Biblical Femininity

Calling all Titus 2 women! Rooted in the Word & gracefully serving in submission. Here you will find inspiration, rooted in scripture to discover and embrace your God given femininity. Anti-feminism, pro-patriarchy.
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3 months, 2 weeks ago
(Pt. 3) God’s ordinance of a …

(Pt. 3) God’s ordinance of a wife’s submission is beautiful and purposeful. However, it is not specific to the parameters set by “tradwife” influencers or even pages like this. There is no “how to” guide. Unfortunately though, there are currently many content creators standing on soapboxes screaming long laundry lists about how to be a Christian wife. I am making this series to apologize. I am so sorry for anyone I may have hurt or led astray by reposting & creating such content. I fell into the trap of human error, fear, and inevitable sin - and for that I am so regretful. It is enough to have to fight sin everyday. The truth is making & consuming content that is so focused on human performance is a distraction from the true race at hand.

(Screenshot from created__female on Instagram)

3 months, 3 weeks ago
(Pt. 2) While there is nothing …

(Pt. 2) While there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things, I am sure you are all aware of the trends - the notable uptick in people who want to homestead & all things sourdough to name a few. I fell for the trend as it slowly began in 2020, honestly because we were all locked away during the pandemic and the internet was such a big part of everyday life. I lost myself, constantly taking up new hobbies and habits in an effort to become the perfect wife. I was entirely consumed by the “tradwife” movement. What I thought was an earnest pursuit in biblical marriage submission, was anxiety and a desire to control in disguise that robbed me of God given joy. The problem was not the desire to submit to my husband, but the belief that there was a specific guide in doing so and that if I followed that specific guide I would get a specific result. I was just one how-to guide or one from scratch meal away from being the perfect wife, having the perfect marriage.

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Biblical Femininity
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