Dili’s Gaze

⚪️Personal perspectives
🔵Sometimes emotions
⚫️Experiences in abroad
🔴Sometimes “the” unexpected ✌🏻
Purpose of the channel:
📍not for academics🤓
📍improving my writing skills📝
📍clear vision 💆🏻‍♀️
📍discussion among different minds😉
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Dili’s Gaze
5 days, 4 hours ago
Dili’s Gaze
3 months ago

**This beauty privilege crap should stop

Toxic standards made women feel ugly, insecure and unworthy. I know so many pretty girls who feel insecure about their appearance.

Why is makeup normalised?

Do you know how much it costs and how detrimental it is and how long it takes to apply?

Still not enough for society, right?

Beauty spas and salons have become so popular and successful businesses for women.

Fake lashes, hair, eyebrows, nails, botox.

Is it still not enough?

Then, plastic surgeries become so common.

Sharp jawline, button nose, botox lips, perfect pale skin, siren eyes.

Women are breaking their bones and cutting their skin to get it done and paying thousands of dollars.Still not enough?

They moved to the body. This silicon stuff for hourglass figure...

This is madness. It should stop. This is already beyond the bar. What else are they going to normalise? Even the thought of it scares me.

Who makes these standards that are against human nature?

Why do we need society's validation to feel pretty?

Even if 99% of the world's population found you unattractive, 80 million would still find you beautiful.

Allah created every one of us uniquely and we have no right to change a thing about it.

Everyone is beautiful.

3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:*Taking a family responsibility (marriage) or growing professionally (studying, working)? which one do you recommend doing first whom their 19-24!

I think I am not experienced enough to answer this question.
However, if you are just curious about my perspective, here is mine.
(This should be a girl who is asking it because boys would never ask me it?.)

It depends on your priorities. Could you make sure you know what you want in life?  

It is possible to have a family and a significantly growing career simultaneously. Unfortunately, the family structure in our traditions is quite rigid and sometimes toxic. For instance, girls should marry till they are 23 years old. Brides should serve in-laws and a baby should be born within a year of marriage. Additionally, they are expected to do all housework chores. It's almost impossible to have a good career if you devote a lot of mental and physical energy to it. 

It takes dedication and hard work to grow professionally. Don't be afraid to break toxic traditions. What others say. Do not get distracted by your peers. You are on your own journey, not in a race with others.

However, if you feel you have found "the one", then you should consider getting married. It is compulsory to marry if you cannot keep yourself away from haram.
I would recommend achieving fundamental academic things before you marry.

  1. Have a diploma from a university and a degree you enjoyed to study (you should love your major).
  2. Learn foreign languages (at least 2).
  3. Have digital skills related to your field.

Finally, ask Allah for the right spouse and do not be tired of making duas and believing in them.*

3 months, 2 weeks ago

У тебя новый анонимный ответ:

*Sizga qanaqa savolla berishgan EYUF suhbat bosqichida ?

Talab va taklif chizig’i qanday?
Iqtisodiyotning oltin qoidasi nima?
Iqtisodning otasi kim?

Xorazmshohlar davlati nega parchalanib ketgan?

Maqsad va rejalardan:
Keyingi 10 yilda o’zingizni qayerda tasavvur qilasiz?

Universitetingizni o’zgartirgan bo’larmidingiz?
Taraqqiy strategiyasining 10 ta ustuvor yo’nalishlari qanday?

Esimda qolganlari shular.*

3 months, 2 weeks ago

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:
*So'ngi ikki yil sizni qanday o'zgartiridi?

Juda katta o’zgardim deb o’ylayman bu davrda.

I can no longer be offended by a lot of things.
Now I am more rational than emotional.
No comparison, no jealousy.
I talk less, and listen more.
Sarcastic, realistic, and a little more charismatic.
Better anger control.
Nicer to people.
More serious and mysterious.*

3 months, 2 weeks ago

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

*Kanalda reklama hizmatlari bormi?

Hozircha yo’q, lekin obunachilar ko’paysa boshlashim mumkin.*

3 months, 2 weeks ago

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:
*Any favourite singer, genre, and any TV series you like?

I sometimes listen to Weeknd and Taylor. However, I am trying to break this habit, although it is challenging. Can someone suggest a way to break the habit of listening to music that anyone could do? 

Genre: thriller, action, tragedy, dark theme fiction.

I like watching animes. My favourite series is Attack on Titan.*

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