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Last updated 5 months ago
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
? Receptivity ?
Everything in this universe is harmonious in nature. Everything that's happening is in alignment and needs to unfold exactly as it does. Your frequency determines the moment to moment experience and life could very well not feel harmonious at all, a lot of the time. That doesn't mean it isn't right, or we're approaching life wrong.
This sign assists in embodying the frequency of receptivity, to open up fully and relax into all that life has to offer you. It also assists in opening your eyes to where you are still resisting nature's dance and where you get in your own way, so you can bring in a deeper level of trust, harmony and joy into your experience.
⭐ Continue reading on our website and in the tribe.
All our love,
Ayana & Astaran
? Rebirth ☀
This sign invites you to relax and let go of everything that your new self can no longer sustain. Brighten and lighten up the parts that need to go. Surrender yourself into the arms of the universe. It is time for your new self to be born, so just as the phoenix, let your internal fire take you, let the old burn off and rise up as the new rainbow light being that you came here to be!
Join us in silence around the eclipse peak, at these times:
GMT+1: 19.38 tot 20.59
UTC: 17.38 to 18.59
BST: 18.38 to 19.59
We'd like to ask you to share this Sacred Sign and the invitation to join us in silence wide and far, so everyone can benefit from it and power up and be reborn during the eclipse!
Rise up!
Continue reading on our website and in the tribe.
All our love,
Ayana & Astaran
? Love Catalyst ?
I let the universe flow
through me
adding my unique
love energy
without being consumed
I’m endless love
adding endless love
to the endless universe
I’m a universal
love catalyst
- Astaran
Happy birthday my dear Ayana. This sign is for you and all other universal love catalysts. A catalyst is something (or someone) which (or who) empowers and speeds up processes without consuming itself. This last part is what makes the path of a universal love catalyst not an easy one as it is so easy to give yourself away when you help someone.
Full description on the website and the tribe.
You can download this sign and its wallpapers freely from our website:
Grounding Spiral
The energies on the internal and external are ramping up. We're headed for a solar eclipse on the 8th of April and generally speaking, April is always a month of aliveness, movement and growth.
High, rarefied energies are coming in, leaving us to feel out of control, emotional and uprooted, like everything’s up in the air and we don’t really know which way’s up anymore. We’re like astronauts in a rocket, waiting to be launched. We’re being shocked, rocked and shaken from the inside out and the outside in, on the threshold of starting the greatest adventure of our lives and we’re both excited and scared shitless.
A short way of saying it is: Shit’s intense!!
? Continue reading in the sacred signs tribe or on our website :)
FOMO – Fear of missing out
Fear of missing out - Trying to keep up or you don’t earn or deserve money, recognition, health, enlightenment, etc. Our bodies and especially our legs are trying to keep up with whatever it is what we are chasing. So let us take a moment to breathe and see things for whatever they are so we can stop chasing and start creating. Let’s miss out and don’t worry about it. Let’s move from FOMO to LOMO! Love of missing out!
This sign is a reminder to you that taking a break, taking care of yourself, sleeping, resting, doing nothing, staring at a wall, etc. is an essential step in growing. It also helps you to embody the trust that you do what you can, can’t miss the boat and that it is a good thing to sit, rest and feel. Allow yourself to “miss out”. So LOMO away!
All our love,
Ayana & Astaran
⭐ Full text in the sacred signs channel and website.
We are multidimensional beings, which means you are infinite in dimensions and in aspects. Some of these aspects are closer to your current frequency and easier to embody than others. The others are buried or “lost” beneath trauma and/or programming. For example, childhood trauma can split a part of our pattern in several pieces. In shamanism these parts are referred to as ‘lost soul parts’ and with a so called ‘soul retrieval' you can return and integrate these parts. Both of us also experienced these retrieval sessions and Astaran has led them for a while. And we feel that they can be a very powerful tool.
When Astaran started seeing the geometry that we call Sacred Signs he hasn’t engaged in these sessions anymore. It just didn’t come up anymore and he was following his heart with drawing the signs. This week a sacred sign came to him very intensely which made him think of lost soul parts again.
*⭐ Complete text in our channel-tribe or on our website!*
We are practising with our new coaching tool (in development) and doggie Roza is volunteering!
A gift for you for the last days of the year!
This year has been a rough year, in which so many things happened. Great, not so great and pretty crap things. We are being challenged, to deepen our connection with ourselves, to find our strength beyond what we thought was there in us, to trust the process. This sign will help you end the year on a positive note.
This universal sign supports you in letting go of the last bits and bobs of old patterns and to embody more of your own light in these dark days. More light is coming in every day, through our open hearts.
The themes of this sign are;
Inner power
You can download this Sacred Sign here:
We want to thank you for the support of our work and we wish you a warm and joyous time with your loved ones.
All our love,
Ayana & Astaran
? PRE-ORDERS LIVE for Sacred Shinies ?
So exciting, we have just put the shinies live on the website!
The ornaments and sets cost €9 p.u. OR €7,50 p.u. when you buy at least 3. These can be sets and big ornaments mixed!
As a trial for this product we work together with a company to ship economically and ecologically world-wide.
These are pre-orders and we aim to order in the last week of november to ship them roughly the first week of december. These are estimates and can change and we will post updates on these processes.
All our love,
Ayana & Astaran
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 1 week ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago