CHAT: @eggfightclub_chat
Last updated 11 months ago
Official Trollmollywood Channel ,Movie Suggestions ,Reviews etc.?
Official Trollmollywood™️ Telegram Channel :
Instagram :
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
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Private keys: @starskeybot
Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago
Chevening ga qabul ochilgani munosabati bilan Chevening kursiga qabul ochaman. Kursda siz insholar, hujjatlar va interview haqida internetda yozilmagan ma’lumotlarni bilib olasiz. Birinchi óqib chiqing.…
Dear Girls,
We are excited to invite you to our first virtual movie night on the Zoom platform!
⏰ Today at 21:00
?? "Becoming" documentary movie about the life path of Michelle Obama????
It's going to be a unique and fun cinema experience. We hope to see you there!
Mighty Girls' Club
You are welcome to join! ???
Zoom Video
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution…
"Non-Fiction" loyihasining birinchi soni chiqdi! Loyihamizning dastlabki soni Jeyms Robinson va Daren Ajemog’luning “Mamlakatlar tanazzuli sabablari” kitobi haqida. Do'stlar, kanalga obuna bo'linglar, like bosinglar va izohlarda o'z fikrlaringizni yozib…
? New Release Alert! ?
We are beyond excited to present our latest masterpiece: "50 Mighty Women of Uzbekistan"! This book is the culmination of our hard work, dedication, and passion for creative writing. Each page is filled with stories of incredible Uzbekistani women whose life paths, relentless hard work, and inspiring characters have left a profound impact on us.
With the deepest respect, we honor these national heroines who have paved the way and shattered barriers. From historical figures to contemporary trailblazers, these women have significantly contributed to our society and culture.
? What's inside?
- Fascinating stories of 50 remarkable women
- Insights into their achievements and challenges
- Celebrations of their legacy and impact
Stay tuned for the release of "50 Mighty Women of Uzbekistan", coming soon to bookstores or by contacting us via our SM profiles. You'll be able to get your hands on both the hard and e-version.
Let's celebrate and draw inspiration from the powerful women of our nation! ??✨
#MightyGirlsClub #50MightyWomen #UzbekistanHeroines #Inspiration #WomenEmpowerment #ComingSoon
Salom, Mightylar! Biz mamnuniyat ila 3-roundimiz boshlaganimizni e'lon qilamiz. Umid qilamizki 3-roundimiz ham unutilmas onlarga boy, ilhomlantiruvchi atmosferasi bilan qizlarimizni yanada katta yutuqlarga undashga o'z hissasini qo'shadi.
? Kitob klubimizni bu safargi tanlovi AQShning sobiq birinchi xonimi, kuchli xuquqshunos , go'zal ayol va mehribon ona Mishel Obamaning "Becoming" kitobi. O'ylaymizki uning xayot yo'li haqidagi hikoyasidan har birimiz o'zimiz uchun xulosalar chiqarib olamiz.
Hello, Mighties! We are delighted to inform you about the launch of our 3rd round sessions. We hope that this round will also be filled with unforgettable moments and its inspirational atmosphere can contribute to their biggest achievement in every sphere of their lives.
? Our book club's pick is "Becoming" by ex-first lady of the U.S.A., mighty lawyer, beautiful woman and mother Michelle Obama. We believe that from her story about her life path each of us will get their own insights.
???Happy Navruz???
Wishing you a Navruz filled with joy, love, and new beginnings! May this Navruz bring you and your family abundant blessings and prosperity?
Happy International Women's Day, Mighties! ??
We wish you immense pride, respect, self-confidence, and self-esteem. We are the most exquisite and sage beings on the planet; never give up on your ideas and see them through to completion. We are capable of anything, and everything works for us. Remember that everyone has flaws and has made mistakes for thousands of years. What matters is that we should all learn from both our own and other people's mistakes. Whatever choice you choose, the most crucial thing is that may it make YOU happy, joyful, and at peace with your heart and soul; other people's opinions and judgments should never matter more to you than they do ?????????????
?Writers of the Future: Fantastik va ilmiy fantastik hikoyalar (asarlar) tanlovi
*?L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest – ilmiy-fantastik va fantaziy yo’nalishida yangi yozuvchilar uchun o‘z ishlarini ushbu sohadagi profesionallar tomonidan baholanishi va keng auditoriyaga tanilish uchun imkoniyatdir.*
?Tanlovga 17 000 soʻzgacha boʻlgan, ingliz tilidagi hikoyalar (asarlar) qabul qilinadi.
*?Tanlov har chorakda (3 oyda) bir marta oʻtkaziladi.
*?Har bir chorak gʻoliblari quyidagicha mukofotlanadi:
1️⃣-oʻrin: ?*1000* va kubok.
2️⃣-oʻrin: ?750 va kubok.
3️⃣-oʻrin: ?**500 va kubok.
?Yil yakunida yilning bosh sovrini gʻolibi aniqlanadi va L. Ron Hubbard Golden Pen Award premiyasi va ?5000 bilan mukofotlanadi.
⏰ Ariza topshirish ohirgi muddati: 2024-yil 31-mart
‼️Obuna bo’ling: @uz_grants
CHAT: @eggfightclub_chat
Last updated 11 months ago
Official Trollmollywood Channel ,Movie Suggestions ,Reviews etc.?
Official Trollmollywood™️ Telegram Channel :
Instagram :
Last updated 1 year, 2 months ago
More keys:
Private keys: @starskeybot
Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago