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Last updated 9 months ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago
Then, we don't have the right to overwhelm ourselves. Laughing, hugging, speaking in a good manner, our intention must be healthy because, if we truly believe in Allāh, if we fear Allāh, even if they (the Russians) send us all their shells, we must continue to say "Al-hamdu-li-llāh"!
Our victory is not gold or oil.
Our victory is to believe in Allāh.”
The victory of Muslims is that we remain united, that we are brave, and that we direct our thoughts towards Allāh.
Even if we die here today, that is our victory. Gold must not flow, we must not call for offerings from this world. Allāh will return what he has promised us.
So-and-so has called on us to lay down our arms, as many others are doing. They make these calls in order to establish peace. But some people don't understand that. We are not telling you to lay down your arms. Even if the whole world asks us to, we will never lay down our arms until those who came to us with their (Russian) weapons leave with them.
Antropov and others have said that there is no difference in the law established here (in Chechnya). We cannot have any law except Allāh's shariah! There is a difference between laws! Don't say "lay down your arms" on behalf of the soldiers, say "let there be peace". We will only lay down our arms when the enemy's return home, no matter how loudly they shout.
This is why we ask them all, while today, considering our union stupid and weak, considering themselves
intelligent, this group, (the opposition) who remain aloof, Allāh says that they will envy this (our) union on the Day of Judgement. We ask this group, while they hope we die, for they have turned to disbelief, we ask them today, for we are few: while you wait, hoping we die, we call to you: “be our brothers and join us, we forgive you! join us!"
„Ма тамшийна х1ум дукх из Акъида, хьуна маьлла уллерниг гена вокх цо, шун ойла цхьан т1аьхь яцахь, хьуна мял генарниг улле вокх цо, шун ойла цхьан т1аьхь йалахь. Ма хаз букх из Аллахан дуьхьа бол безам.“Rough translation:
„What a strange thing Aqidah is; it brings those who are close to you far away when your thoughts are not the same and it brings those who are far away from you closer when your thoughts are the same. How beautiful the love for Allah is.“
Ас-салам lалайкум ва-рахьматуллахlи ва-баракатухl, хьоме махкахой.
Хlара канал, Аллахlан пурбанца, хlора бусулба адаман пайден долу дош хьахдархьам, схьайоьллуш ю.
Веза-Вергчо Шен сийлахь долу Къуран чоьхь боху : « Хьехам бе ахь [Къуранца], баккъалла а, хьехамо пайда бо муъма нахана » {51:55}.
Из бахьан долуш, шуна а, уггар хьалха суна а, Делан доьхь пайда бакха lалашо йолуш а, вай кхуззахь, жиммал делахь - Далла алсам докхийла и -, хlоране хаар а, нохчалла а, схьалайъдархьам къахьоьгур ду, Даламукълахь.
Дала диканц бекхам бойла шуна, Дала нийса болу некъан тlе дерза дойла вай, ткъа цуьнан тlехь чlагlа а дойла.
Virtues of the day of ‘Arafah
?️Abdullāh Ibn Mubārak رحمه الله said:
"I entered upon Sufyān al-Thawrī on the evening of 'Arafah whilst he was kneeling on his knees and his eyes shedding tears, so he turned towards me and I said to him:
'Do you know who the loser is today?'
He replied: 'The one who thinks Allāh shall not forgive him!'"
[لطائف المعارف ابن الجوزى ص ٣١٠]
?️Awza’ee رحمه الله said,
“I realized that people were reserving things (their duas, needs, wishes) for the day of Arafah to ask Allāh for them.
And some of them used to say:
“For fifty years I have been supplicating on the day of Arafah and the year does not go by except that I see the answer of my dua come to pass as the morning light (as clear as day).”
[Lataif al Ma’arif pg. 494 | Ibn Rajab al Hanbali رحمه الله]
The First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah
| By Shaykh Ahmad Jibril
? Article link:
A PDF book on 'How to Quit Music'
I'm sure many people are in need of this, especially with Ramadhān coming up. Share it with your friends or family or anyone you think that is in need of this.
I know many of you have been waiting for this release. May Allāh make it beneficial to every single person reading this. May Allāh make this sincerely and solely for His sake and accept it.
Know that whatever good that comes from me is from Allāh and whatever bad comes from me is from myself.
All praise be to Him سبحانه و تعالى.
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
I would say it depends on your level, but there are a few things you can do.
Practice makes perfect.
Əlaqə üçün: @tural_05 ?
Oynamaq üçün link- https://1wsyob.top
YouTube kanalımız https://youtube.com/@aviatorbaku555?si=CWVNUJzfy
Wip Kanal https://t.me/aviatorazevip_01 ?
Depositlərinizi M10 və ya Master kartla edin.
Qaydalar sabit mesajda
Last updated 9 months ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago