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Mission to Create the BEST OPTIONS BUYING traders community.

This group is only for educational puposes.
We are not SEBI registered.

We aren't responsible for your profit or loss.
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Last updated 1 day, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago

2 months ago

Today's Report: DIVISLAB: -2,000 CONCOR: 0 Total: -2,000 Ended day in RED, as it was totally FLAT. Always HAPPY to give market SMALL losses so that we can take BACK big JACKPOT profits in return. Tomorrow in BANKNIFTY monthly expiry, so expecting some…

2 months ago

And we are ON to our BREAKFAST 😋😋

It's already giving us some DECENT GAINS 😉😉

2 months ago

Today's Report:

DIVISLAB: -2,000

Total: -2,000

Ended day in RED, as it was totally FLAT.

Always HAPPY to give market SMALL losses so that we can take BACK big JACKPOT profits in return.

Tomorrow in BANKNIFTY monthly expiry, so expecting some MOMENTUM.

We will easily cover the LOSSES and be in some GOOD GAINS.

Premium family 😍😍

2 months ago

Today's Report:

ADANIENT: 13,000
NIFTY: 5,000

Total : 19,900 / lot Profits booked

What a CRAZY JACKPOT day we've had today.

NIFTY touched new ATH and absolutely ROCKETED.

So DID WE, we NEVER miss out on any MOVEMENT in the MARKET.

Hence we are always in GREEN 💚💚

Keeping the LOSSES in check and Letting PROFITS Fly.

Premium family 😍😍

2 months ago

Please DON'T expect FREE JACKPOT TRADES like these EVERYDAY.

My PRIORITY has, is and always will be my "PREMIUM FAMILY".

These TRADES were just provided to make you UNDERSTAND how the TRADES are Provided for PREMIUM, how GOOD our TRADES are and how EASY it is to make GREAT GAINS with us!

Also, these were only PROVIDED when PREMIUM FAMILY was already sitting on an activated TRADE.

2 months ago

60 Holy CRAZY 🤣🤣 26,000 / lot Profits 😎😎 With just 34k Capital 🤙🤙 80% ROI 💣💣 CONCOR 🔥🔥 Dhaga khol Diya 😜😜 Loot lo Loot lo in LIVE MARKET 💪💪 You are WITNESSING something Special 😇😇 Enjoy guys 😍😍

4 months, 1 week ago

LIFETIME membership fees covered in a SINGLE CALL in a DAY!

Although you guys might not understand it, but it's actually very very HARD to make a Decision and stick to it!

Like 4,999 for LIFETIME, where I see so many channels with Reverse R : R charging 5k Per month.

I could DO THAT too and charge even more considering my ACCURACY & CONSISTENCY.

But I have Values and I stand by them.

Hota kuch nahi, but neend achi hai raat me 😇😇

4 months, 1 week ago

Premium Calls Weekly Report:

Mar 18th : 0
Mar 19th : +3,200
Mar 20th : +4,200
Mar 21st : +9,400
Mar 22nd : +6,800

Total : 23,600 / lot Profits

Absolute JACKPOT of a WEEK we had with 23k Profits.

And these are MINIMUM profits booked per LOT and per 1st Target mostly!
The HIGHLIGHT of the WEEK was, we didn't CLOSE a SINGLE DAY in RED.


Although it doesn't happen every WEEK, and we totally understand and accept it.

78% ROI in a SINGLE week with just 30k capital deployed.

Fulfilled all the PROMISES of:

1 Open Trade at a time.
Margin Required under 30k
Limited number of TRADES.
Minimum 1 : 2 R:R

Systematic & Rule based Trading resulting in some AMAZING PROFITS!

As I always say, TRADING is all about UPs and DOWNs, you make PROFITS you make LOSSES you have GREEN and RED DAYS but all that Matters is what are you making in a LONGER RUN.

First week's Profits = 35,000
Second week's Profits = 9,200
Third week's Profits = 23,600

Outstanding BOUNCE BACK from the previous week and we will continue the same FORM in the COMING WEEK with some JACKPOT profits!

Note: You can VERIFY each and every rupees of PROFITS from the updates/screenshots I post EACH DAY.

Premium family 😍😍

4 months, 1 week ago

I considered only Target 1 but it Made a high of 160

Both Targets done


6,800 Profits / lot

1 : 3.5 🔥🔥

An amazing CALL with Perfect LEVELS 👌👌


Targets diya hai toh hit hoga hi 😜😜

Premium family 😍😍

6 months ago
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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/start

Last updated 1 day, 2 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 week, 3 days ago

🦴 Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 2 days, 18 hours ago