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2 weeks, 4 days ago

In this start of 2025, we stand at the precipice of profound metamorphosis, both individual and collective.

Like a forest floor scorched by wildfire, our familiar landscapes will continue to be stripped bare, leaving us raw and exposed to the harsh realities we’ve long ignored. The flames that stormed across LA are charged with symbolism, both for their location and their timing. They represent potent archetypes etched in the collective consciousness, challenging us to peer beyond the veil of illusion. As the gilded facades of Hollywood crumble, we witness the fall of false idols and the dissolution of manufactured dreams. And we continue our walk towards January 20.

Yet, in our pain and confusion, we must resist the temptation to revel in the suffering of others whom we may deem integral parts of the problems that afflict our world, for such rejoicing only feeds the flames of division and chaos. Instead, let us offer regenerative intentions and support and turn inward, allowing the purifying fire to consume the deadwood of our old inner structures, paradigms, and beliefs. For it is only through personal transformation and transmutation of our personal shadows that we can rise, sprouting-seeds, from the barren lands our former selves.

And, as always, beware of deceitful sirens’ calls: regardless of the origin of the fires, the system will try to capture the narrative and use it to further its agendas.

The path ahead this year is arduous, but take heart, for in the embers of destruction lie the seeds of rebirth. Embrace the fire within, and let it forge you anew, for only by facing our shadows can we truly step into the light of the great future that awaits at the other side of the dark spells and illusions of the system.

2025 is a year of deep transformation and transmutation of energies. It will be a year that precedes the phoenix rising from the ashes.

2 weeks, 4 days ago
Caption ***⬇️***

Caption ⬇️

2 weeks, 4 days ago

The issue of grooming/r^pe g^ngs in the UK has resurfaced in the headlines this week, sparked by Elon Musk’s accusations against PM Starmer. Musk claimed that the PM was “complicit in the r^pe of Britain” during his tenure as Director of Public Prosecutions from 2008 to 2013.

The reignited controversy centers around the alleged systematic z<xual xploitation of young girls by groups of men, predominantly of Pac-iztani heritage in various UK cities.

Critics argue that authorities failed to adequately address these krim<s for years partly due to concerns about stigmatizing certain ethnic or religious groups. Some authorities and officials were reportedly hesitant to pursue cases involving offenders from minority backgrounds, fearing accusations of “r^cism or cultural insensitivity”. This reluctance to act on concerns about g^ngs has been described as “political correctness” by some politicians, including former PM Sunak. The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) upheld a complaint from a father who claimed a police officer told him that his city “would <rupt” if it became known that ^sian men were incurring in these acts with vnderage white girls.

When asked about the accusations, the PM responded: “Those that are spreading lies and misinformation, as far and as wide as possible – they’re not interested in victims, they’re interested in themselves”. He defended his record as head of the CPS, stating that he changed prosecution guidelines, reopened previously closed cases, and initiated the first prosecution of these cases.

The controversy has led to calls from various quarters, including opposition politicians, for a comprehensive national inquiry into child z<xual xploitation. However, according to recent reports, the PM has announced that his party will block a vote on this issue.

3 weeks, 3 days ago

No one and nothing can stand in the way of this tsunami of transformation, which will affect every sector, every country, every person.

The old will meet the new with anger and resistance, as these strong transmutational energies stir up those who wish to retain their power and control. They will ultimately fail.

Breathe. Center yourself. Listen to your soul's voice. Speak up. Be brave. Create your own reality. As beacons of light that you are, this is your time to be who you came to be.

2025 will change humanity forever.

We are not alone.

3 weeks, 3 days ago

2024 was a year of transitional transformation as the world moved towards a higher version of itself.

We witnessed increasing attempts to hide information from the public in order to avoid accountability.
But the sheer blatancy of those efforts aided the awakening of millions who simply saw through the smoke and mirrors, meticulous scripting, and misdirected denials and distractions. For a long time, ignorance was bliss—in the times that are coming, awareness will be sovereign.

The inundation of tech, AI, and algorithms that we saw in 2024 was aimed at keeping "reality" virtual rather than factual, as great portions of humanity relied on depictions of the world being fed to them electronically rather than trusting their own direct experience, observation, and discernment. But virtual truth is never sacred truth.

In 2024, the system continued attempting to keep us stuck in physical reality by telling us that what our five senses perceive is all there is. It used the old paradigms (scientific, religious, financial, etc.) to promote fear and amplify our limiting beliefs, which dictate what is socially acceptable and what should be ignored or rejected. In 2025, millions will continue piercing the veil of deceit and manipulation to finally understand that behind the limited landscape that is being presented to us, there is an infinite catalog of possibilities and abundance, which is only accessible if we connect to our souls.

In 2025, sudden and sweeping global changes will reflect the energies that have been building up for a while. There will be no turning back from this global renaissance as we find our authentic voice. The global (r)evolution of consciousness is here, and many who have remained asleep will be stirred, jolted, and catapulted into action. We will feel the urgency to speak up, to stand our ground, to start anew. Forgotten regions, causes, and communities will all step up courageously. Anything that stands in the way of our individual and societal evolution will be swept aside to make way for the new. A younger generation of light bearers will inspire us to stop clinging to outdated notions.

In 2025, the lack of integrity and authenticity will no longer be allowed to hide or linger in the shadows. This will be a time for naming things by their true names, a time for justice. All personal and collective darkness will be brought to the surface for examination. No stone will be left unturned. It will become increasingly evident who seeks only to protect their delusional identity through self-service. Many institutions and individuals will continue trying to portray an image of themselves that they do not embody in reality. This deceitful projection will cause their false images to collapse.

This year will also prompt an energetic rebalancing that will bring abundance to those who are in service to others and to many who have been left behind. Leaders—not saviors—possessing immense power and fortitude will continue to rise, creating a worldwide network of truth and integrity. Diplomacy and peace will replace division and conflict, with the wellbeing of humanity as the guiding principle. Despite the system’s efforts, technology will continue shifting towards decentralization, reclaiming power for the people. As layers of the systems of control continue to crumble, old outdated structures and paradigms will be dismantled.

Ethics will adopt a central role. Governments, institutions, corporations, and experts will all come under scrutiny, and many of those not serving the higher good will face the consequences of their actions, sometimes abruptly. Truth and freedom platforms that reflect the people's voice will grow exponentially, while the media and entertainment structures of the system will face their own demise.
The energies of 2025 will be determined and resolute, with a power so bright that no dark top-down structure of power will be able to stop them. Many paradigms, belief systems, and authority figures will inevitably and rapidly fall. Religiosity devoid of spirituality will be purged.

1 month, 1 week ago

I took these images at last week’s historic farmers’ rally in London against tax changes that would force them to sell many small family-owned agricultural lands and further facilitate the concentration of farming into a few transnational corporate hands.

As I walked around the hundreds of tractors, I recalled the words of J. Brown, which I’m paraphrasing:

The path of the spiritual warrior and the freedom fighter is not necessarily soft and sweet.
It is not artificially blissful and pretend forgiving.
It is not fearful of disagreement.
It is not afraid of losing popularity when it speaks its truth.
It is not scared of its own shadow.
It will not beat around the bush where directness is essential.
It has no regard for vested interests that cause suffering.
It does not shy away from confronting injustice, even when it’s uncomfortable.
It embraces the challenges that come with growth and transformation.
It stands firm in its convictions, even in the face of opposition.
It recognizes the power of authenticity and refuses to compromise its integrity.
It is willing to challenge societal norms when they no longer serve the greater good.
It walks the fine line between empathy and enabling, always striving for what’s best.
It is benevolent but it can be fiery and cuttingly honest in its efforts to liberate itself and humanity from the egoic ties that bind.

Shunning strong opinions in the name of spirituality is not spiritual. Spirituality that is only floaty soft is a recipe for disaster, allowing all manner of manipulation to run amok.

Real spirituality is a quest for truth, in all its forms. Sometimes truth is found in prayer and meditation; and sometimes in the heart of conflict.

May all spiritual and freedom warriors rise into fullness. This planet is lost without them.

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