the Chief Alchemist.

This article is about the playable character. For the impostor in Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, see Primordial Albedo. For the Cryo Whopperflower mimic, see Fellflower.

ADORABLE ART BY @.waternaeng ?

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2 years, 8 months ago

Public spoiler message.

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

? Help Forward. Selamat siang para mutual atau bukan mutual. Saya Albedo, also known as the "Kreideprinz" membutuhkan beberapa mitra subs for subs baru. Tekan " Participate " jika kamu berminat menjadi mutual baru saya.
Omong-omong kanal saya berisi 1k+ pelanggan, saya menerima semua jenis kanal, tapi saya sangat tidak menerima admin upsubs, seseorang yang tidak memberi timbal balik, dan juga orang yang berniat curang. Ah ya, jangan lupa meletakkan @. Pada nickname mu.

- @Jaeqha.
- Aya Koboker –[@Flujioka]
- na-juju! ? @himakri
- milky @milkchn
- ?ime ?raveller. @MaharanniKala
- Mu Hanzhang @ShennQiao

? 7 people have voted so far.
? Personal Participation

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

Albedo's interest in drawing and painting began back in the days of traveling with his master.

At first, he would simply illustrate his notes with basic sketches. But he soon noticed that the process of rendering things in great detail helped him to intimately understand their physical makeup, which was of great utility to his alchemical studies.

Additionally, it also allowed him to enter into a pleasant state of clarity, in which he needed only to focus on observation and creating his artwork, and nothing else.

Eventually, Albedo became a master artist without ever having received formal tuition.

When strolling through Mondstadt, he enjoys sketching and painting all manner of living things, but particularly people in moments of joy.

Sometimes, he even gifts his artwork to his unsuspecting models, believing that when a work of art captures a transient moment of enjoyment, it is something worth treasuring.

Albedo continued to refine his skills in this manner, going from strength to strength — until one day, when he was taken aback by illustrations from Inazuma.

How was it that drawings of such generality could possess such narrative power?

Amazed, he decided to give it a go himself.

...Eventually, after collaborating with a certain novelist by the name of Xingqiu, "A Legend of Sword" was printed and published.

Unfortunately, it received lukewarm reviews, being lambasted as "a dictionary with divine illustrations."

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

The alchemy that Albedo commands is wholly different from any of the arts practiced in the Seven Nations of Teyvat.

Its lineage can be traced back to the nation of Khaenri'ah.

Khaenri'ah was an underground realm, with precious few natural fauna. As such, its alchemy focused more heavily on the creation of life.

This art of creation was known as "The Art of Khemia."

Albedo had learned of this in his youth from reading his master's notes.

The next stage after "soil" is "chalk," which was also something his master had mentioned.

"Chalk is the spotless soil, and was used to make primordial man."

Now, Albedo understands alchemy in far greater depth than he did in the beginning, and his knowledge on the subject is far more comprehensive.

"From soil was birthed chalk."

The profundity of this statement is well understood by Albedo now.

Such ineffable secrets are bound up with his fond memories of his master.

She was not his birth mother, but there is no doubt that his life stems from her.

"I hope this isn't just wishful thinking, but... when parents speak to their children about 'the meaning of this world'... surely they just mean the pursuit of a happy life?"

From time to time, Albedo finds himself musing on this sentiment.

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

? Bolehkah saya meminta kalian untuk mengasih pesan pertama kepada saya? Di mohon untuk tidak menggunakan tanda pengenal mu.

? Keren

? ? : kalem, dan sangat keren!

? ?. u're cool!!

? so cool

? #AN. keren

? #???? cool ! kinda intimidating

? #S?. Keren dan elegan~

? Keren deh Thoima.

? #LATIL. Cool and swag.

? Sangat keren

? #????? cool

? #March. cool and looks charming.

? Elegant and humble

? Kamu orangnya keren dan cakep banget

? か。sangat keren!

? ?. terlihat menggemaskan dan menawan

? classy, elegant, cool, friendly, polite. I like your personality

? cool and friendly

? #yrà be happy ?

? ?. Elegant

? #Ꮰ kerenn

? #水晶ネム elegance and friendly

? #?omi keren dan terlihat mudah untuk bergaul

? #gguy keren??

? #Aka. cooll

? Keren

? Menggemaskann!

? ?. kamu terlihat sangat cantik dan menggemaskan, begitu menggambarkan Rosemi LoveLock.

? #?. Respectful and kind person, you seem to have very much potential!

? seems friendly... And cool!

? Kamu keren, dan lucu, cocok sekali menggunakan thoma


? sangat keren!

? Anda terlihat keren dan sangat ramah.

? Cool tapi lucuu

? #?. Cool dan ramah

? Kamu sangat ramah dan keren, juga sedikit manis

? ?#騎士? elegant and friendly!

? ?. Keren

? #???ˑ Pretty and cool girl

? #Annie. cool

? #???????. Cakep, talkactive, seru, lucu

? keren sekali



? 憂. Elegant

? #H. Cool, elegant and attractive asf

? #apeliaa cool and elegant

? #?ula cool and humblee

? #BM. so cool, elegant and pretty boy

? #๑?ornelia sangat keren dan juga elegan!

? #Tohru elegan, humble

? #ᝯ????⭑ ֹ ִcool asf.

? #モラン. elegan

? kamu terlihat ramah! keren, lalu sepertinya kamu orang yang kalem?

?? ꒱ Very cool

? 91 people have voted so far.
? Anonymous Board

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