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Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rektfencer

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Admin : @k_l_a_n

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/deoKNC0g

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

5 months, 4 weeks ago

We know we’ve kept you waiting far too long, as a special thank you to our die-hard D!NK TV fans, here’s an exclusive premier of the much anticipated first episode of Baletarikoch to enjoy #tonight​ if you don’t have any plans #NYE2017​ we got you ????. #DINKandCHILL

ለረጅም ጊዜ እንዳስጠበቅናችሁ እናውቃለን! የድንቅ ቲቪ አድናቂዎችን እያመሰገንን ልዩ የሆነው በጉጉት የሚጠበቀው የባለታሪኮቹ የመጀመሪያ ክፍል እነሆ በድንቅ ቲቪ ቲዩብ ተጋበዙልን #ፈታ_በድንቅ#2017ዋዜማ

The three friends, Babi, Nati and Biniam will share the adventure that led to them crashing their childhood friend's wedding. A drunken night that turned into a deadly chase in the woods by armed men before ending up in police custody.

የአብሮ አደጋቸው ሰርግ ላይ አለመጠራታቸውን ተከትሎ ሶስቱ ጓደኛሞች ባቢ,ናቲና ቢኒያም በመጠጥ ሀይል ተገፋፍተው ካልተጠሩበት ሰርግ ድንኳን መስበር ጀምሮ በታጠቁ ሀይሎች እስከመሳደድና በመጨረሻም በፖሊስ ቁጥጥር ስር እስከመዋል ድረስ ያደረሳቸውን ምሽት ታሪክ ያስቃኘናል።


ባለታሪኮቹ ክፍል 1 - Baletarikochu EP 1 አስቂኝ እና አዝናኝ ታሪኮችን አብረውን ይከታተሉ። Dink TV

We know we’ve kept you waiting far too long, as a special thank you to our die-hard D!NK TV fans, here’s an ***✨***exclusive premier***✨*** of the much anticipated first episode of Baletarikoch to enjoy #tonight if you don’t have any plans #NYE2017 we got you ***🌼******🫶🏾******📺***. #DINKandCHILL…

6 months ago

Join Bboy Tomy on Dink TV for a hilarious and blindfolded taste test challenge! Watch as he tries out various dishes without seeing them and guesses what he's eating. Will he guess right or face some culinary surprises? Don’t miss the fun! ??


"አይመርዙኝም ብዬ አስባለው"Bboy Tomy Tries Mystery Dishes! Blindfolded Taste Test Challenge: qimsha Ep 2

Join Bboy Tomy on Dink TV for a hilarious and blindfolded taste test challenge! Watch as he tries out various dishes without seeing them and guesses what he's eating. Will he guess right or face some culinary surprises? Don’t miss the fun! ***🍽******👀*** Make sure to…

6 months, 1 week ago

#Askmeanything *?Join Ebne Hakim as he answers your burning questions, shares his thoughts on Ge'ez, upcoming concerts, and his favorite musicians. Plus, get a sneak peek into his creative process and future projects. Don't miss out—watch now to get to know Ebne Hakim better and stay tuned for more music updates! ?*https://youtu.be/1yoKwcyS-xg?si=bbr01infTme0D6pg


Get to Know Ebne Hakim: Music Inspirations, Upcoming Concerts! & more || Ask me anything EP4

***🎤***Join Ebne Hakim as he answers your burning questions, shares his thoughts on Ge'ez, upcoming concerts, and his favorite musicians. Plus, get a sneak peek into his creative process and future projects. Don't miss out—watch now to get to know Ebne Hakim better…

6 months, 1 week ago

#Gurshagang Join us for a new episode of "Where Are They Now?" as we catch up with two former Gursha Gang pairs! ? Discover what’s happened in their lives since the show, if love and wisdom merged, and if they’ve managed to turn their culinary challenges into triumphs. Stay tuned for an update packed with surprises and heartfelt moments! ?*?

ሁለት የቀድሞ የጉርሻ ጋንግ ጥንዶችን በድጋሜ አገናኝተናል!? ከፕሮግራሙ በኋላ በሕይወታቸው ምን እንደተፈጠረ፣ ፍቅር እና ጓደኝነት ከተዋሃዱ፣ በሚያስደንቅ ሁኔታ እና ልብ በሚነኩ ጊዜያት በታጨቀው "አሁን ምን ላይ ናቸው?" በሚለው አዲስ ክፍል ይዘን መተናል።?*https://youtu.be/4W-IXqBq5-4


Where Are They Now? Catch Up with Former Gursha Gang Pairs | Special episodes part 2 | Ep-22

Join us for a new episode of "Where Are They Now?" as we catch up with two former Gursha Gang pairs! ***🌟*** Discover what’s happened in their lives since the show, if love and wisdom merged, and if they’ve managed to turn their culinary challenges into triumphs.…

6 months, 1 week ago

#Endekise Join fashion designers Melat Haileyesus and Yabsira Teshager as they take on an exciting challenge on Dink TV’s Endekise!?*? Watch as they attempt to recreate a stunning look on a tight budget of just 1000 birr each. From bargain hunting in Hadid and Merkato to creative styling, see how they transform their finds into a stylish outfit. Don’t miss the transformation!??*https://youtu.be/oaS75kv3QWc?si=jca1MwKo51kwU6tq


"ፋሽን በበጀት" Fashion Designers Melat and Yabsira Faces 1000 Birr Budget Challenge || Endekise EP 6

Join fashion designers Melat Haileyesus and Yabsira Teshager as they take on an exciting challenge on Dink TV’s Endekise!***👞******👠*** Watch as they attempt to recreate a stunning look on a tight budget of just 1000 birr each. From bargain hunting in Hadid and Merkato…

6 months, 2 weeks ago

?️‍♂️ Come experience the fusion of Afrobeat and fitness at Ethio Dance Fitness with Tomy Plus! ? Watch as Tomy reveals his transformation from musician to fitness expert, provides an inside look at his invigorating pre-workout routine, and shows how dancing can elevate your fitness game. ?? Don’t miss out—stay tuned and get inspired to move! ?"

?‍♂️ የአካል ብቃት እንቅስቃሴን በኢትዮ ዳንስ ፊትነስ ከቶሚ ፕላስ ጋር ይከታተሉ! ? ቶሚ ከሙዚቀኛ ወደ የአካል ብቃት ኤክስፐርት መለወጡን ሲገልጽ፣ አበረታች የቅድመ-ስፖርታዊ እንቅስቃሴ ልማዱን ሲያወጋ እና ዳንስ እንዴት የአካል ብቃትን እንደሚያሳድግ ሲገልፅ ይመልከቱ። ??


"በ45 ቀን ነው የገነባነው" ቶማስ ሃይሉ A Day in the Life at Ethio Dance Fitness with Tomy Plus || Fit bae Ep. 6

***🏋️‍♂️*** Come experience the fusion of Afrobeat and fitness at Ethio Dance Fitness with Tomy Plus! ***🎶*** Watch as Tomy reveals his transformation from musician to fitness expert, provides an inside look at his invigorating pre-workout routine, and shows how dancing…

6 months, 2 weeks ago

#Fashionchallenge Dive into the latest episode of Dink TV's Fashion Challenge with Hiwot Kassa! ? Watch as she tackles stylish outfits for every occasion, from a relaxed Sunday brunch  to a glamorous fashion show ?. See how she combines simplicity with flair and get inspired for your own wardrobe. *?*https://youtu.be/ojf3lBoXf9w?si=zcFL570aN1DHN-Vc


Fashion Challenge with Hiwot Kassa | ፋሽን ቻሌንጅ ከሕይወት ካሳ ጋር | D!NK TV | Episode 13

Dive into the latest episode of Dink TV's Fashion Challenge with Hiwot Kassa! ***👗*** Watch as she tackles stylish outfits for every occasion, from a relaxed Sunday brunch to a glamorous fashion show ***💃***. See how she combines simplicity with flair and get inspired…

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Join us on Gursha Gang’s Food Review as we tour two top Italian spots in town! First, we dive into Avanti Italian Restaurant, sampling their delectable Cream Chicken Special and Spaghetti Carbonara, along with a selection of fine wines. Then, we move on to Olive and Bread, where we try their unique cube pizza and the flavorful Pasta con Crema di Funghi. Tune in for a mouthwatering adventure and find out which spot steals the show! ????


Italian Food Review at Avanti and Olive & Bread |Gursha Gang’s Food Review Ep 01

Make sure to subscribe to Dink Tv and turn on notifications to stay updated with all new uploads!***🔔*** . . Subscribe to the Dink TV: https://www.youtube.com/@dinktv\_ . Follow to the Dink TV on other social media: Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/Dinktv.et…

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Tune in to Behind The Beat with DJ Wish as he dives into his 20-year DJ journey and latest music ventures. From early inspirations to new collaborations, get an inside look at his creative process and upcoming projects. Don't miss out ??

ዲጄ ዊሽ የ20 ዓመት የዲጄ ጉዞውን፣ በሙዚቃ ዓለም ያለውን ተስፋ እና ሂደት በ ቢሀይንድ ዘ ቢት ክፍል ይከታተሉ። በእርሱ የተሰሩ አዳዲስ ፕሮጀክቶችን እና እንዲሁም በቀጣይ ሚያቀርቡ የሙዚቃ ስራዎችን በ ድንቅ ቲቪ ሲያወጋ ይመልከቱ።


ሁለቱንም አልወዳቸውም! "DJ Wish" | From DJing to Music Production & More! | DINK Tv Behind the Beat Ep 13

Tune in to *Behind The Beat* with DJ Wish as he dives into his 20-year DJ journey and latest music ventures. From early inspirations to new collaborations, get an inside look at his creative process and upcoming projects. Don't miss out ***🎧******🎶*** ዲጄ ዊሽ የ20 ዓመት…

6 months, 3 weeks ago

#Askmeanything Abigail Fitsum reveals insights on dating red flags, her daily routine, and various other subjects in her Ask Me Anything session. Get to know Abigail like never before. ?*

Tune in for a candid and insightful episode that highlights Abigail’s journey, passions, and practical tips for a better life. Don’t forget to like ?, comment ?, and subscribe ? for more content like this! ?

በዚህ የአስክ ሚ ኤኒቲንግ ክፍል አቢጌል ፍፁም ወደ ህይወቷ ዘልቃ በመግባት የግል ታሪኮችን፣ ስሜቶችን እና ተግባራዊ ምክሮችን አካፍላለች።
የአቢጌል ጉዞን፣ ፍላጎቶችን እና ለተሻለ ህይወት ተግባራዊ ምክሮችን የሚያጎላ ቅን እና አስተዋይ ክፍልን ይከታተሉ።*https://youtu.be/G1rdiUOgyc8?si=Pbs2SyfmrsvT0sVK


Ask Me Anything with Abigail Fitsum | Dink TV | Ask Me Anything Ep 3 | Ask Me Anything Ep 3

In this exciting Ask Me Anything episode on Dink TV, Abigail Fitsum dives deep into her life, sharing personal stories, passions, and practical advice. Get to know Abigail like never before. ***🌟*** Tune in for a candid and insightful episode that highlights Abigail’s…

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Professional rekter | Pronouns: rekt/degen | Founder of X DAO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rektfencer

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Admin : @k_l_a_n

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Betorspin Official Telegram Group

Betorspin Giriş : https://cutt.ly/deoKNC0g

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago