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#24小時為您服務 将心比己 Service Straight From The Heart

泰利担保 @TLDB 动态导航
泰利供需 @TLGX 付费广告
泰利公告 @TL88 公告频道
泰利大群 @TL99 资源大群
担保流程 @SONG 交易百科

公群负责人 @BPAY
仲裁负责人 @CPAY
交易负责人 @DPAY
业务咨询员 @WPAY


Last updated 1 month ago

2 months, 4 weeks ago
2 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months ago

Think about all the movies you've watched in your lifetime. Now try remembering all the villains. They were all white, 99.99% of the time. Blacks in movies are often portrayed as highly skilled doctors, lawyers, engineers, and architects. ? Oh and jews are never ever ever portrayed in a negative light. Actually, it's always just the opposite. They almost every single time are portrayed as the poor victims. Hollywood/CIA programming hands down has the biggest effect when it comes to staying stuck in the matrix. You may not own a tv anymore, but you did, and that programming runs deep subconsciously. One of the very first images you saw as a child was the universal logo globe. You think earth has been spinning ever since.

5 months, 3 weeks ago
The dog gets confused!

The dog gets confused!

5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago

More proof that we will own nothing.

5 months, 4 weeks ago
6 months ago
We recommend to visit

#24小時為您服務 将心比己 Service Straight From The Heart

泰利担保 @TLDB 动态导航
泰利供需 @TLGX 付费广告
泰利公告 @TL88 公告频道
泰利大群 @TL99 资源大群
担保流程 @SONG 交易百科

公群负责人 @BPAY
仲裁负责人 @CPAY
交易负责人 @DPAY
业务咨询员 @WPAY


Last updated 1 month ago