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1 week, 1 day ago

Dear friends, good news: the well know Austrian AUF1 has deleted the interview with Andrea Christidis on the subject of Reiner Fuellmich from YouTube due to “obvious false statements” (Stefan Magnet). Andrea Christidis had untruthfully claimed that my lawyer had confirmed that there had been no liquidity pass at the committee. She also untruthfully claimed that I had only paid in my liquidity reserve AFTER the charges were filed, which is absolutely not true, that was long before the port lawyers filed criminal charges against me. Andrea Christidis also falsely claimed that I had transferred committee funds to my trust foundation. Another false claim by Andrea Christidis was that I had written “fictitious loan” in the purpose of my repayment, which is not true, I wrote “repayment of so-called loan/liquidity reserve”. It's good that this FAKE NEWS has now been removed from YouTube. They will also be taken down elsewhere in the short term. Thank you AUF1 for this journalistically impeccable step to remove erroneous representations. Best regards, Viviane Fischer

3 weeks, 6 days ago
Dear friends,

Dear friends,

the slander against me and the Committee continues. Andrea Christidis has now claimed in an interview on AUF1 that I transferred funds from the 1st Committee Company to my later Corona Committee Foundation. This is not true. The account of the 1st Committee Company was emptied on July 7, 2022 by unauthorized payments to the law firm Fuellmich (€ 29,750) and to the accountant in the amount of approx. € 11,000 each for completely unclear services. Because the accountant had also paid out the basic amount of € 40,000 donated to the pathology conference, the account balance was actually minus € 40,000. By repaying my liquidity reserve of € 70,000, I was able to replenish the basic amount and also pay urgent legitimate invoices. Most of the donations earmarked for the pathology conference were then paid out to the MWGFD in May 2023, with the remainder being paid a few months later. You can view the account history here. The search filter for the bank account number of the Corona Committee Foundation shows that there have been NO payment flows between the 1st Committee Society and the Corona Committee Foundation since the existence of both bank accounts. This claim by Andrea Christidis therefore clearly belongs in the realm of fantasy.

However, the liquidity crisis in July 2022 is abundantly clear. If you remove the €40,000 blocked for the pathology conference, the Committee has been in a constant liquidity crisis since July 2022. So much for the next untrue factual claim by Andrea Christidis that the committee has allegedly never had a financial bottleneck. In this respect, Attorney at Law Holger Willanzheimer had not only informed the court that the committee was never “in the red”. Rather, he also stated that “the committee's financial situation was beginning to deteriorate”. Both are absolutely correct, the committee was not over-indebted, i.e. not “in the red”, because it had the gold reserves, but it would almost have slipped into insolvency due to the lack of access to the gold and because Reiner Fuellmich did not repay any of his liquidity reserve of € 700,000 and has not repaid it to date. Only the repayment of my liquidity reserve prevented this, although there are still outstanding debts (e.g. the interpreters).

There was therefore no money at all that I could have transferred to the Corona Committee Foundation, nor would I ever have thought of being guilty of embezzlement by transferring funds from the 1st Committee Company to another entity on my own authority.

It is dismaying that Andrea Christidis simply blurts out these claims without any evidence, especially because she says of herself that she is an experienced forensic analyst and claims to have maximum knowledge of the files in the Fuellmich trial. She sees herself as a supporter of Reiner Fuellmich and perhaps a kind of “friendship” glasses are clouding her clear view of the “forensic situation”. Or does she also work so imprecisely in other expert opinions, e.g. in child custody cases? That would be bad.

Unfortunately, the AUF1 presenter Thomas Eglinski, who repeatedly says that he has all the relevant documents, gives the impression - certainly unintentionally - that Andrea Christidis' statements (which are also inaccurate in other places) are correct overall. We have now sent Andrea Christidis a cease-and-desist letter to give her the opportunity to stop accusing me of a criminal offense without having to go to court with her and to correct the untrue factual allegations regarding the liquidity situation, among other things. As the saying goes: “The most important thing is the ability to correct mistakes.” I hope that Andrea Christidis has this ability. We are in talks with AUF1 on this topic.

Best regards, Viviane Fischer

8 months, 4 weeks ago

ATTENTION TODAY: The waiting room for today's online rally for the #ivetowar democracy offensive will open at 1:30 pm German time. Anyone can take part in the ZOOM rally. Here is the link to the participant ZOOM. After the rally (from around 3:30 pm German time), the internal ZOOM will remain open and participants can discuss with each other and with the speakers. Networking is our sharpest sword. Link for the live broadcast:

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1 year, 7 months ago

On the subject of summary proceedings before the Berlin Regional Court, for the sake of completeness I am publishing here the judicial notices of March 29, 2023, and June 23, 2023. The dismissal of the motions for injunctive relief filed in respect of these statements (english translation here) was ostensibly on the grounds of "self-refutation of urgency", but the court had already dealt with the content of the montions and issued notices. On March 29, 2023, it announced that it had reservations about the merits of Reiner Fuellmich's motions because, in the opinion of the court, my statements were either true (e.g. failure to repatriate the € 700,000) or were permissible expressions of opinion (e.g. assessment that the Committee was thus at risk of insolvency or that there might be nothing to get from Reiner Fuellmich). At this point, Reiner Fuellmich had already given a detailed presentation. A further 18 pages followed, to which we replied with 40 pages. On June 23, 2023, the court informed us that Reiner Fuellmich's statements were nevertheless only relevant at one point, i.e. worthy of review, whereupon we provided further evidence. On June 23, 2023, the court also advised Reiner Fuellmich to withdraw his motions. When no withdrawal was made, the court dismissed the motions. Despite umpteen extensions of the deadline, Reiner Fuellmich has not succeeded in refuting the accuracy of my statements, even though, according to the court, "it (concerns) a factual situation that is neither complex nor raises legal questions that are difficult to assess." Yours Viviane Fischer

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