Infinity ∞ Thoughts

❝Its All About Our Thoughts ❞


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Last updated 14 hours ago

🧊 @community_bot is a Telegram-native toolset for communities.

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Last updated 14 hours ago

1 month ago

*Be grateful

Closed doors, missing the bus, traffic jams, ended relationships and ruined plans. It protects you from things that are not meant for you.*

Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️ 📷 Instagram

1 month ago

Live beautiful

Everything that happens in our lives is a reflection of what is happening inside us, here and now.
Therefore, it is very important to monitor your emotional state and thoughts. We are what we live now and what we think about.

Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️ 📷 Instagram

1 month, 1 week ago

Love yourself just like thatFeeling love for yourself and totally accepting your past, present and future, you begin to attract events into your life that affect the realization of your true desires.

Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️ 📷 Instagram

1 month, 1 week ago

take care of yourself

Please remember that you are not a free container for draining the negative emotions of those around you. Cherish your well-being.

Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️ 📷 Instagram

1 month, 1 week ago

*Life is a completely unpredictable thing

Before we have time to look back, it will fly by. Take care of yourself, appreciate those closest to you, do not skimp on kind words and deeds, do good. Don't waste your time, there's too little of it.
Infinity ∞ Thoughts
✅️ 📷* Instagram

1 month, 2 weeks ago

**"OVERTHINKERS", read this:

  1. That story ain't real.

None of it. That fear, insecurity, and that imaginary story you're obsessing about, it's all in your head. Every time you find yourself in that story, dragggggg yourself to the present.

  1. You don't know

Accept it. You're going crazy jumping to conclusions about a thing that isn't even there. Sometimes it's okay to just accept and tell yourself "i don't know".

  1. What if, what if

Overthinking is a longgggg chain of what ifs. What if that happens, what if it doesn't work, what if i fail, what if. Don't complicate it. Take a breath, you'll be fine.

  1. Zoooom out

In the bigger frame of things, what you're obsessing about doesn't even matter. Try, fail, fall, learn and get back up again. That's life, live it.

  1. "Zen" it out

Thoughts ain't leaving you? Sit at a quiet place and take 10 long deep breaths. Meditate. It helps.

  1. Do one thing well

Make a to-do list. Write down two or three things that you need to do. Do them one by one. You don't have to do everything. Just do one thing well. Life is long. You'll make it.

  1. Catch them 'triggers'

Overthinking is a chain reaction. Like dominos falling. But! there is always that one thought which triggers it all. Find it and fix it.

  1. Talk.

Sometimes sharing what you're feeling with friends, family, or even on social media can calm you down. Bottled feelings ain't good for you. Spurt 'em out.

  1. Enjoy the ride

Life is full of ups and downs. Obsessing about every little thing won't fix it. When it's sunshine, have fun. When it's dark and stormy, let it pass. Life is change, keep moving and you'll be ok.

  1. Be Disciplined

To heal yourself, fix your old toxic patterns and achieve what you choose to focus on.**Infinity Thoughts

1 month, 2 weeks ago

*I ~~won't~~ succeedWe usually say this when we are tired and the world appears in very dark colors. At such moments, one last little thing is enough to make you give up and exclaim: “Why am I always unlucky!”

Try replacing such expressions with a more neutral option: “Yes, there are ups and downs in my life. But I do exactly as much as I can, and as well as I can at the moment.”*

Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️ 📷 Instagram

1 month, 2 weeks ago

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1 month, 2 weeks ago

*Your limitation is only your imagination

Don't be afraid of change and other people's opinions. Be delightfully wrong for those around you. And confidently happy for yourself!*

Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️ 📷 Instagram

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Keep your face to the sunshine and you won't see any shadows
Learn to enjoy bad weather, queues, traffic jams, problems, any negativity. This kind of masochism will gradually clear the sky over your world. You should only think about how this or that annoying circumstance will turn out to be beneficial for you. And so it will be - see for yourself many times.

Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️

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Last updated 14 hours ago

🧊 @community_bot is a Telegram-native toolset for communities.

📝 Overview & beta access:

💬 Chat: @communitieschat

Last updated 14 hours ago