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1 year ago


Lying on Your College Application

I'll edit your college essay! ***📝***

1 year ago


How I Scored 760 English on my Digital SAT as an International Student | No BS & Cliche Tips

My Best tips on how to score high on the english section of the Digital SAT as an International student.

1 year ago

U can easily understand and solve SAT questions by these videos above

1 year ago

*O'zgardikmi yoki o'zgartirishdimi?

Bilasizmi, anchadan beri ko'rishmagan tanishlariz bilan uchrashib qolganizada szga etishadia ''O'zgarib ketibsan..'' sizdayam bo'lganmi?! O'zgaramiz chunki bir xillik yoqmedimi yoki atrofdagilar o'zgartirishadimi?! O'zgaramiz., qachon? Qachonki atrofingizda to'plangan do'stlaringiz o'zgaraversa, aytishadiyu "qozonga yaqinlashsang qorasi yuqadi" deb.  Yoki aksincha, bir xillikni yoqtirmaydiganlar bo'lishadi va har kunlarini boshqacha bo'lishini oldingilariga o'xshamasligini xohlashadi.

2023-yil, o'zgardim. Ko'pchilik etide o'zgaribsan db, ha really o'zgardim har tomonlama. Masalan, introvert bo'lib qolganim, oldingi Shoda shunday edimi, yo'q aslo. Lekin sabab?  (Manda shunday xarakter bor, har doim o'zimda qandaydir o'zgarish sezsam sababini qidiraman) chunki adamla etganlaridek  "Bir narsaga erishmoqchimisan bir narsadan voz kechishin kerak", man orzularimni haqiqatga aylantiraman, va bir kuni ' "ushala" qo'lingdan kelmaydi, bu san uchun emas ' deganlarga isbotleyman va balki aynan shu mani move qilishga yordam bervotgandir. Shuning uchunam social bo'lishga vaqt ajratmaganim uchun introvert bo'lib qoldimmi balki. Lekin shuni etolimanki manda bir narsa hech qachon o'zgarmagan, mani oldindan biladiganla bilishsa kere man nafratlanaman nimadan deymi - ota-ona ishonch bildirganida hamma sharoitni yaratb berganida, ularni umidlarini buchga chiqarganlardan, tushungandirsiza, ochiqroq qb etganda, haram relationshipni nazarda tutvomman. Haa nafratlanaman judayam".

Positive tomonga o'zgarish albatta sz doimo muloqotda bo'ladigan do'stlarizga bog'liq. Ular yaxshi bo'lsa deme sz ham postive tomonga o'zgararsz. Xullas o'zgarish kerak, hayotizni zerikarli bo'lib qolishini istamasangiz.*

1 year ago

*Assalomu alaikum,

Vanihoyat anchadan beri kutilgan loyihamizni o'tkazib oldik.
Bu loyiha hammamiz uchun unutilmas xotira bo'lib qoladi. Bu public speaking, albatta hayajon qo'rquv bo'ladi va ishtirokchilar buni uddalashdi , ha balki grammatikada yokida pronouncionda  xato qilgan bo'lishlari mumkin, biz faqatgina negative tomoniga emas balki positivelariga qarashligimiza kerak, albatta hammamiz xatolarimizdan o'rganamiz. Bugungi debatda 'For' jamoasi g'olib bo'ldi lekin shaxsan men uchun bu debatda hamma g'olib hisoblanadi, nima deb o'ylaysiz shuncha audience larni judgeslarni oldida gapirish osondek ko'rinadimi?, aslo yo'q. Men hammalarini g'olib hisoblayman, 'Sizlar buni uddaladingiz sizlarga ishonamiza , xatolarizdan xulosa chiqarib keyingi debatlarizda bundanda yaxshi ishtirok etasizlar?'

Shuni etolimanki, bu debatdan man o'zimga ko'p narsalarni o'rganvoldim va xatolardan xulosa ovoldim. U know Litseydagi oxirgi yilimiz va bu debat bizdan xotira bo'lib qoladi. Ayniqsa team bo'lishni, bir-birimiz bilan yaxshi chiqishishni opinionlarimizani share qilishni o'rgandik to'g'rimi va aynan shular bizning maqsadimiz edi. Participants, keep going, believe in yourself, also don't forget to prepare your songs for singing, okay?*

1 year ago

*Many rising seniors applying to college for the class of 2028 will start writing their personal statements. One of the trickiest parts of the process is figuring out how to get started. Here are two methods you can explore to start brainstorming your statement:

The chaos method. Do a freewrite for 15–30 minutes. Do not worry about punctuation or grammar. Just write about yourself, things that have happened to you, and important experiences you've had. After you finish, reflect: Which of those topics were easy for you to write about? What would you like to write more about? Start there.

The organized method. Make a list of all of the topics you think you might want to discuss in a personal or diversity statement. Then write a short (4–6 sentence) outline for each of them. Pick one or two and use those outlines to write one or two 4–6 paragraph essays where each original sentence corresponds to a full paragraph. Approaching the topics this way, you will be able to tell quickly whether you like writing about a topic and whether it feels authentic. If your first essay feels unnatural—or if you simply don't like it—move on to another outline and try writing that essay.

You can pick whichever method works for you! Some of us are more chaotic and creative so method 1 works best; others of us are more logical and deliberate, so method 2 is ideal. Happy writing, everyone!*

1 year ago

ECs Description
Your activity’s description should answer these 3 questions effectively:

1.What did you do?
2.How did you do it?
3.Why was it important?


1.What did you do?
Led a group of 20 students in a local volunteer work
2How did you do it?
Budgeted, scheduled, organized, participated…
3.Why was it important?
Contributed to positive and helpful change in the local community.

Coherent description: Led, budgeted, and organized 20 volunteers to create positive change in the local community by volunteering 40+ hours at a local [Put non-profit organization name here]

1 year ago

EC section on Common app

For each activity, make sure you write down:

1.The name of the organization where you did the activity (if applicable).
2.A description of what you did. Feel free to go in-depth and fully explain your involvement. Did you attend meetings? Classes? Did you organize any activities?
3.Write down any leadership roles you had – meaning any time you were responsible for the actions of other people, or had responsibilities beyond just being a participant. These do not need to be official. If you ran the meetings but didn’t have an official title, still write it down. Also include any achievements or special responsibilities you had.
4.Were there any special projects that you did or were in charge of? If so, what specifically did you do? This can be a one-time thing (like organizing a food drive) or something more long-term, such as running a tutoring clinic throughout the school year.
5.What were the dates that you participated in the activity? How many hours per week did you do?

Important note: Make sure that the order you put them in is the order of importance they have for you according to your passions and interests. Don’t just try to guess what the admissions officers want to see, because the whole point is to show off what is important to you.

1 year ago

*"Je Veux"
Donnez moi une suite au Ritz, je n'en veux pas!
Des bijoux de chez Chanel, je n'en veux pas!
Donnez moi une limousine, j'en ferais quoi (papalapapapala)
Offrez moi du personnel, j'en ferais quoi?
Un manoir à Neufchatel, ce n'est pas pour moi
Offrez moi la Tour Eiffel, j'en ferais quoi (papalapapapala)

Je veux d'l'amour, d'la joie, de la bonne humeur
Ce n'est pas votre argent qui f'ra mon bonheur
Moi j'veux crever la main sur le coeur, (papalapapapala)
Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté
Oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité

J'en ai marre de vos bonnes manières, c'est trop pour moi!
Moi je mange avec les mains et j'suis comme ça!
J'parle fort et je suis franche, excusez moi!
Finie l'hypocrisie moi j'me casse de là!
J'en ai marre des langues de bois!
Regardez moi, toute manière j'vous en veux pas
Et j'suis comme ça (j'suis comme ça) (papalapapapala)*

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