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Last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago

#缅甸 #柬埔寨 #菲律宾 #迪拜 #东南亚


? 大事件爆料合作: @zhuanren


Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

关键词搜索: #曝光 #悬赏 #骗子 #姓名

✍?曝光/商务: @Gudu357

?求职甩人: @YTT789
?新闻热搜: @YTT783
?文案素材: @YTT786
?探讨群聊: @YTT787

⭐️关键词搜索: 曝光 悬赏 骗子 中文

Last updated 3 months ago

hace 1 mes


导出飞书日历为 iCalendar 格式


之前用了一段时间飞书日历,想要把日历里的事件导出来备份,但是发现飞书自己的导出功能太弱,因此参考 从飞书导出日历到 Fastmail - Xuanwo's Blog 进行了导出的尝试。


上面提到的文章,是通过 CalDAV 的方式进行的日历同步。因此我第一步也是配置飞书的 CalDAV 服务:

1. 打开飞书客户端
2. 点击设置
3. 点击日历
4. 设置 CalDAV 同步

按照界面所示,配置 CalDAV 同步,就可以得到用于 CalDAV 的域名、用户名和密码了。如果只是要订阅,那么到这一步,就可以直接用 CalDAV 客户端来同步了。但我想进一步得到 iCalendar 格式的日历文件。


@jason5ng32jason5ng32Oct 28, 2024分享一下我的方法:1. 在服务器上安装 vdirsyncer ,这个工具可以同步 CalDAV 的内容,在同步设置里,不需要先找到 UUID,可以直接用飞书提供的 URL。2. 写一个 Python 脚本,将 vdirsyncer 同步的内容合并成单一的 ics 文件。3. 将 ics 文件放到一个地址稍微复杂一点的 http 目录里,可以外部访问。4. 写一个 run.sh 脚本,通过 crontab 每 10 分钟执行一次 vdirsyncer 同步和日历文件合成。

也就是说,用 vdirsyncer 把日历同步到本地,再转换为 iCalendar 格式的日历文件。参考 vdirsyncer 文档,这件事情并不复杂:

1. 按照 vdirsyncer: pip3 install vdirsyncer
2. 编辑 ~/.vdirsyncer/config,填入在飞书处得到的用户密码:

[general]status\_path = "~/.vdirsyncer/status/"[pair my\_contacts]a = "my\_contacts\_local"b = "my\_contacts\_remote"collections = ["from a", "from b"][storage my\_contacts\_local]type = "filesystem"path = "~/.contacts/"fileext = ".vcf"[storage my\_contacts\_remote]type = "caldav"url = "https://caldav.feishu.cn"username = "REDACTED"password = "REDACTED"

3. 配置好以后,进行同步:vdirsyncer discover && vdirsyncer sync

此时在 ~/.contacts 目录下,已经能看到很多个 vcf 文件了,每个 vcf 文件对应了日历中的一个事件。实际上,这些文件就已经是 iCalendar 格式了,只不过每个文件只有一个事件。

为了让一个 .ics 文件包括日历的所有事件,写了一个脚本,实际上就是处理每个 vcf 文件,去掉每个文件开头结尾的 BEGIN:VCALENDAREND:VCALENDAR,把中间的部分拼起来,最后再加上开头结尾:

import sysall\_lines = []all\_lines += ["BEGIN:VCALENDAR"]for f in sys.argv[1:]: content = open(f).read().strip() lines = content.splitlines() all\_lines += lines[1:\-1]all\_lines += ["END:VCALENDAR"]print("\n".join(all\_lines))

运行上述脚本:python3 dump.py ~/.contacts/*/*.vcf > dump.ics,这样得到的 .ics 文件就可以直接导入到日历软件了。


hace 1 mes

Arch Linux: Recent news updates
Glibc 2.41 corrupting Discord installation

We plan to move glibc and its friends to stable later today, Feb 3. After installing the update, the Discord client will show a red warning that the installation is corrupt.

This issue has been fixed in the Discord canary build. If you rely on audio connectivity, please use the canary build, login via browser or the flatpak version until the fix hits the stable Discord release.

There have been no reports that (written) chat connectivity is affected.

(author: Frederik Schwan)

hace 1 mes, 1 semana

Daniel Lemire's blog
Programmer time and the pitfalls of wasteful work

Programmer time is precious. This realization should shape our approach to software development, focusing our efforts on tasks that genuinely contribute to the improvement of our code and the software ecosystem.

What does matter?

1. 1. Hunting for bugs. I like to add tests, and then even more tests. The time spent building tests should proportionate to the time spent building the software. Fuzzing is also fantastically useful. I love using sanitizers.
2. Fixing bugs. Bugs disrupt user experience, compromise functionality, and can even introduce security vulnerabilities. Addressing bugs is critical to build trust in the software.
3.  Documentation matters. Underdocumented code is mysterious and may trigger unnecessary surprises. Lack of documentation may also harm relationships with users.
4. Adding new features. Innovation and growth in software come from introducing new features.  Features should be user visible: ‘internal’ features are often wasteful.
5. Improving Performance. Performance enhancement is all about making the software run faster, use fewer resources, or handle larger workloads more efficiently. This can significantly impact user satisfaction, particularly in applications where speed is paramount. Improving performance is not about identify bottlenecks… it is an ongoing journey. You need a good design and multiple rounds of optimizations. You can often continue to improve the performance for years and years.

However, there are areas where I believe our time is not well spent:
Patching code to silence false positives from disabled-by-default static analyzers. The level 4 warnings under Visual Studio when compiling C++ code is a good example, but so are the obscure GCC and clang warnings. Static analyzers are tools that can scan code for potential issues without executing the program.  However, when these tools are overly strict or misconfigured, they might report numerous false positives; issues that aren’t actually problems.  Spending time patching code merely to quiet these false alarms is, in my view, wasteful. It diverts attention from more impactful work. This is not to say that static analysis is not beneficial; when used correctly, it can save considerable time and resources. But the effort required to address non-issues can quickly become counterproductive.
Aimless refactoring is also often wasteful. Renaming classes, moving code around just so that it looks ‘nice’. I am not against the occasional cleaning round… but it is should not be time consuming. Refactoring for its own sake may become an excuse for not fixing bugs or for not improving the performance. It is easy work, but often not impactful.

While we strive for perfection in our code, we must also be strategic about where we invest our most precious resource: programmer time. Let us prioritize what truly matters in the grand scheme of software development.


hace 3 meses, 2 semanas

Daniel Lemire's blog
Parsing floats at over a gigabyte per second in C#


hace 3 meses, 3 semanas

Arch Linux: Recent news updates
Providing a license for package sources

Arch Linux hasn't had a license for any package sources (such as PKGBUILD files) in the past, which is potentially problematic. Providing a license will preempt that uncertainty.

In RFC 40 we agreed to change all package sources to be licensed under the very liberal 0BSD license. This change will not limit what you can do with package sources. Check out the RFC for more on the rationale and prior discussion.

Before we make this change, we will provide contributors with a way to voice any objections they might have. Starting on 2024-11-19, over the course of a week, contributors will receive a single notification email listing all their contributions.

If you receive an email and agree to this change, there is no action required from your side.
If you do not agree, please reply to the email and we'll find a solution together.

If you contributed to Arch Linux packages before but didn't receive an email, please contact us at [email protected].

(author: Rafael Epplée)

hace 3 meses, 3 semanas
hace 3 meses, 4 semanas

AMD Zen 5 微架构评测


hace 3 meses, 4 semanas

Daniel Lemire's blog
Graduate degrees are overrated

Though I have many brilliant graduate students, I love working with undergraduate students. And I am not at all sure that you should favor people with graduate degrees, given a choice. Many graduate students tend to favor abstraction over practical skills. They often have an idealized view of the world. Moreover, these students are often consumed by research projects, theses, or dissertations, and the publication of scientific articles, which limits their time for concrete actions. On the other hand, undergraduate students, in my experience, show more enthusiasm for concrete and useful projects, even if they are not prestigious at first glance.

This selection effect is also evident in career choices: those aspiring for direct action are eager to engage in it and are not keen on spending years writing abstract documents. Conversely, those who seek to avoid direct engagement with reality tend to prolong their studies. This effect is noticeable during competitions to recruit professors. It is often surprisingly difficult to find candidates with significant real-world experience.

Irrespective of how smart and educated you are, it is difficult to beat a “can do” attitude. The world is built by people who are eager to get things done as opposed to people who merely want to talk or write. Or, at least, that should be what happens in a healthy society.


hace 7 meses



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Last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago

#缅甸 #柬埔寨 #菲律宾 #迪拜 #东南亚


? 大事件爆料合作: @zhuanren


Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago

关键词搜索: #曝光 #悬赏 #骗子 #姓名

✍?曝光/商务: @Gudu357

?求职甩人: @YTT789
?新闻热搜: @YTT783
?文案素材: @YTT786
?探讨群聊: @YTT787

⭐️关键词搜索: 曝光 悬赏 骗子 中文

Last updated 3 months ago