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Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
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Last updated 6 months ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Every disease comes from a mineral deficiency..."
He explains well, which three cell salts we need to pay attention to. This 3-months principle absolutely applies to me and has helped many others that I know.
Once we are deficient, eating lots of fruits will not be sufficient and we need to supplement to catch up. I do not know if these fruits that he mentions will work and eating too many fruits can be hard on our body and many of us need to stay away from nightshades (i.e. tomatoes). Below are a couple of helpful links on that topic that I posted earlier.
Cell salts and their functions
Cell Salt Deficiencies
Video from Health and Healing Vibrations
We officially have both Saturn + Neptune Retrograde in Pisces! The energy is very weird right now as these two are creating waves of chaos within the consciousness. There is a feeling right now of being untethered or completely unsure of what is going on in your own personal lives and the world. Many symptoms are also happening as part of the Light Body Integration. My best guidance right now is to change things up. If something is not working for you right now physically, emotionally or mentally, do something completely different. The more we switch things up and change our version of "normal" the more the energy seems to move from my experience. If something is working for you, stick with it. We are essentially being urged to be the calm within the chaos, the eye of ths storm as the oceans of collective consciousness are quite literally and figuratively going through storms.
Mercury has entered Leo today and it is just in time ! This will help us renew our sense of confidence and optimism through this tumultuous energy. We were drowning a bit with all of that cancer energy and pisces energy ? We are also aligned with the Sirius stargate at the moment and anticipating huge incoming streams of energy throughout 4th of July and the 7/7 Portal .. ill do more updates on this soon
love you all
'Christ was a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles, because they who are corrupt change good into bad, and can no longer do anything but sin.'
Translated from Francisco de Osuna, 1492 - 1541
This is what I am experiencing a lot lately - good is being turned against me. Let the madness end ...
E**nergies 25-04-2024 - Thursday
Healing - Finding the truth - Confidence**
"NOW" our intuitive, experienced and learned knowledge has the chance to adjust and unite, which will bring about inner healing. In order to be able to accept joy and abundance and life as it is, the old wounds in us must first heal, some of which arose a long time ago - many of which we have inflicted on ourselves. Healing will happen on all levels - even more so on an emotional level.
Pay attention to your dreams , which give you a clue as to where you can and should work. From the outside, some "apparent" deficiencies and confusions are "proposed" that discourage you, make you feel insecure... Be aware that these are tests that are easy for you to pass if you are aware of them and remain confident.
The diary in which you have written down your three “good things” every day will help: Read what you have already done, achieved and mastered. THAT gives you strength.
The theme of the day is finding the deep truth or authenticity that remains “permanent” even in times of change.
This can only happen IN YOURSELF: Through inspiration I recognize. In silence I gain knowledge. I combine my knowledge with my heart's knowledge. I am constantly inspired by what surrounds me and by the people I meet - sustainably. Because I am “open” I am constantly getting new, exciting ideas – in abundance and often completely unexpected and surprising… I gratefully accept these gifts.
Also consider: What beautiful things does the day have in store for me? Accept the thoughts and emotions that arise - free of any evaluation/fear!
Be consciously grateful that, whatever comes, you will overcome everything...
Translated excerpts from Rolf Dierk
From this week until mid-May, a phase begins that favors radical changes of direction. Whatever you want to start anew with - the perfect time for this is now.
This also includes circumstances that are no longer conducive and from which you want to free yourself.
Now is the time. The lunar node in Aries indicates that courage and willpower are needed for this until January 2025 - in order to grow beyond yourself.
Translated from Silke Schäfer
19-APR-24 NEWS
Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Emma from Spain highlights the Fuerteventura Carnival, while Kimberly and Todd from the US share their experience of the Solar Eclipse. In New Earth News: we are learning about Interacting with the Consciousness of Water; and much more! In World News: UAE Record Rainfall; Paris Migrant Evictions; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!
Consider carefully where and with whom you want to get involved. Don't be too spontaneous, but feel the opportunity of the hour. Because now really powerful processes are being initiated that will take us to completely new levels!
TAURUS April 19 to May 20, 2024
⭐️ Beauty as an expression of divine light in matter
⭐️ White magic in action
⭐️Abundance creates abundance
Translated from Silke Schäfer
The Jupiter ♃ Uranus ⛢ conjunction ☌ in Taurus ♉ is fueled by Mars ♂ in Pisces ♓ bringing big changes, surprises, opportunities- acceleration and awakening. It's exact on the 20th but it's already in play now. This kicks off a new 14_year cycle. The last time Jupiter and Uranus met in a conjunction was June 8 2010 at 0' Aries ♈ Look to that time and see if you can detect a theme that's relevant to now. The last time they met in Taurus ♉ was in 1941.
12-APR-24 NEWS
Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Emma from Spain demonstrates how to prepare Moringa Leaf Powder and Steve enjoys a Springtime Day in Alberta. In New Earth News: we are exploring Methods to Gain Clarity on our desires for the next chapter in our lives; and much more! In World News: Fake Royal Stamps; Tesla Cybertrucks Malfunction; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!
Community chat:
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 6 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 weeks, 6 days ago