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"One well-known neo-Nazi channel that provides tradecraft to evade authorities online" –VICE News

"A great and important channel... performing probably one of the best forms of online activism" –Robert J. Corner
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6 months, 1 week ago

???? SBU: Telegram cooperates with the FSB and Roskomnadzor, but ignores the Ukrainian authorities

▪️"First of all, the SBU monitors where the Telegram servers are located. There is a high probability that they are on Russian territory. The second problem of Telegram is that its owner and developers are citizens of Russia. The third is that we see clear cooperation between Telegram and Roskomnadzor and the FSB. When necessary The FSB blocks any channel on the territory of Russia, Telegram carries out these instructions instantly,” said A. Melnichenko, a representative of the department of counterintelligence protection and information security of the SBU.
▪️The SBU is taking certain measures to de-anonymize administrators of Telegram channels conducting destructive activities.
▪️"Sometimes some of them can be blocked, but Telegram does not listen to the requests of Ukraine as it does to the requests of Russia."
▪️Yesterday, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kirill Budanov, called Telegram “a problem from a national security point of view.”

6 months, 1 week ago

?? Statement by Pavel Durov on the removal of terrorist content on Telegram

4 days ago, Russian-speaking Telegram users began to complain about messages from strangers calling for terrorist attacks.

Within an hour of receiving such complaints, we applied a number of technical and organizational measures in order to prevent this activity.

As a result, tens of thousands of attempts to send such messages were stopped, and thousands of users participating in this flash mob faced permanent blocking of their Telegram accounts.

From the beginning of next week, all users from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will be able to limit the circle of those who can send them private messages. We are also implementing artificial intelligence solutions to filter unwanted messages even more effectively.

Telegram is not a place for unauthorized mailings and calls for violence

6 months, 2 weeks ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago The prohibition for payments made in cryptocurrencies will be specific to unidentified wallets operated by providers (hosted wallets). This includes any self-custody wallet provided by mobile…

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Over 40 dead and 100 injured in an ongoing terror attack in Moscow. Russian state media reportedly described the terrorists as "men with beards and in body armor, of Oriental (Russian for Caucasus or Central Asia) appearance."


Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives

#URGENT ***🇷🇺******🔫******❗️*** — Confirmed! Ongoing terror attack in Moscow, capital of Russian Federation! The first seconds of the attack on the visitors of Crocus City Hall were published by local civilians In a footage, two people are wearing masks with automatic weapons…

6 months, 2 weeks ago

?? Secret RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are Right from the get-go, the report authors warn that whatever Canada’s current situation, it 'will probably deteriorate further in the next five years' A secret RCMP report…

6 months, 3 weeks ago
6 months, 3 weeks ago

Learning From Their Mistakes

Stop revealing information about yourself online, period. Don't reveal your line of work, how many children you have, how the weather is today, etc. Providing false information can throw people off your trail. But if you go to Japan on a business trip, don't mention that on your thought crime meme page.

Never put your real information on any non-government website. Always use fake but realistic information.

Using an email with your real name and birth year on an alt-tech/dissident website is a great way to have your identity revealed in the event of a hack or a rogue admin.

Doxing is not limited to alt-tech websites, either.

Reusing email addresses across multiple websites can link your identity. Compartmentalize.

It is good internet hygiene to periodically delete your internet personas. Don't give adversaries the opportunity to datamine you for several years. Destroying your virtual identity is good for your ego, too.

It is always good practice to randomly generate a new password with every website you register for. If you have reused the same password since middle school, it's almost inevitable that your login information has been leaked, and someone can steal your roblox account.

Check to see if your email address has been involved in a data breach.

Every time you connect to a website, your IP address is broadcast. Always use a trusted VPN like mullvad, preferably with a killswitch (in case of a connection failure), but it's best not to connect from home anyway.

Some still believe freedom of speech is a legitimate defense. Being American and self-employed offers some protection, but if they want you, they will get you. If you paint a target for yourself, those you joke about or criticize will come out of the woodwork to make your life hell. If more countries adopt similar hate speech laws that are being proposed in Canada, you could face years in prison for sharing a Trump meme, or a life sentence for "advocating genocide." I don't think it's unreasonable to do what you can now to cover your tracks.


6 months, 3 weeks ago

One of the more damning mistakes was using his personal email (under his own name!) on the alt-tech social media website Gab. As a result of the Gab breach, this email was found to be associated with the Red Panels account.

This same email was found to be used on a Bitcoin forum, where he revealed many personal details about himself, including his location, field of employment, the state he previously lived in, etc.

Additionally, Red Panels had a debate with Sargon of Akkad in 2016. Stonetoss had an interview with Ethan Ralph on Killstream. The voices are seemingly identical.

There's more supportive evidence listed on their blog that they have collected over the years on Stonetoss, but the above makes the foundation for these allegations. As a result, a legion of spiteful mutants has descended upon this man and his employer. Coincidentally, the Stonetoss telegram channel has its comments turned off, and the Stonetoss X account is full of people doxing him.

Kylan made no attempt to hide his identity. He has gone as far as to reveal his former employer and his physical location.

Kylan publicly shared his termination email on his foundring substack back in September 2023. The administration at Kirby School in Santa Cruz fired him from the music department on his first day for questioning the efficacy of having choir students wear cloth masks. Earlier that year, troons posted his home address on X and made death threats over his offensive songs.

Kylan has been fired again, this time because a parent of one of the children he taught took offense to his song "You Will Never Be A Woman." The school board is out for his blood. Surprisingly, though, they didn't care as much about "Oy Vey Shut It Down."

I don't have much more to say about foundring, as he appears to have accepted being a public figure and the scrutiny that follows.


7 months ago

There is no freedom without economic freedom. Make sure you're protecting yourself with the right tools:

**Report: Federal Government Asked Big Banks to Surveil Purchases of VPNs and Gift Cards, Transfers to Crowdsourcing Sites

New documents pull back the curtain on the federal government's shocking push for mass financial surveillance that reportedly targeted millions of Americans.**
In January, the House Judiciary Committee sounded the alarm about the federal government asking banks to surveil transactions related to certain keywords, such as “MAGA” and “Trump,” as part of investigations into January 6, 2021 at the Capitol. But new documents obtained by the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government have revealed that the surveillance that was initially identified by the House Judiciary Committee in January was much broader than these early reports suggested.

The House Judiciary Committee’s initial letter about this financial surveillance revealed that the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) sent several financial institutions lists of terms that it deemed to be indicators of potential violent extremism and suggested that banks use these search terms to flag suspect transactions. These lists included terms such as MAGA and Trump and also recommended searching for more generic terms, such as terms related to purchases of transportation and terms related to purchases of books (including religious texts) and other media that FinCEN deemed to be “extremist.”

These new documents, which were shared in a report titled “Financial Surveillance in the United States: How Federal Law Enforcement Commandeered Financial Institutions to Spy on Americans,” show that the list of terms FinCEN asked banks and financial institutions to flag was much wider.

In one document, FinCEN brands lawful activities, such as “frequent ATM withdrawals and wire transfers with no apparent economic or business purpose” and “purchases that appear excessive or unusual for hobbyist or other legitimate use,” as potential indicators of violent extremism.

In another document, FinCEN brands purchases of privacy-preserving tools, such as virtual private networks (VPNs), “counter-surveillance equipment,” or “secure communications equipment,” as potential “red flags” for “active shooter detection.”


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