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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

6 months ago

TRADUCCIÓN: Porque esto empezó y me encanta esta historia como una prostituta joven. Kamala Harris habló sobre ir a ese tribunal por primera vez.

6 months ago

Tim Walz acaba de decir que Kamala comenzó su carrera como una "joven prostituta". ?

6 months, 1 week ago


¡Jorge Lopehandia suelta toda la verdad!

6 months, 1 week ago

Kim Goguen: Actualización completa de la situación: ¿Kim financiará a Trump? Pantano de Kamala

(Desactive la VPN, ya que puede bloquear ciertos videos, como Rumble)

El Estado Profundo sigue buscando dinero. Oriente Medio: ¿quién es el responsable? La facción de Trump dice que Kim financiará a Trump. ¡En absoluto! Trump también soborna a payasos de Ucrania y Rusia para que pongan fin a la guerra y así poder reclamar la paz. Pero no tiene dinero ni sistema cuántico.

También impulsan la guerra civil: los psicópatas. Los BRICS fracasarán. Pantano de Kamala. JFK/Tulsi compraron y más.

6 months, 1 week ago

?? Una madre VALIENTE y PODEROSA se enfrenta a un profesor cruel para proteger a su hijo y al resto del MAL que se está extendiendo por todo el sistema educativo estadounidense.

¿Crees que hizo lo correcto? ¡Por supuesto que sí! ????

6 months, 2 weeks ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago

In 1999, the United States was quietly being taken over by Great Britain.A vigilant patriot named Russell J Gould recognized the threat, and in a series of strategic moves, he saved us from foreign invasion.He took control of the Title 4 US flag and logged it in with the United Nations, becoming sovereign successor to Great Britain.When the political dust settled, Mr. Gould had taken over several high-ranking government positions and that put the country's true terrorists on notice.He introduced a language called now time quantum grammar.Then he used it to prove all previous legal and financial documents to be fraudulent.This saved the US trillions of dollars in debt.He redesigned the periodic table of elements.His work was referred to as Extraterrestrial Technology and genius.As a reward for his efforts, he was arrested and tortured by the government that he saved.War Castles is a documentary series chronicling the events involving Russell Jay Gould's rescue of the free world.Join us as we layout the facts and answer a very crucial question. How is all of this a secret?In the year 2007.The mortgage crisis hit the United States. Several of the guys in my unit got together. We were sitting around the shop one day and talking about how we were losing our homes and we were all about to be tossed out on the street. We were. We were really kind of worried about it. As we were sitting around talking shop, we were like, hey, we got the clearances to do this. We know people in the right places.Let's get together and let's see if we can't drum up and figure out what in the heck happened, what in the heck caused this mortgage crisis incident and what really happened.So after.A few months of digging.We had ran across, judge gave Wayne Miller.And.Russell, Hyphen J. Full calling cold.And what they had done to the mortgage industry that they were responsible for.And that was that. They had syntax, the mortgages.And found them to be 100% grammatical fraud and so.That was, that was a big eye opener for us. So we looked at that and we were like, hey, so wasn't the subprime mortgage lending that led to the collapse. It was the fact that these guys had syntax, the actual contracts, the banking and mortgage contracts and found them to be 100% grammatical fraud and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac immediately.Bundle those up.And sold them the Bank of America.And three days later, when Bank of America found out, they were sitting on bad paper.They sold them to I believe it was Wells Fargo and from there the file the fire sales had started with these, with these bundled mortgages.So with that.You know, we started digging deeper. Well, who? Who is Russell Jay Gould and who is David Wynn Miller?But what really unlocked the entire?Mystery for us was the fact that there was a grammar key.On the on the mortgages that have been syntax, the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages that were syntax by these guys, they had a, they had a grammar key or a syntax key.On the side of the paperwork.And so we were like, OK, we'll.We understand how syntax works and how there was a grammatical fraud going on, but what gave this this key, this syntax key that they were putting on the paperwork Power, the power?Two syntax that document.And with that, that's what we uncovered, the largest national security secret.In this nation's history, if not the world itself.So what this did was it LED us down. Basically this LED us down several rabbit holes. And one of the rabbit holes that it LED us down was the was the.We had to start first. We had to go all the way back to the beginning of U.S. history or American history to figure out.What in the world was going on there?Because this goes that back that far.So.We went all the way back to.The start of the 13 colonies and the original bankruptcy of the United States. And that's really what this all stems from, is the bankruptcy of the United States, the first bankruptcy.And so when?The 13 colonies was was fighting for its freedom from.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Se convirtieron en buenos los malos. ¿Serán las energías de la Luna Llena Azul? ?????

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