Zafar Sobitov🪐

This channel is run by Zafar Sobitov with IELTS 8

English teacher

Bachelor at UzSWLU
Master at UzSWLU
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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

1 month ago

😎Map writing task 1 osh bo'lsin

1 month ago

😎Map writing task 1 osh bo'lsin

1 month ago

🪐X was built, which resulted in the disappearance of Y

nimadir qurildi nimadirni buzish natijasida

🪐A shop was built which resulted in the disappearance of an old theatre

🪐Where X stood, there is now Y or
There is now Y, where X stood

oldin nimadir bo’lgan joyda hozir nimadir bor

🪐There is now a shop, where an old theatre stood

🪐X has/had gone and in its place is/was Y

nimadir buzildi va o’rniga nimadir qurildi

🪐An old theatre had gone and in its place was a shop

🪐X is in(place), which was
previously occupied by Y

oldinlari nimadir bo’lgan joyda hozir nimadir bor

🪐A shop is in the north of town , which was previously occupied by and old theatre.

🔤🔤🔠🔤🔠🔠🔠🔠 quyidagi pdf larda⤵️⤵️⤵️

3 months, 3 weeks ago

*In recent years, more and more people are choosing to read e-books rather than paper books.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

E-books are becoming a common choice among an increasing number of people nowadays. In my opinion, I think that electronic books bring about more advantages for people compared to any problems they might bring.

To begin with the negatives, e-books, the screen of computers and mobile phones in general, are considered as having detrimental effects on our health and eyes by physicians. In no way can people avoid of these impacts unless they take some safety measures such as wearing blocking glasses and putting a cactus next to the computer, which in turn might be pricey. Moreover, e-books are not as necessarily available as traditional books most of the time. Considering a need for electricity to recharge the device, being used for e-books, people sometimes, even living in developed countries, cannot have an access to e-books just in cases of power outage, for instance, not to say the ones residing in remote areas.

Despite the disadvantages above, I believe people could face enormous benefits from having electronic books. First, the introduction of e-books in late 1980s made it possible to not to carry heavy books anymore. Since one can download several books on their mobile phone or computer, it has become more convenient for people to read a wide range of books just via a number of clicks. On top of that, people, unlike traditional books, can read their e-books whenever or wherever they are. To illustrate, it is now fairly common among individuals to read their favorite novel, story or comic strips while commuting by bus or car. Finally, e-books cost much more affordable compared to the paper books. Since nowadays there is an array of websites and browsers, ranging from Google eBookstore to Open Library, anyone, regardless of their age or gender, can download the book of their interest just by having an access to the Internet.

In conclusion, convenience, availability and affordability of electronic books far outweigh any of the minor drawbacks resulting from them.#writing#task2 More and less 40 minutes*

4 months, 1 week ago

⚡️Changing over time graph

?Author : Zafar Sobitov

4 months, 1 week ago

Task 1*
Changing over time graph quyidagi usular bilan yoziladi:
?*?***Verb structure

Subject+verb+adverb+ +in +time**⤵️*⤵️⤵️➡️The number of people who migrated to urban places rose sharply from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010.??***Noun structure

There+be+a/an+adjective+noun+in (quantity)
in +time**⤵️*⤵️⤵️➡️There was a sharp rise in the number of people who migrated to Urban places from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010

??Special verb structure
Writing task 1 da changing over time graphlarni tasvirlash uchun ko'p qo'llaniladi
?Bu structure ham xuddi noun structure ga o'xshab ketadi lekin biroz farq qiladi va ular faqat quyidagi fe'llar orqali beriladi➡️To see➡️To witness➡️To experience➡️To register➡️To have➡️To potray➡️To reveal➡️To illustrate➡️To show➡️***To report

Special verb lar quyidagi tarzda keladi:**?*?Subject+special verb+ a/an+adjective+noun⤵️⤵️⤵️➡️The figure for Uzbekistan witnessed a sharp rise from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010➡️The price of sugar increased dramatically before registering a slight decrease in 2005

6 months, 2 weeks ago

?Topic vocabulary for “Social media”

?more than I should-keragidan ko’proq

➡️I spend time on social media more than I should.

?To stay connected: Kim bilandir aloqada bo'lib turmoq

➡️Social media became a way to stay connected with friends.

?To share updates: O'zingiz yo hayotingizdagi yangiliklarni bo'lishish

➡️I share updates every day on instagram

?To scroll through feeds: Tepadan pastga qilib postlarni ko'rish

➡️Whenever I am free from my work, I scroll through feeds on instagram

?To get carried away: Ichiga kirib ketish

➡️"It's easy to get carried away with all the interesting

?To post updates: Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda yangliklarni post qilish

➡️I do lots of things on social media, ranging from posting updates about their lives to making new

?Stay informed: Yangiliklardan xabardor bo'lish

➡️I use social media to stay informed about current

?User-friendly: Foydalanishga oson, qulay

➡️Telegram is quite popular because it's user-friendly and

6 months, 2 weeks ago

У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

Assalomu akeykum yaxshimsiz ustoz sizni anchadan beri kuzatib boraman. Matmetika fakultetida o’qiyman. Magistrga kirish uchun B2 kerak ekam 0 dan qancha muddatda B2 olsam bo’ladi multi-level dan

*↩️ Свайпни для ответа.*

6 months, 2 weeks ago

More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult.

Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone?

Nowadays migration to cities is becoming increasingly popular, though urban life has several inevitable downsides. High property prices and traffic congestions are two of the main problems with living in a city, and several steps should be taken by governments to alleviate these problems.

The main difficulty encountered by city dwellers, in my opinion, is overpriced accommodation. Many city residents have to live in rented houses because the purchase of even one-bedroom flat is out of their reach in such big cities as New York or London. As a result, most people in cities are under considerable stress as they have to pay for a rent on a monthly basis. A way forward for the government is to establish cheap housing and allow people to take out a mortgage at lower interest rates. Such solutions will certainly ease housing problems in cities.

Another pressing problem faced by city residents is traffic problems. City roads are usually congested, as a result of which people usually lose their valuable time. The situation is made even worse by exhaust fumes polluting the air. To tackle this problem, governments should establish a reliable and effective public transport system, which will encourage people to switch from private transports to public ones. This will, in turn, reduce the number of cars on roads.

To sum up, there are a few urgent problems of city life which need to be addressed effectively to improve the quality of life in cities. Governments should take the lead on these matters, otherwise life in cities will even worsen in the future.

9 months, 1 week ago

?Writing kitobni sotib olish uchun 35 ming so’m

9860 0301 4530 3340
(Sabitov Zafarjon nomida)

kartaga to’lov qilib
Keyin to'lovni screenshot qilib⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️

@sobitovadmin ga tashlaysiz sizga keyin elektron holatda beriladi

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12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago