Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz
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?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
@Inlineuz - futbol bo'yicha yetakchi kanalga xush kelibsiz !
? Reklama xizmati: @Inline_reklama
? Murojaatlar uchun: @Inlineuz_bot
Last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago
«Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)
Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago
...karomat qilinmas malomat...
**The pie chart compares the proportion of male and female workers employed in three different sectors in countries A and B for 2007.
Overall, most of the employees, regardless of their gender, had a job in the service sector. While the share of workers who were employed in Agriculture was higher than that of those working in Industrial sector in country A, the reverse was true for country B.
As for men, most of them preferred to work in the service sector. The proportion of males working in this sector in country B was 65%, which is 9% higher than in country A . Industry was the second most common employment sector, accounting for 32% of male workers in country B and 15% in country A. While 29% of men were working in Agriculture in country A, the same figure for the country B was just 3%.
Female workers also exhibited similar patterns in their employment preferences. In country B, 88% of women were employed in service sector, which is the biggest portion on graph. In contrast, the same figure for the women in country A was 49%. In the industrial sector, accounted for 11% and 8% of the total female workforce in countries B and A, respectively. Notably, the biggest margin between the two countries was observed in the shares of women employed in Agriculture, with 43% in A country and merely 1% in B country.**
ESTIMATED SCORE: 7.0-7.5 ✅****
Noldan boshlab ona tili va adabiyot fanini o'rganmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun haftaning toq kunlari: Dushanba, Chorshanba, Juma, soat 14:00 dagi yangi guruhga qabulni boshladik.
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23.59 gacha davay ?
Воқеа ва ҳодисага гувоҳ бўлдингизми ?
бизга юборинг ? @Sunnatik_Uz
Everyday Interesting, Videos and Photos!
Реклама: +998999090909 @KDREKLAMA
?643092-сонли гувоҳнома асосида фаолият юритамиз
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
@Inlineuz - futbol bo'yicha yetakchi kanalga xush kelibsiz !
? Reklama xizmati: @Inline_reklama
? Murojaatlar uchun: @Inlineuz_bot
Last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago
«Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)
Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago