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21 hours ago
List of Scholarships in European ***🇪🇺*** …

List of Scholarships in European 🇪🇺 Universities For 2025-26 Intake

Millions of Students come to Europe for Higher Education (Diploma, Bachelor, Master, PhD Peograms)


#StudyinEurope #OpportunitiesCorners

2 days, 4 hours ago
3 days, 6 hours ago

EduGrandsda reklama berishga qiziqqanlar bo'lsa:
- @edugrandsuz_reklama

1 week, 1 day ago

Financial Aid for Nonresident Alien Undergraduates (August, 2020)

1 week, 1 day ago

Komm, und sitzt mit mir

1 week, 2 days ago

5 Key Differences Between the Common App and Coalition App

While the Common App and Coalition App share several similarities, the two platforms also feature key differences that applicants should consider before deciding which to use.

1. Number of Participating Colleges
Over 900 colleges in the U.S. use the Common App, which was created in 1975. The Coalition App, which was founded in 2015, partners with more than 150 colleges — a significantly smaller number than the Common App. That said, more schools are accepting the Coalition App as time goes on.

2. Application Features
With the Common App’s rollover feature, students can save information from year to year, giving themselves more time to apply if needed. Meanwhile, the Coalition App features a tool called “Locker” through which students can store materials such as essays, videos, and projects that may be useful for the application process.

3. Platform Familiarity
Teachers and guidance counselors who help students with college applications generally have a better understanding of the Common App than they do the Coalition App. This is simply because counselors have had more time to familiarize themselves with the Common App, which has been around far longer than its competitor.

However, as the Coalition App gains popularity, more teachers and counselors will likely learn how to use it.

4. Emphasis on Students From Historically Underrepresented Groups
The Coalition App was created to make it easier for students from underrepresented groups to apply for college. Specifically, the platform only partners with schools that offer generous financial aid or low-cost tuition and graduate students with little to no debt.

Additionally, the Coalition App’s “collaboration space” allows students to invite teachers, counselors, and family members to read and review their application materials and provide support and encouragement. Students can also apply for application fee waivers.

5. Level of Technical Support
With more than 3 million users each year, the Common App tends to get busy around deadlines. This means technical support may not be readily available when students need it most. The Coalition App has fewer users, so it may have more tech support available to answer requests as they come in.

In any case, to avoid potential bottlenecks, students should try to start the college application process sooner rather than later.

1 week, 6 days ago
**Buyuk Britaniyaning Oksford universitetida bakalavr bosqichini …

Buyuk Britaniyaning Oksford universitetida bakalavr bosqichini to'liq moliyalashtirilgan holda o'qish imkoniyatini beruvchi Reach Oxford Scholarship dasturi

— Dastur doirasida belgilangan davlatlar fuqarolari qatnashishi mumkin (O'zbekiston ro'yxatda bor);
— Talabgor Oksford universiteti tomonidan o'qish uchun taklif olishi va yuqori akademik ko'rsatkichlarga ega bo'lishi lozim;
— O'qish tugagandan so'ng o'z mamlakatiga qaytish shart.

Foydali tomonlari
— O'qish to'lovi to'liq moliyalashtiriladi;
— Yashash xarajatlari uchun grant beriladi;
— Yiliga bir marta vataniga qaytish uchun aviachipta bilan ta’minlanadi.

Oxirgi muddat
15.10.2024 04:00


#grantlar_va_stipendiyalar #toʻliq_moliyalashtiriladi #Buyuk_Britaniya

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2 weeks, 1 day ago
2 weeks, 3 days ago
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Last updated 2 Wochen, 2 Tage her