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1 month, 3 weeks ago

Book Title: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle

Quote: "The state of mind that is free of thought is a state of heightened consciousness, of increased awareness and wakefulness."

Explanation: This quote from "The Power of Now" highlights the concept of consciousness as being present in the moment and free from the incessant chatter of the mind. When we are able to quiet the mind and be fully present, we can access a deeper level of awareness and connect with our true essence. This heightened state of consciousness allows us to experience life in a more profound and meaningful way.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

1 month, 4 weeks ago

Book Name: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle

Quote: "Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life."

Explanation: This quote from "The Power of Now" emphasizes the importance of being fully present and conscious in each moment. By focusing on the present moment, we can let go of the past and future, and experience a sense of peace and contentment. This quote reminds us to cultivate mindfulness and awareness in our daily lives, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

2 months, 1 week ago

Book Name: "Awakening the Divine within"

Quote: "Consciousness is not something we possess, it is what we are."

Explanation: In "Awakening the Divine within," the author emphasizes that consciousness is not a separate entity or a possession, but rather our true essence. It is a profound recognition that our beingness is inherently linked to the eternal and infinite realm of consciousness. This quote invites us to let go of the illusion of separateness and realize that our true nature is divine consciousness itself.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Book Name: "Awakening to the Self: Insights on Consciousness"

"Consciousness is not something that you have to create or attain. It is the very essence of your being, the eternal presence that witnesses all experiences and phenomena."

In this profound quote from "Awakening to the Self: Insights on Consciousness," Mooji beautifully encapsulates the essence of consciousness. He reminds us that consciousness is not a goal to be achieved or a state to be attained; rather, it is our inherent nature. It is the unchanging awareness that exists beyond the fluctuations of thoughts, emotions, and external circumstances. Mooji's words invite us to recognize that we don't need to seek consciousness as if it were separate from us, but rather to simply rest in the awareness that we already are. This recognition can lead us to a profound sense of freedom and liberation from the limitations of the mind and the illusion of separation.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Book: "I Am That"

Quote: "Consciousness is not the individual, but the universal. The mind creates the abyss, and the heart crosses it."

In his book "I Am That," Nisargadatta Maharaj emphasizes the true nature of consciousness. He explains that consciousness is not confined to the individual self, but is a universal and boundless presence that permeates everything. It is the mind, with its limited perspectives and dualistic thinking, that creates the illusion of separation and division. However, when the heart opens to a deeper understanding and experiences the unity of consciousness, it transcends the limitations of the mind, allowing the individual to bridge the perceived gap and connect with the universal essence.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Book: "I Am That"

Quote: "Consciousness is always of the mind, a reflection against its own lense. It is only when you go beyond the mind that you are aware of awareness."

Explanation: In this quote, Nisargadatta Maharaj emphasizes the nature of consciousness and its relationship with the mind. He suggests that ordinary consciousness is always entwined with the activities of the mind, constantly reflecting and perceiving through the lens of thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences. However, he points out that true awareness of consciousness can only be attained when one transcends the mind altogether. It is in this state of transcendence that one becomes aware of pure awareness itself, uncolored by the limitations and fluctuations of the mind. This quote highlights the importance of going beyond the mind and cultivating a direct experience of consciousness, which lies at the core of Nisargadatta Maharaj's teachings in the book "I Am That."

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Book Name: "I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj"

Quote: "Consciousness is not a process that goes on in time and space; it is time and space, which arise in it."

Explanation: In this quote, Nisargadatta Maharaj highlights the fundamental nature of consciousness. He emphasizes that consciousness is not an activity or phenomenon occurring within a specific time and space, but rather it is the very essence from which time and space arise. Maharaj invites readers to recognize the all-encompassing nature of consciousness, not limited by the confines of time and space, but transcending them. Through this realization, one can perceive the interconnectedness and boundlessness of existence.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Book Title: Shiv Gita

Quote on Surrenderness: "True surrender is not a sign of weakness, but a profound expression of strength. It is the courage to let go of control and trust in the divine flow of life."

Explanation: In the Shiv Gita, the divine teachings of Lord Shiva emphasize the significance of surrendering to the higher power. The quote highlights that surrender is not a sign of weakness, but rather an act of strength and courage. It requires letting go of the need to control every aspect of our lives and placing our trust in the divine orchestration of life's events. Surrendering allows us to align ourselves with the divine flow and experience true liberation and peace. It is only through surrenderness that we can truly connect with the infinite wisdom and divine guidance present within ourselves and the universe.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Book Name: "The Song of Surrender" (Shiv Gita)

Quote: "In the sweet surrender to the divine flow, one discovers the infinite joy of liberation."

Explanation: In the Shiv Gita, the quote emphasizes the transformative power and bliss found in surrendering oneself to the divine will. It highlights the idea that by relinquishing control and surrendering our desires and attachments, we align ourselves with the natural flow of life's events. This surrender leads to a state of liberation and freedom from suffering, allowing us to experience deep joy and harmony with the universe.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Book Name: "The Path of Surrender: Exploring the Shiv Gita"

Quote: "Surrenderance is not a momentary act, but a state of being where the individual merges with the divine, finding solace in the unfathomable ocean of cosmic energy."

Explanation: In "The Path of Surrender: Exploring the Shiv Gita," the Shiv Gita teachings emphasize the transformative power of surrenderness. This quote highlights that surrenderance is not a fleeting act but a continuous state of being. It encourages individuals to let go of their egoic desires and merge with the divine, finding peace and fulfillment in the vast and abundant cosmic energy. The book inspires readers to embrace surrenderness as a lifelong spiritual practice, leading them to a deeper understanding of their true nature and connection with the eternal.

@SpiritualLibrary @Spiritual_Library_bot

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