Brand Matters / with Misha Che

Tools, Tips & Tricks on How to Create Strong & Meaningful Brands. Curated by Misha Che [@exegic] - marketer with 20+ years of experience, developed such international brands as Tele2, Dodo, Yota, inDrive.
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2 weeks ago
Brand Matters / with Misha Che
2 weeks ago
Brand Matters / with Misha Che
1 month ago
3 months ago
*“Find your love.

*“Find your love.

For me, the most important brands in the world make you feel something. They do that because they have something they want to change. And as customers, we want to be part of that change.
These companies feel human. The founders tell us how the world could be. They bare their soul to us.
These companies have a reason to exist over and above just to make a profit: They have a purpose.
Yes, we admire the product they make. But the thing we love the most about them is the change they are making.
We love purpose-driven brands.”*

From: "Do Purpose — Why brands with a purpose do better and matter more"
David Hieatt

3 months ago

Trying to measure a brand?

Use The Brand Report Card. Initially it was published by marketing professor Kevin Keller in the Harvard Business Review.

It identifies 10 characteristics shared by the world’s strongest brands and constructs a report to help managers to think about their brand’s performance.

The brand report card exercise can then be repeated once a year internally or externally to measure the progress on improving areas of concern. It’s also a great idea to do this measurement vs. your direct competitors brand or brand that you get inspirations from.

Here are 2 examples of brand report cards:
1. Pepsi
2. Starbucks

You can not manage something you don’t measure! So, use it!

Attached is a template for Brand Report Card & an article on “The marketing advantages of strong brands” by Kevin Keller & Steve Hoefler.

3 months, 1 week ago
Brand Matters / with Misha Che
5 months, 3 weeks ago
We all love to give feedback …

We all love to give feedback on creative work.

But can we really do it efficiently?

Here is a useful model and detailed description on how to use it designed by Julian Cole – Strategist for Uber, Apple, FB, Snap.

Shared freely for all of us - struggling to give and receive quality feedback on creative work.

Enjoy and feel free to share with those in need.

7 months, 2 weeks ago
Insights from a workshop with [Tikhov]( …

Insights from a workshop with Tikhov & Melnichek on cycles and cyclicity:

  1. We and our cycles are part of larger internal and external cyclical systems (such as society, nature, and space). We can either ignore this and live in a state of unawareness and darkness, or we can begin to listen, adapt, and navigate the internal and external cycles.

  2. Awareness of cycles (both internal and external) enhances our understanding of ourselves and others—their behaviors, motives, and actions.

  3. Gaining new insights into understanding your challenges through external questions that don't require an immediate answer can change your perspective on the challenge itself.

8 months ago
8 months ago

And then continue to this ones to dive deeper ?

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Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

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