDELESS through the night - and …
2 Jahre, 8 Monate her
GUIDELESS through the night - and …
2 Jahre, 8 Monate her
GUIDELESS through the night - and …
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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago