Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
v4.38.3 is released. (Stable Release)
This release includes security functionality improvement for some users.
Security Advisory
GitHubRelease v4.38.3 · v2fly/v2ray-coreFeature
FakeDNS: Added fakedns+others sniffer , based on #697 . Thanks @yuhan6665 .
TLS: A SECURITY improvement that allow the remote peer's TLS certificate to be pinned to a known value. Doc...
v4.38.0 is released. (Unstable Release)
This release includes security functionality improvement for some users.
FakeDNS: Added fakedns+others sniffer. Thanks yuhan6665 .
TLS: A SECURITY improvement that allow the remote peer's TLS certificate to be pinned to a known value.
Observatory: A component that measure the connectivity of selected outbounds.
Routing : leastPing balancing strategy is added. This strategy will select a outbound that is alive and completed HTTPS GET request in the least time.
* Fixed two typo in comments. Thanks U-v-U
Security Advisory
GitHubRelease v4.38.0 · v2fly/v2ray-coreFeature
FakeDNS: Added fakedns+others sniffer , based on #697 . Thanks @yuhan6665 .
TLS: A SECURITY improvement that allow the remote peer's TLS certificate to be pinned to a known value. Doc...
v4.36.1 released.—
Features Transport: add gRPC
/ gun
transport. This transport's connections can be relayed over Nginx and other supported CDNs, have an ALPN of h2
and a built-in mux. (#757 #783)
-> Docs: Transport; gRPC transport Proxy: add loopback
proxy. This proxy allows you to send connections back to router to be routed again. It is a drop-in replacement for modified outbound address and dokodemo\-door
setup while using less system resources. (#770)
-> Docs: Loopback Routing: add a faster and more memory-efficient routing rule matcher MphDomainMatcher
that uses minimal perfect hash. (#743)
-> Docs: RoutingFixes DNS: Refined DNS default setting logics in Android (#767)
* FakeDNS**: use
as default FakeDNS IP pool (#779)
Notices VMess: From Jan 1, 2022, compatibility for legacy VMess MD5 will be disabled by default. Visit here for more information.
You are able to compile exactly the same binaries as the ones in Assets section below by simply following the compiling guide.
For Downstream DevelopersThe Go module name of v2ray\-core
has been changed to\-core/v4
. Do NOT use
GitHubRelease v4.36.1 · v2fly/v2ray-coreFeatures
Transport: add gRPC / gun transport. This transport's connections can be relayed over Nginx and other supported CDNs, have an ALPN of h2 and a built-in mux. (#757 #783)
Docs: Transpo...
v4.35.1 Released
New Features FakeDNS, an imaginary DNS server to preserve the domain information even if the software do not support proxy settings
HybridDomainMatcher: a faster and more memory-efficient routing rule matcher.
Outbound transport level proxySettings: comprehensive chained proxy support
Support Apple Silicon: add pre-built binary for Apple Silicon named
VMess: add zero pseudo encryption for better performance
Support to disable DNS cache
So many other improvements see Github Release Note for detail.
GitHubRelease v4.35.1 · v2fly/v2ray-coreFeatures
Support Apple Silicon: add pre-built binary for Apple Silicon named (#686) @Loyalsoldier
FakeDNS: add support for FakeDNS. FakeDNS will not take effect on Routin...
v4.34.0 Released Changes * Support for the legacy Shadowsocks protocol with stream ciphers has been removed (#566). If you are still using the unsecure stream ciphers, migrate to Shadowsocks AEAD (ChaCha20Poly1305 and AES-GCM) immediately.
* Binaries of the following architectures are no longer a part of the release: s390x, ppc64, ppc64le, mips softfloat.
Changes * DNS: refactoring DNS (#169)
DNS: support DNS over QUIC (#534) (currently only non-proxied lookup)
DNS: add clientIp feature support for every nameserver (#504)
Release: add Android release (#512)
Android: default dns set to (#572)
TLS Session Resumption is now disabled by default (#569). See #557 for more information.
SessionTicketsDisabled is now true by default. See #557 for more information.
SOCKS: Refine socks5 server UdpAssociate response behavior (#523)
SOCKS: Fix socks client UDP outbound's wrong destination (#522)
HTTP2: listen port failed use error level log (#576)
DNS: refine skipRoutePick (#558)
DNS: compatible with localhost nameserver (#530)
DNS & Routing: refine rule parsing process (#528)
Config: multi-JSON config overide (#409)
Release: migrate release from Azure Pipelines to GitHub Actions (#453 #468)
Logging: Prevent trailing whitespaces in logs (#526)
Test: add race detector
* Minor changes and fixes by U-v-U, CalmLong, dyhkwong
GitHubRelease v4.34.0 · v2fly/v2ray-coreRelease Notes
TLS Session Resumption is now disabled by default (#569). See #557 for more information.
Support for the legacy Shadowsocks protocol with stream ciphers has been removed (#566). If y...
New API Service: ReflectionServiceThis service enables the clients to retrieve gRPC service's API list and signatures without prior access to its proto files. In this way, tools like grpcurl could easily interact with the API service:
# h2c
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:10086 list
# h2 with tls
$ grpcurl -insecure -cert cert.crt -key cert.key localhost:10086
"NumGoroutine": 24,
"NumGC": 25,
"Alloc": "24095640",
"TotalAlloc": "511473656",
"Sys": "146657288",
"Mallocs": "6909875",
"Frees": "6464105",
"LiveObjects": "445770",
"PauseTotalNs": "1834456",
"Uptime": 82
GitHubAPI: Reflection Service Support by Vigilans · Pull Request #435 · v2fly/v2ray-coreThis PR implements a new service ReflectionService, which is a simple wrapper of grpc/reflection package:
"api": {
"tag": "api",
v4.33.0 Released
Breaking Changes * Remove XTLS
Features * Add support for Debian package
API: Reflection Service Support
Update to IETF QUIC draft-32 (draft-29 is still supported)
Chores * Transfer VSign and related project to V2Fly and share under the same
Update security policy with renewed GPG public key
Use Go 1.15.5
* Refine Code
Notice The project gets rid of GOPATH mode entirely. Use Git and go mod command as your first choice while developing.
For more information, visit:
GitHubRelease v4.33.0 · v2fly/v2ray-coreBreaking Changes
Remove XTLS
Add support for Debian package
API: Reflection Service Support @Vigilans
Update to IETF QUIC draft-32 (draft-29 is still supported)
Transfer VSign ...
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago