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Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas
• • • In the world of art, everything remains the same.
Manuscripts still do not burn, and the heroes of manuscripts still manage to pull each other out of the last carriage of the departing train.
Artists still discover a whole world in familiar things and give it to their canvases.
Authors still write with passion, hoping that humor and satire will replace forced indifference.
In the world of science, everything is also the same.
Scientists and inventors in the world of science still choose freedom from the unnecessary.
And meanwhile • • •
• • • В мире искусства всё без изменений.
Рукописи, как и прежде, не горят, а герои рукописей, как и прежде, успевают выдернуть друг друга из последнего вагона уходящего поезда.
Художники, как и прежде, открывают в привычных вещах целый мир и отдают его своим полотнам.
Авторы, как и прежде, пишут на надрыве, чтобы юмор и сатира сменили вынужденное безразличие.
В мире науки тоже всё без изменений.
Учёные и изобретатели, как и прежде, выбирают свободу от лишнего.
Тем временем • • •
If I were asked to tell you about myself ..
I would write about the time, which was always short and about how late one gets lucky at this celebration of life. I would remember how the snow was falling by the collar and how I wanted to do something serious, even if not within the framework of all humanity but memorable...
? External layer —
Crystal doors to a fairy tale. Into the inner world of a person who composes them. Only kind ones and pure and only for others and never for yourself
In these fairy tales the sun always shines, there are no lies or betrayal and all the characters do only good deeds. In these fairy tales, someone will definitely find love and someone's sword will definitely slay the dragon
*? *Emotional layer —
An inner world of a little person writing fairy tales. Probably, this red-haired awkward miracle will become happy. But for now, here is an inner world like this, full of contradictions. First drawings and first dedications. The first emotions from a joyful event, the first desire to save the doomed, the first attempts to become the main heroine of her own play. And an amazing ability to be surprised by simple things
? Semantic layer —
The soul of a person who draws fairy tales, where through small details you can see everything that inspires and will inspire you to write a fairy tale, but this time for yourself. It will have imperfectly perfect encounters and perfectly imperfect endings. Different people, events and parts dear to the heart. And there will definitely be a place where you want to return
? Go to the cluster:
? To find out the name of the person who can invent a world for everyone
? Make sure that DiveArt has a whole arsenal of tools for self-expression as well as an excellent sense of humor
? Put a piece of your your fairy tale into your favorite Global space pixel
Non-Children's Fairy Tales *? *Finally branded / The Wall Global ?
• • • Life has a good sense of humor,
don't you think? • • •
• • • У жизни хорошее чувство юмора,
не находите? • • •
With incredible pride and excitement, we are presenting to you The Wall Global media brand - The Global Technologymagazine, the main goal of which is to honour and elevate the best of what man is capable of
In the first issue you will learn
? how
one technology turns people into puppets, and another technology turns puppets into people
? how
knowledge of GPS technology helps avoid penalties for being late
? how
two musicians were able to defeat copyright law using technology
? how
a well-made sandwich inspired scientists to put an end to Russian roulette
? how
great it is to go into the space of the Global Wall again and again to please your already, no doubt, formed elite aesthetic taste
? how
by making people happy, you can build a stable, international, competitive tech giant. And who Ilya Svirin is in love with right now
Also, in this issue you can see solutions to familiar life problems in different ways, look at familiar technologies from an unusual point of view, laugh heartily or think qualitatively.
And if after reading the magazine, you would love to contact the editors by the corporate mail to praise, express constructive criticism or share technology that definitely should not go unnoticed, we, for sure, will not object to that.
? The Global Technology by The Wall Global Creators
? More than the Media. More than a Magazine
• • • Once upon a time
a digital romantic asked himself the question: “What can I do to make people’s lives better?” After that he introduced his first technology to the world
Time passed
and he asked himself the same question once again. After that he introduced to the world another, new and unique technology
Time passed,
and the digital romantic was joined by other romantics - scientists, developers, researchers who were constantly asking themselves the question: “What else can we do for people?”
And this time
we asked ourselves “What can we do for the sake of the names that have given us unique products that prolong our lives and bring us comfort and joy every day?
What can we do to bring people back to people?
What can we do for technologies that deserve to live?”
• • •
And now, with incredible pride and excitement, we are presenting to you
• • • Когда-то
один цифровой романтик задал себе вопрос: “Что я могу сделать, чтобы людям жилось лучше?”, после чего представил миру свою первую технологию
Прошло время
и он снова задал себе этот же вопрос, после чего представил миру ещё одну, новую и уникальную технологию
Время шло,
и к цифровому романтику присоединились другие романтики - учёные, разработчики, исследователи, которые постоянно спрашивали себя: “ Что мы ещё можем сделать для людей ?”
На этот раз мы
спросили себя: “ Что мы можем сделать
ради имён, что подарили нам уникальные продукты, которые продлевают нашу жизнь и каждый день приносят комфорт и радость?
Что мы можем сделать, чтобы вернуть людям людей?
Что мы можем
сделать ради технологий, которые заслужили жить?”
• • •
C невероятной гордостью и волнением представляем вам
Have you ever thought about what a person sees when entering The Wall Global Space?
✌️ On the External Layer,
a person sees a blue globe, a lot of objects that they want to look at, tips and unique functionality
✌️ On the Emotional layer,
he sees unusual creative solutions, new places, new companies and their original logos. He sees extraordinary things that he has not paid attention to before and elegant words written by someone. Along with that, a person sees inspiration and, perhaps, several reasons to live on
✌️On the Semantic layer,
a person sees people who stand behind each selected object. People who once decided to make sure that a person could allow himself to notice beauty instead of an almost doomed world. People who know that there is something eternal on planet earth and that is why they are here
• • • A painting is just a painting if no one sees it. A product is just a product if it doesn't change anything. Words are just words if no one hears them. But when it's the other way around, it makes sense
And, the most amazing thing is that by making something for the sake of people and posting it on the Global Wall, you do not gain the meaning of life, but YOU GIVE IT TO OTHERS • • •
Have you ever wondered how many people have been inspired by your ideas placed in small pixels? How many people have your ideas changed and how many people have they saved?
✌️ This can absolutely be called your contribution to
Are we, the Creators of this space, involved in that? For sure, we are involved. But your human contribution to people is much greater. And in our opinion, that should be rewarded
Very soon we will present you our version of gratitude, which will always distinguish you from all citizens of all projects in the world of web3.0
? Why have we made this decision?
? Because there is still something eternal in this world
• • • And then a stranger timidly approaches you on the street and simply says: “Thank you” • • •
• • • А потом к вам робко подойдет незнакомый человек на улице и просто скажет: "Спасибо" • • •
• • • It’s a paradox, but it was just a small symbol that became the symbol of generation 2.0 and became synonymous with recognition, involvement and hidden truth • • •
• • • Парадокс, но именно маленький символ стал символом поколения 2.0 и стал синонимом признания, вовлечённости и спрятанной правды • • •
Community chat:
Last updated hace 5 meses, 3 semanas
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated hace 1 mes, 3 semanas