Meme World SL🇱🇰

Meme World SL🇱🇰

No Cringe stuff here.

For cross promotion: @tharusharanod
(Subscriber count doesn't matter. Small channels are welcome...)

Discussion: @meme_world_sl_chat
manager: @mrterachad
Channel icon by @SimonHikz (Photoshop)
Since 5th March 202
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inspired by @notcoin

cooperation: @teamngt

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Notgram operates on the @TONblockchain independently and doesn't affiliated with Telegram

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

SRA Program Guidelines

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Funny videos😂Trends that is going to blow your mind💯❤️

Admin @omega_roar

Last updated 4 months ago

1 Monat her
Meme World SL🇱🇰
1 Monat her


1 Monat her

Most people think that Internet Memes are a joke.

They are not a joke.

They are deadly serious.

Internet Memes have the power to swing elections.

Internet Memes have the power to sell products.

Internet Memes affect who has Money and Power.,

3 Monate, 2 Wochen her


3 Monate, 2 Wochen her


3 Monate, 2 Wochen her
Meme World SL🇱🇰
3 Monate, 3 Wochen her

ලන්කාවෙ උන් ලව් කිරීම ගැන මුකුත් දන්නෑ සිරාවටම.

ආදරේ කියන්නෙ ආත්මීය, විශ්වාස, පරිවුර්ත හරි වෙනමොන රෙද්දක්වත් නෙමේ.

Logical දෙයක්.

හරියට ගානක් හදන්න නම් ගණිත විෂයෙ basic ඉගෙන ගන්න ඕනෙ.

ඒ වගේමයි ලව් කරද්දිත් Basics තියෙනව.

ලව් කිරීමට කියන නම Dating.

සීන් එකේ සංසිද්ධි (තියරි) වලට කියනව Dating Dinamics කියල.

පහල තීන්නෙ basic Dating Dynamic ටිකක්.

  1. SMV (Sexual Market Value)
  2. Briffault’s Law
  3. Oneitis
  4. Hypergamy
  5. Light Switch Effect
  6. Limerence
  7. Halo Effect
  8. Mate Value Discrepancy (MVD)
  9. Alpha Widow
  10. Dread Game
  11. Preselection
  12. AFC (Average Frustrated Chump)
  13. Beta Bucks and Alpha F
  14. One-Upmanship
  15. Ghosting

කමෙන්ට් සෙක්ශන් වල ආදරේ ගැන හෑලි ලියද්දි ඔය උඩ තීන මොනාහරි ඉගෙනගනින්.?

3 Monate, 3 Wochen her

Some girls need to learn loyalty from dogs but they only learn positions

3 Monate, 3 Wochen her

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Subscribe, Claim & Earn!
The First Proof of Subscribe coin

Powered by @notgram_game_bot

inspired by @notcoin

cooperation: @teamngt

No investment required
Notgram operates on the @TONblockchain independently and doesn't affiliated with Telegram

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

SRA Program Guidelines

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Funny videos😂Trends that is going to blow your mind💯❤️

Admin @omega_roar

Last updated 4 months ago