✳️搜索 @BotFather官方机器人
✳️关注机器人后输入 /newbot命令
✳️名字输入后按照提示输入用户名,用户名输入成功后,会返回一串英文,以Done! Congratulations on your new bot开头,这代表机器人申请成功了
✳️随后输入 /mybots,选择刚才申请好的机器人,点击Edit Bot,然后点击Edit Botpic可以上传图片。
✳️随后输入 /mybots,选择刚才申请好的机器人,点击Edit Bot,然后点击Edit Commands输入start-开始使用
✳️打开群组隐私,在 @BotFather里输入 /setprivacy命令,选择要设置的机器人,然后点击底部的Disable
2️⃣ [email protected],把1️⃣里的默认邮件信息,往这个邮件地址发一下;
3️⃣ https://telegram.org/support
4️⃣最后恢复帐号登录后,在公开群组里发信息时,提示无法发送,再点more info,在机器人里,申诉一遍,可以Google翻译提前写一下封号过程,以及你并无违规行为的说明,一起提交就好了
Please recover my Telegram account (后面接你的账户手机号码)
Dear Telegram Support Team: I am writing this letter in response to a recent wall cabinet issue with my Telegram account. I understand that my Telegram account is blocked due to a terms of service violation, but I would like to explain what is going on regarding this situation.
I can assure you that my actions were not intentional or malicious. It is important for me to abide by the rules and regulations set by Telegram and I deeply regret any actions that may have resulted in my Telegram account being banned.
I would be grateful if you would consider canceling communication on my Telegram account. I have a strong passion for using Telegram and have been using it to communicate with friends and family for years. Not being able to access my Telegram account has had a major impact on my daily life.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I look forward to your reply and hope that my telegram will be restored.
My Telegram phonenumber (这里接你的账户手机号)
user name (这里接你的账户用户名)
1⃣:票务代付-白资收U 👍👍
😃稳定经营4年+ 主打安全,靠谱,口碑可查
💎公群:新币i组 1053公群 押金20000U
2⃣:TRX闪兑能量会员直开 😘😘
💎公群:新币i组 1201供押50000U
3⃣:定制机器人开发 😘😘
💎公群:新币G组2514 供押10000U
打开官网:www.fragment.com **登入Tonkeeper钱包和分配的Telegram账号
点击钱包My Assets
点击Assign to Telegram
回到Telegram个人信息 用户名 点击显示
打开官网:www.fragment.com 登入Tonkeeper钱包和要上链的Telegram账号
点击钱包My Assets
点击Place on Auction
返回到telegram账号 输入二步验证
返回网站设置价格 最低10TON
开始拍卖 没人竞价 7天之后上链成功