I believe that each of us deserves good health and happiness and that we can achieve this through the power of real food???
?? Make one healthy choice today. Feel better, look better, live better. ❤️Natural Healing❤️
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Hahaahha njing pntk
@rey: "teori dilan itu salah yg berat itu bukan rindu tpi mengikhlaskan"
Dari awal gua msk mohay, gue ga pernah lagi ngerasain klo gue itu kesepian, ya.. bs di blng mohay tuh tmpat nolep gue satu²nya cok haha, dri bnyk nya sq yg pernah gue tempatin tp cmn mohay yg bs buat gue senolep ini, mungkin klo gd mohay gue udh lrp sejak lama wkwk, dan yg bikin gue sebetah ini sm mohay itu krna membnya sm admnya pd asik cuyy wkwk pd friendly pd ky peme semua gue demen liat nya ahaha. Dan mrk juga tempat keluh kesah gue pokonya the best dah buat mohay, impression from me, i just want mohay to stay by my side?
=> DAY'S 7: story about mohay
I believe that each of us deserves good health and happiness and that we can achieve this through the power of real food???
?? Make one healthy choice today. Feel better, look better, live better. ❤️Natural Healing❤️
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago