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Congratulating Kuffār- Their Festivals Would Neither Earn You Their Respect Nor Their Pleasure So Beware Of Losing Your Religion!
Ibn al-Qayyim رَحِمَهُ الله said:
“And as for congratulating Kuffār on the rituals which are SPECIFIC to them, then it is ḤARĀM (FORBIDDEN) by the AGREEMENT (of Fuqahā), for example congratulating them on their festivals and fasts by saying: ‘A happy festival to you’ or ‘May you enjoy your festival,’ and so on, so if the one who says this has been saved from Kufr, it is STILL FORBIDDEN, and it is like congratulating someone for PROSTRATING to the CROSS, rather that (congratulating Kuffār) is GREATER of a SIN with Allāh.
And it is MORE HATEFUL (to Allāh) than congratulating someone for DRINKING WINE, or MURDERING an INNOCENT SOUL, or COMMITTING ADULTERY, and the likes of it, and many of those who have NO RESPECT for their religion fall into that (error);
without REALISING the OFFENSIVENESS of their action, so whoever congratulates a person for his DISOBEDIENCE or BID’AH or KUFR thus exposes himself to the WRATH and ANGER of Allāh.”
📓- [أحكام أهل الذمة ١/١٦١]
As for those who say ‘Well we congratulate disbelievers Christmas and New Year out of courtesy and good manners’, then we say:
O Miskeen the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and his companions were more courteous and well-mannered than you and I yet they never congratulated Kuffār for their ‘Eīds or New Year.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen رَحِمَهُ الله said:
“Wishing disbelievers Christmas or other religious festivals of theirs is ḤARĀM (IMPERMISSIBLE) by the AGREEMENT (of scholars).”
📓- [مجموع فتاوى ورسائل جـ ٣ صفحة ٤٤]
And last but not least remember this:
“Never will the Jews nor the Christians be PLEASED with you TILL you FOLLOW their RELIGION. Say: 'Verily, the Guidance of Allāh (i.e. Islamic Monotheism) that is the (only) Guidance. And if you (O Muḥammad, Peace be upon him) were to follow their (Jews and Christians) desires after what you have received of Knowledge (i.e. the Qur’ān), then you would have against Allāh neither any Walī (protector or guardian) nor any helper.” —
[al-Qur’ān 2:120]
This World Is Coming To An End, A Sermon
Ali Ibn Abee Taalib رضى الله عنه said,
“This world is soon coming to an end and will bid farewell, and the hereafter is coming and will soon begin. Today the horses are being kept in preparation, and tomorrow will be the race.
Indeed you are living in the days of hope that will be interrupted by death. Whoever falls short during the days of hope before his death comes will be doomed.
Strive hard for the sake of Allaah سبحانه وتعالى in the hope of reward as you strive hard for His sake for fear of His punishment. I have never seen anything like paradise whose seekers could sleep. And I have never seen anything like hell, those who fear which can sleep.
The one who does not benefit from the truth will be harmed by falsehood, and whoever does not benefit from guidance will be led astray by misguidance. You have been instructed to travel, and you have been told about your provision.
O people, this world is a temporary convenience; the righteous and the immoral alike may enjoy its luxuries. But the hereafter is true, and it will be ruled by a powerful King.
Satan threatens you with poverty and bids you to do evil, but Allah سبحانه وتعالى promises you forgiveness and bounty from Him, and Allaah سبحانه وتعالى cares for all and knows all things.
O people, do righteous deeds during your lifetime, and your offspring will be taken care of. Allaah الله سبحانه وتعالى has promised His paradise to those who obey Him, and He has warned of His hell for those who disobey Him. Its fire will never be extinguished, its prisoners will never be ransomed, and the one who suffers therein will never be helped. Its heat is intense, its bottom is deep and its water is a boiling fetid liquid."
[Al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah, 8/7]
أكثر ما أخافه الانغماس في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي،
What I fear most is becoming immersed in social media,
حتى يموت القلب وتكثر الغفلة،
Until the heart dies and heedlessness increases,
ويتعوّد سمعك وبصرك على بذيء الكلام
And your hearing and sight become accustomed to foul speech
الذي أصبح وسيلة للرد عند ضعاف الدين والعقل والمروءة،
Which has become a means of response for those weak in religion, intellect, and virtue,
الانغماس يجعل الحياة الواقعية ليست أولوية،
Immersion makes real life no longer a priority,
يومك مثل أمسك،
Your day becomes like your yesterday,
ووقتك واهتمامك لأشياء لا تفيد بل قد تكون سبب شقائك.
And your time and attention are for things that do not benefit, but may even be a cause of your misery.
O Allaah, by Your knowledge of all things unseen and Your power over all creation, allow me to live for as long as You know that life will be best for me, and cause me to die when You know that death will be best for me.
O Allaah, grant me reverential fear of You in secret and in public.
Make me fair and truthful whether I am pleased or angry.
Grant me moderation in times of poverty and affluence.
Grant me Your everlasting grace.
Grant me unending happiness.
Make me pleased with Your decree.
Grant me a tranquil life after death.
Grant me the delight of looking at Your Face, and a longing to meet You in a manner that does not entail any painful difficulty or trial that will lead me astray.
O Allaah, beautify us with the adornment of Eemaan, and make us guides for others, as well as rightly guided ourselves.
In only a matter of hours some of us will have concluded ⅓ (10 nights and days) of Ramadaan.
If you feel you have done well, seek to maintain and increase.
If you feel you have slacked, seek to start doing well.
Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said regarding the ten days that have passed from Ramadaan.
“So let us take account of ourselves regarding these ten days that have passed and how they were spent.
Did we have a concern and pay importance by performing acts of obedience to Allaah, and benefit from them?
*So whoever has done good in them and had a concern and paid importance to them then what is upon him is to increase in good deeds and complete what remains of the month.
Whoever was heedless in the ten days that have passed and was lazy then it is for him to repent and to rectify what remains of this month before all of it passes away, and he has not attained anything.”*
[Majalis Shahar Ramadan Al-Mubarak | p 46]
? Some Rulings related to the Month of Ramadan ?
?Entering the Month of Ramadan - Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan
?Welcoming Ramadhan - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?Virtues of Ramadan - Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
?Fasting Ramadan out of Faith and While Seeking its Rewards - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
?Admonition for the ones who reach Ramadhan - Sheikh AbdurRazzaq Al-Badr
?Those With the Greatest Rewards in Ramadan - Sheikh AbdurRazzaq Al-Badr
?These people did not benefit from Ramadan! - Sheikh Salih Al Fawzan
?Ramadan the Month of Repentance - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
?When Should You Intend to Fast? - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
?Decorating One’s Home For Welcoming Ramadan - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
?Ruling on Conveying Greetings upon Entering Ramadhan - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
?Should Muslims in France fast with Saudi Arabia, or Algeria, or Morocco? – Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
?Ruling on the One Who Fasts but Doesn’t Pray – Sheikh Salim Al-Tawil
?Reciting the Qur’ān in the Month of Ramadan – Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan?Falling Short of One's Schedule in Ramadhan - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri?The Sunnah of day and Night in Ramadan - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
?Are Sins Multiplied In Ramaḍān? - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?What is Better to do in Ramaḍān, Memorising the Qurʾān or Reciting It - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?The Ruling of Eating and Drinking During the Adhān of Fajr in Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?Eat & Drink Until The Fajr Adhān - Sheikh Al-Albānī
?Providing Food is not Limited to the Time of Ifṭār Alone - Sheikh Sulaymān Ar-Ruḥaylī
?Is Punishment Reduced for the One Who Passes Away in Ramaḍān? Sheikh Al-Albani
?What Should a Woman do if She has Many Years of Fasting to Make up for? - Sheikh Al-Albānī
?Ruling of the Woman Who Got Menses After Sunset in Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?Ruling on Using Pills to Prevent Menstruation in Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?Don't Abandon Night Prayer After Ramadān - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn
Last Ten of Ramadan and Laylatul Qadr
?Are Acts of Worship Multiplied During the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan? - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham
?What Does a Woman Do of She Gets Her Monthly Cycle During the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan? - Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
?The Best Deeds in the Last 10 of Ramadan - Sheikh AbdusSalam Ash-Shuwayr
?The Strongest View Regarding the Occurrence of Laylatul Qadr – Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan
?The Legislated Acts of Worship on Laylatul Qadr – Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
?Mistakes People Make in Laylatul Qadr – Sheikh Salih Al-Usaymi
Making up Missed Fasts and Shawwal
?Is it permissible to combine the missed days of Ramadan & the six days of Shawwal with the same intention? - Sheikh Al-Albani
?Fasting 6 Days of Shawwal Before Making up Ramadan? – Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
?Fasting 6 days of Shawwal - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
?Fasting Six Days of Shawwal – Sheikh Salih Al-Luhaidan
?Voluntary Acts Benefit the One Who had Left off Obligatory Acts Intentionally - Sheikh Al-Albānī
?Reward of Fasting a Year - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?Ruling of Fasting the Six Days of Shawwāl Before the Qaḍāʾ of Ramaḍān - Sheikh Ibn Baz
Rulings related to Eid
?Legislated Sunnah of Eid Al-Fitr - Sheikh Al-Albani
?Eid Prayer for Women – Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
?The Ruling of Fasting on Eid Believing it is a Day of Ramadān - Sheikh Al-Albānī
?When is the time for giving Zakat Al-Fitr? – Sheikh Haytham Sarhan
?Ruling on the Payment of Zakātul-Fitr in the Form of Cash - Sheikh Ibn Bāz
?Ruling on Offering Jumuʿah Prayer When Coinciding With The Day of ʿEid - Sheikh Ibn Baz
?Specifying the Day of Eid for Visiting Graves - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Sālih Al-‘Uthaymīn رحمه الله said:
Completing the Qur’ān ’an in Ramadhān for the person who fasts is not obligatory. However, it is incumbent for the individual to increase his reading of the Qur'ān in Ramadhān consistent with the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ , as Jibrīl would review the Qur’ān with him every Ramadhān.
?:Majmū' Al-Fatāwa Ibn 'Uthaymīn
In This Month, Allāh Relieves Every Sad And Troubled One
Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله said: "O my dear brother, in this month, all faults and mistakes are concealed, all souls and hearts are softened, sins and burdens are forgiven and Allāh ﷻ relieves every sad and troubled one.He ﷻ says to His angels, *"O My Angels, look at those dry tongues, how they become moist with My remembrance. Look at those hard eyes, how they soften and weep out of fear of Me; and look at those delicate feet planted firmly at the stations of prayer out of desire for Me!'
O my dear brother, whenever you give food to others in this month for the sake of Allāh, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, you shall be raised to high ranks in the lofty grounds of paradise, and you will be clothed with complete goodness and stripped of all sin..."*[بستان العارفين ورياض السامعين ص 185-186]
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