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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas
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Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
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Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas
Bell Rock Sedona, Arizona. A magical place.
~ Diane Renee
Gematria, Codes, Cypherss, double lives and secrecy.
Saint Germain, is he a true time traveler who continues to work behind the scenes even today?
by Diane Renee
Who is Francis Bacon and Saint Germain?
Just how long has there been a plan, and who is really at the tippy top of the Plan to Save America?
I am here to share the good news: The Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness
Wait until the world discovers the truth about Saint Germain and his significant role in the saving of America. Not alone, yet alongside his friend and brother, Jesus, and all of our brothers and sisters who have go e before is and ascended their consciousness and frequency throughout the ages. They participate today hand-in-hand with the White Hats in their mission to save America and be in service to their brothers and sisters who remain asleep in the A.I.-Generated Beast System Matrix Program
There is a new book about to be published, 'Secrets of the Golden Age Prince' on Francis Bacon (Saint Germain).
Please DM me if you would like more information on obtaining this book as soon as it becomes available.
I. “Who wrote the works attributed to Shakespeare?”
Some people just still won’t believe that Francis Bacon wrote those works. Well, the Elizabethan poet had much in common with the famous admiral. He had a secret identity, led a double life, and wrote in code—whoever this Elizabethan poet was.
Shakespeare, according to one school of thought, used not one cipher, but a variety of codes: the bi-literal cipher, the great cryptogram, anagrams and acrostic spellings, a numerical cipher, and a clock cipher. Entwined around the initial letter B on the title page of The Tempest is the real author’s name, Francis Bacon.
Why did Bacon hide his identity and write in code? Very simple: to save his life.
For when the Shakespearean code is deciphered, it reveals that Sir Francis Bacon was the firstborn son of Queen Elizabeth, “the Virgin Queen,” and the Earl of Leicester.
The decoded cipher in the 1623 folio reads, “Queen Elizabeth is my true mother, and I am the lawful heir to the throne. Finde the cypher story my bookes containe: it tells great secrets, every one of which (if imparted openly) would forfeit my life.”
It is said that the works of Shakespeare were written by England’s greatest group of intellectuals under Bacon’s ingenious direction. Bacon called them his “pens” – among them, Sir Walter Raleigh, Francis Drake, Edmund Spenser, Tobie Matthew, John Donne, Ben Jonson, Lancelot Andrewes, and George Wither.
The Literary Rosicrosse, a secret literary society, was founded by Bacon. The members were sworn to the allegiance of Pallas Athena. “She was usually placed on the Greek Temples with a Golden Spear in her hand. When the morning rays of the sun glinted on the weapon, causing it apparently to tremble, the common people were in the habit of saying smilingly: ‘Athena is Shaking her Spear again.” She was thus known as ‘the Spear Shaker‘ or ‘the Shaker of the Spear.’ This was the Goddess to whom Francis Bacon plighted his troth when a youth.” Source: The Story of William Shakespeare – Elizabeth Clare Prophet
❤️a secret within a secret❤️
Community chat:
Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas