A10 StopFossieleFinanciering ING

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Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

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Last updated 4 months, 1 week ago

Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago

8 months ago

Guyana: from Carbon Sink to Carbon Bomb, thanks in part to ING

?️?️ It was met with cheers: oil had been found off the coast of Guyana. Especially the local population would benefit and all become stinking rich. It is now clear that this was false hope.

?? Exxon and ING do benefit from the oil deal. Exxon makes billions and has even arranged to contribute at a minimum to clean up oil spills. And ING gives profitable loans to companies like Tullow Oil and SBM Offshore.

In Guyana itself, economic inequality is increasing and people are stuck with the pollution.

? Share our explainer on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C88_eS3I9Em/?igsh=czMxbnNqYW03d2k1

?‍? Read the whole story here: https://gofossilfree.org/nl/guyana-van-carbon-sink-naar-carbon-bomb-mede-dankzij-ing/

Fossielvrij NL

Guyana: van Carbon Sink naar Carbon Bomb (mede dankzij ING)

Veel Guyanen waren dolblij toen ExxonMobil in 2015 een enorm olieveld ontdekte. Maar inmiddels is er ook woede over de oneerlijke verdeling van de opbrengst en angst voor een olieramp. Het verzet groeit.

Guyana: from Carbon Sink to Carbon Bomb, thanks in part to ING
8 months, 3 weeks ago

?? Statement following gift to municipality of Amsterdam by ING

On June 13, it was announced that ING, in collaboration with a real estate company, is giving a gift of 5500 solar panels to the municipality of Amsterdam. Extinction Rebellion has learned of this with disgust and says this at the very least gives the appearance of bias in the mayor's consideration of the XR demonstrations against ING.

ING is the largest financier of the expansion of fossil fuel extraction in the Netherlands, thus driving the world, and also the municipality of Amsterdam, further and further into the climate crisis. Hence, in a desperate attempt to turn the tide, Extinction Rebellion has already peacefully blocked the A10 in front of the former ING office three times to force ING to stop worsening the climate crisis. Although these peaceful demonstrations are simply allowed and should be facilitated under international law, each time the mayor has chosen not to facilitate and has had hundreds of peaceful citizens arrested, often brutally. This has unjustly criminalized these citizens in favor of the real criminal ING.

The donation of solar panels by ING seems to be a reward for the excessive police deployment and unlawful conduct of the Amsterdam mayor. It also seems a way to influence future decisions about blockades of the A10 and other peaceful protests against ING's fossil financing. Mayor Halsema eagerly welcomed the gift. However, this way, the mayor can no longer judge a next demonstration with an open mind.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Statement naar aanleiding van geschenk aan gemeente Amsterdam door ING

Op 13 juni werd bekend dat ING in samenwerking met een vastgoedbedrijf 5500 zonnepanelen cadeau doet aan de gemeente Amsterdam. Extinction Rebellion heeft hier met afschuw kennis van genomen en zegt dit dit op de minst de schijn van partijdigheid oproept bij de afwegingen van de burgemeester bij de XR demonstraties tegen ING.

ING is in Nederland de grootste financier van de uitbreiding van fossiele brandstoffenwinning en jaagt zo de wereld, en ook de gemeente Amsterdam, steeds verder de klimaatcrisis in. Vandaar dat Extinction Rebellion, in een wanhopige poging het tij te keren, al drie keer vreedzaam de A10 heeft geblokkeerd voor het voormalige ING kantoor om zo ING te dwingen te stoppen met het verergeren van de klimaatcrisis. Hoewel deze vreedzame demonstraties volgens internationaal recht gewoon zijn toegestaan en gefaciliteerd dienen te worden, heeft de burgemeester er telkens voor gekozen niet te faciliteren en honderden vreedzame burgers op vaak brute wijze te laten arresteren. Hiermee zijn deze burgers ten onrechte gecriminaliseerd ten gunste van de échte crimineel ING.

Het schenken van zonnepanelen door ING lijkt een beloning voor de overdreven politie-inzet en de onrechtmatige handelswijze van de Amsterdamse burgemeester. Ook lijkt het een manier om toekomstige beslissingen over blokkades van de A10 en andere vreedzame protesten tegen de fossiele financiering door ING te beïnvloeden. Burgemeester Halsema heeft het geschenk gretig verwelkomd. Echter kan de burgemeester op deze manier een volgende demonstratie niet meer onbevangen beoordelen.

10 months, 1 week ago

Dear, brave, tough, beautiful rebels,

☀️ What a day! We were there again, on "our" stretch of the A10. What a wonderful feeling to do this together with you. We are so incredibly grateful to everyone who was there or had a role behind the scenes.

? There will come a day.... when ING steps out of fossil. And we, Extinction Rebellion, will have played a crucial role in that then. You were among them!

? About 37 rebels are still stuck at the police station in Osdorp. As soon as everyone is free, you'll hear about it here.

? For now: have a nice break from this very successful day.

?? With love and rage.

10 months, 1 week ago

Lieve, dappere, stoere, mooie rebellen,

☀️ Wat een dag! We stonden er gewoon weer, op "ons" stukje A10. Wat een heerlijk gevoel om dit samen met jullie te doen. We zijn iedereen die er was of achter de schermen een rol had zo ontzettend dankbaar.

? Er komt een dag.... dat de ING uit fossiel stapt. En daar hebben wij, Extinction Rebellion, dan een cruciale rol in gespeeld. Jij was daarbij!

? Nog ongeveer 37 rebellen zitten vast bij het politiebureau in Osdorp. Zodra iedereen vrij is, hoor je het hier.

? Voor nu: lekker even bijkomen van deze zéér geslaagde dag.

?? Met liefde en woede.

10 months, 1 week ago

Dear brave rebels,

? It's King's Day 2024. Instead of going to a flea market or hiding under a blanket on your sofa today, you have decided to rebel. That's a brave decision. Thank you.

? We don't know what this day will bring us, but we do know that we are doing it together. Together we are fighting for climate justice. Together we sit, sing, block, laugh and cry. We help each other up, we look out for each other, we give each other space and we catch each other.

? And what we do has such an impact! Before we had even done anything, the media and public debate erupted. It is already a huge success. Now all we have to do is get on that road.

☀️ We wish you a great day today. Stay in touch with yourself, guard your boundaries, take care of yourself, your buddy and your fellow rebel. We are peaceful and we are within our rights!

You are not alone.

With lots of love ? and with anger ?,

The A10 campaign team.

1 year ago

Lieve rebellen,

Morgen staan wij weer gezamenlijk op tegen het fossiele beleid van ING.

? Goed nieuws voor de thuisblijvers: alles wordt integraal gestreamd via XRTV.nl
? Je hebt daar geen Social media account voor nodig. Dus geef het door aan je oma, opa, tante en overbuur, of beter alle mensen die jou graag willen zien shinen op de A10.
? ❤️?? XRTV.nl ? ❤️?? XRTV.nl ? ❤️?? XRTV.nl ? ❤️??

Tijdens de blokkade hoef je je echt niet te vervelen, want je kan nu shoppen bij het enige echte A10 merge kledingrek. Het rek vind je in de buurt van de speech plek, op de A10, voor de poenschoen

Wees vanavond extra lief voor jezelf en slaap lekker voor straks

Tot morgen


Dear rebels,

Tomorrow we will once again stand up against ING's fossil policy.

? ❤️?? LIVE STREAMING via XRTV.nl ? ❤️??
? Good news for those staying at home: everything is streamed via XRTV.nl
? You don't need a social media account for that. So pass it on to your grandma, grandpa, aunt and great uncle, or better yet all the people who would like to see you shine on the A10.

??? A10 FASHION ???
You don't have to be bored during the blockade, because you can now shop at the one and only A10 fashion clothing rack. The rack can be found near the speech spot on the A10, in front of the poenschoen.

❤️ Be extra kind to yourself tonight and sleep well for later

See you tomorrow

1 year ago


Lieve rebellen,

Over 2 nachtjes slapen staan we op de A10. Daarom sluit de mogelijkheid om je aan te melden via het aanmeldformulier vanavond om 20.00 uur.

Doe je wel mee maar heb je je nog niet aangemeld? Vul dan dit formulier in. http://aanmelden.a10blokkade.nl/

Dan word je uitgenodigd voor een A10 vinger waarmee je samen de A10 op gaat.




Dear rebels,

In 2 nights we will be on the A10. That is why the option to register via the registration form closes tonight at 8 p.m.

Are you participating but have not registered yet? Please complete this form. http://aanmelden.a10blokkade.nl/

Then you will be invited for an A10 finger with which you will go onto the A10 together.


1 year ago

? ??

Today, February 21, 7.30pm ENGLISH BRIEFING A10 blockade: Zoom webinar.

Part I (19.30 -20.00) is for everyone
Part II (20.00 - 20.30) is for rebels with little or no experience of highway blockades.

ING should stop funding - and providing services to - the ☠️fossil fuel industrie☠️ with immediate effect.

? Wednesday February 21, 7.30pm - 8.30pm

? https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88989875146

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution…

1 year ago

?? And the pressure on ING keeps increasing! Only if you have been living under a pile of coal, you might not have heard of the billions ING has invested in fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement.
?️?️Today we visited the Frans Hals exhibition at the Rijksmuseum. ING is one of the main sponsors of this iconic museum to improve its reputation, but we no longer fall for that. The Rijksmuseum has the responsibility to protect Dutch heritage and that should not include a sponsor who finances the climate- and ecological crisis. To illustrate this, a number of creative rebels adjusted a few well-known paintings to show what this can look like:
NL Times: https://xrb.link/X7UUA9
?? So join us on the 24th of February on the A10! Register today at: https://aanmelden.a10blokkade.nl/

NL Times

Extinction Rebellion disrupts Frans Hals exhibit opening at Rijksmuseum over ING sponsor

Extinction Rebellion (XR) interrupted the opening of the Rijksmuseum’s first Frans Hals exhibit on Friday to protest against ING as one of the museum’s main sponsors. Activists posed next to the paintings in the exhibit with AI replicas showing the masterworks…

***?******?*** And the pressure on ING keeps increasing! Only if you have been living under a pile of coal, you …
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Wij zijn ook te vinden op @klokkenluiders2 en mewe: https://mewe.com/join/klokkenluiders

Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Only for the street soldiers⚡️

Contact us via @LScontact?


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Last updated 4 months, 1 week ago

Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago