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Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

1 week ago

Donald Trump will be remembered as the knight that slew 10,000 goblins but let the dragon go.

1 week ago

It isreally mysterious whose national security could be threatened by exposing the real dirt on an international pedophile ring. Such a country would rightly become the common enemy of all humanity, and we can't allow that, despite what literally all of us voted for.

1 week ago
Yeah but which nation?

Yeah but which nation?

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Hey, I’ve seen this one before!

Hey, I’ve seen this one before!

Remember- the powers that be hate white people the MOST, of course, but there is an odd hierarchy of races that they hate, and the people of the Orient are right behind us in line.

1 month, 3 weeks ago
These people are atheists at a …

These people are atheists at a deep level- their faiths are empty, leaving a hole that can be filled by the media with whatever they wish… In this case, it was Obama and Africans, for some reason…

1 month, 4 weeks ago



  1. I will not let a nonhuman cross the bounds of my body,

  2. I will not share with a nonhuman the love of my body.

  3. I will not share with a nonhuman the truth of my heart.

  4. I will not abide the teachings of a nonhuman.

  5. I will not trust a nonhuman to speak truthfully.

  6. I will not be bound by any oath to a nonhuman.

  7. I will not heed the bidding of a nonhuman.

  8. I will not leave a nonhuman to keep my home or my kin.

  9. I will not seek after the work of a nonhuman over the craft of my kin.

4 months, 1 week ago

Thor world prayer day this Thurs the 7th ⚡️

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Sumble Club Rite.pdf

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Who Do We Vote For?
The REAL Political Solution for Our People and How to Achieve It
by The Northman

The only reason the peoples in our communities should want to see Donald Trump to win the upcoming election would be to buy us a little time, and how little may not be that much.

Zion Don is firmly in the Israeli/Jewish back pocket. He answers to them more than anyone else. And Trump has openly stated he is against “evil White supremacy,” “anti-Zionists,” “Nazis,” and other labels used to describe unashamed White people. If he gets into office, Trump will owe The Tribe big time and will do what he’s told. Our people and our various movements are in the crosshairs of his benefactors. Count on it.

If Trump wins and takes office, it will be after an exhaustive post-election struggle that, at this point, seems all but certain. It will take time for him and his political allies to recover and get organized. During this lull in the political warfare, we need to be extremely busy. Harden things in our lives that need hardening, build up our ranks, and grow our communities. Get ready for when they eventually, inevitably bring their weapons and power to bear against us. Legal and otherwise.

If Kamala Harris wins, there will be comparatively little time to organize and prepare. But the end result will be the same. The powers that be want us gone. They want us dead. They want our people, our cultures, and our bloodlines extinguished. What we know, what we believe, and what we are has no place in the world either Democrats or Republicans envision. Not a pleasant reality, but one we all need to face with a sober, determined mindset.

Yes, we want to see Trump win. But only as a reprieve. An opportunity to take a needed breath and operate in a (slightly) more stable and sane political and social environment. Yet it’s a painful reality that the United States of America is a sick, dying, old empire, and nothing can cure that. Nor is there any chance of the USA recovering to anything like what it was even a few years ago. We, and our people, have no choice but to look to and plan for what lies beyond the era of Pax Americana and so-called Western Liberal Democracy.

Unpleasant political realities are coming whether we and others with whom we share this continent wish to face them or not. All nations are born, live, and die. It’s the same fate that awaits all of us, as it does every single star and planet we see in the night sky. So our overall objective must remain in focus and remain on target: securing a suitable, safe, and prosperous homeland for the Euro-North American peoples. A land where we can repair and rebuild our culture, our society, and our sacred relationship with the gods and other divine forces —without whom we are nothing. A place to rebuild our racial and ethnic strength. Then, and only then, would we even begin to have the ability to start the long, arduous road to take back what is rightfully ours.

So, let’s go out and vote for Trump and the other Republicans. Tell our friends to do so as well. Support the less evil alternative and hope for the best. Play the game we’re expected to play, so long as we realize it’s just that: a game. For we must never lose sight of the fact that the world we envision — the world we want to see made manifest for our descendents — will not come about by way of the current social structures and political systems. Most of North America is lost, at least for the forceable future. A new land, a new nation, must be carved out of the wilderness as our ancestors did centuries ago. The only thing that remains to be seen is where, how, and whether or not our people have the mantle, the courage, and the will to accomplish such a challenging and arduous task.

That’s what it’s all about. That’s the mission. And it’s one hell of a mountain to climb. But the view from the summit will be breathtaking though-out the ages to come.

Destiny is calling. As are the thousands of generations of our people that will never exist if we fail.

Let’s not disappoint them.

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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago