Asadbek [X author]

"Do it or don't do it, you will regret both"
– Kierkegaard

👨‍💻 Asadbek [he/him/his]
✅️Northwestern 🇶🇦 (full-ride)
✅️UChicago 🇺🇸 (soon)

🏛Liberal Arts, Political Science, Media and Communication.
We recommend to visit

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Last updated 6 days, 3 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 months ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 1 day, 22 hours ago

3 days, 22 hours ago
3 days, 22 hours ago
4 days, 20 hours ago

Universities do not reject you, YOU REJECT YOURSELF!

Spending hours on watching insta reels, keep debates on X and unnecessarily spending your time on Facebook! Wanna know the consequence? The exact REJECTION.

Staying in the comfort zone without giving pressure on your projects, ECs, Motivationals and supplementals can surely assure a straight downfall and gets to another gap year.

I know you have not started your supplementals, have not even finished PS and thinking about your 2-month time until November when ED closes down. This is the mistake in which 95% Rejected Champions fall. Wanna go into this category?

What are you believing, kid? Your test scores? Should I give you the list of tens of applicants with 1500+ who got rejected?

Now is the time... Now is the time that your rejection or acceptance being decided by YOURSELF!

Don't wanna waste time? Then wait for news about consultation and application course!

Have a good day!

1 week, 6 days ago

Bitta narsani angladim, 🇶🇦 multimillat davlat: u yerda hind ham, xitoylik ham, yevropalik ham, afrikalik ham, markaziy osiyolik ham bor.

Lekin ko'chada, davlat organlarida, ko'ngilochar majmualarida Arab tili birinchi o'ringa qo'yiladi. Qatarda tug'ilib o'sgan hind Arab tilidan imtihon topshirmaguncha davlat lavozimlariga qo'yilmaskan. Education Citydagi hamma xorijiy universitetlarga Arab tili darslik - course qilib kiritilgan, jumladan Georgetown, Northwestern.

Keyin o'zimiz bilan solishtirdim. Bizda ham o'zbek tili qachon shu darajaga chiqarkan? Bizda yurtimizda tug'ilgan o'ris umrini oxirigacha rus tilida gapirib o'tadi. Unga yana chala rusparastlar ham qo'shilvolib, rus tilini mavqeyini milliy tilidan ham oldinga olib chiqadi. Yana gapirsang millatchilik qilgan bo'lasan.

1 week, 6 days ago

Ikki ko'z ko'r bo'lsa bo'lsin,
Qalb ko'zing ko'r bo'lmasin.

Tilda boling bo'lmasa xam,
Tilda zaxring bo'lmasin,
Tilda nuqson bo'lsa aytmas,
Ko'z hayosiz bo'lmasin,
Molu-mulk yo'q bo'lsa bo'lsin,
Tanda darding bo'lmasin.

Yorsiz o'tsa o'tsin umring,
Bevafo yordan ko'ra,
Dushmaning dono bo'lsin,
Do'sti nodondan ko'ra,
Ko'zi to'q miskin g'anidur,
Ko'zi och boydan ko'ra,
Gavda kalta bo'lsa bo'lsin,
Aqli kalta bo'lmasin.

2 weeks ago

Can't find good motivation for everything, why?

3 weeks, 2 days ago

Telegram ishlamay qosa plus borku, Vahima qilavermaylar)

3 weeks, 2 days ago
3 weeks, 5 days ago
3 weeks, 6 days ago

At this point, let me give some further information about the channel.

I speak mostly about macroeconomics, politics, cryptocurrency, personal life and college application.

I would rather you not only join for college or application stuff.

We recommend to visit

Community chat:




Last updated 6 days, 3 hours ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 2 months ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market

Last updated 1 day, 22 hours ago