IELTS with Farrukh | Writing 8.5

IELTS 8.5 (Writing 8.5)

PM: @farrustamov
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2 months ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Only in Australia?

2 months, 3 weeks ago


*Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?*


*Sherlock Holmes, arguably the most popular fictional detective, was able to identify a person’s true nature simply by watching them walk or hold a conversation. We ordinary folk are far from ever being able to emulate such feats, but something that is generally believed to be feasible is to learn a person’s background and personality based solely on their outfit. While I agree that a lot can be shown by the clothes that a person wears, I also think that this information is not sufficient to paint a complete picture of a person’s identity, and, therefore, we should not rely on it to judge others.

On the one hand, I can see why people believe that there is a connection between clothes and identity. One can argue that a person’s traits and values often manifest themselves in the colour and type of clothes that they tend to choose, which can be backed up by a vast amount of anecdotal evidence. We can safely assume that a shy person, who would want to shield themselves from a public eye, would choose more modest garments in pale colours so as not to attract any unnecessary attention. Meanwhile, bright colours and a more revealing outfit may suggest higher levels of confidence and willingness to engage in interactions with other people.

With the cultural background, the link becomes even more definite. Traditional clothes can help, with some acceptable degree of inaccuracy, indicate the country of origin and, more importantly, the cultural values connected with this geographic region. A person does not even have to wear a complete set of traditional garments – just a few regional variations in style, such as a certain way to wear a scarf or a hat, would be enough to determine the origin of this specific individual. True, someone dressed in the Mexican poncho or the Japanese kimono might not necessarily come from those countries or be a follower of the respective cultures, but this should rather be treated as an exception to the otherwise universal rule.

With all that being said, I would still have to point out that regardless of how much we can learn from a person’s choice of clothes, I would not advise to use this information as a basis for our judgement of other people. For one, the same outfit can be worn by people with completely different personalities who had completely different reasons to choose it. For example, a shy person might try on a bolder, more defiant outfit as a defense mechanism to hide their inner personality issue. Just like this, a person wearing baggy clothes does not necessarily struggle with accepting their physical appearance, as would be commonly thought, but may just feel comfortable wearing it.

Furthermore, thanks to globalisation and, more specifically, Westernisation, there is progressively less diversity in clothes around the world. People now trade their traditional outfits for more fashionable and good-looking Western clothes such as jeans and T-shirts, so it becomes close to impossible to identify their origin by looking at what they have decided to wear. This situation is further exacerbated when celebrities, from musicians and singers to company CEOs and political leaders, conform to a uniform clothing standard, encouraging the masses to follow these styles. In this context, clothes have become just an outer shell separated from the actual nature of an individual, so it is outright wrong to judge a person based on their clothing habits.

In conclusion, there is no denying that clothes are, in a certain way, a reflection of a person’s background and personality. However, I believe that the picture of a person that can be painted with this information in mind is seriously incomplete, so we cannot rely on it to judge other people.*

(669 words)

4 months, 2 weeks ago

?: ?

?: ?

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Okay, I asked and you delivered! To gain access to these materials, you just need to come and work for Everest.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

If this post gets 100 reactions, I'll tell you the way to access those materials.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

If this post gets 100 reactions, I'll tell you the way to access those materials.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Yesterday, I organised a 6-hour-long training session for my colleagues at Everest. The topic was IELTS Writing. ~100 people participated.

Do you want to get access to the materials I worked on for 2 weeks?

4 months, 3 weeks ago

?"Dadam bilan IELTSga tayyorlanishni boshladim" ? Abduzoirov Lochin - Everest Alisher Navoiy 2 manzilimizda dars beruvchi tajribali instruktor Farrux Rustamovning shogirdi. ? Personal messages: @farrustamov ? Channel: @ielts_with_farrukh Listening: 8.0…

5 months ago

Hurmatli obunachilar!

Men sizni ogohlantirmoqchimanki, so'nggi paytlarda Internetda, ayniqsa Telegramda, ko'plab firibgarlar paydo bo'ldi. Hech qachon begonalarga pul o'tkazmang va iloji bo'lsa, bunday hodisalar haqida tegishli organlarga xabar bering.

Bu ablahlar bizning nomimizni bulg'ayapti, ishonchimizga putur etkazmoqda. Iltimos, ahmoq bo'lmang va bunday firibgarlikka tushmang.

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