Russian Embassy in Cambodia

Консульский отдел Посольства:

Официальный канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Королевстве Камбоджа

Official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Cambodia
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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago
9 января с.г. Посол России в …

9 января с.г. Посол России в Камбодже А.В.Боровик нанёс визит вежливости Министру туризма Королевства Хуот Хаку.

В ходе беседы состоялось подробное обсуждение текущего состояния и перспектив дальнейшего развития диалога двух стран в профильной сфере.

On 9 January, H.E. Mr Anatoly Borovik, Russian Ambassador to Cambodia, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr Huot Hak, Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom.

The talk featured a detailed discussion of the current state and prospects for further development of the dialogue between the two countries in the relevant sphere.

1 month, 3 weeks ago
***☦️*** 7 января (25 декабря по …

☦️ 7 января (25 декабря по юлианскому календарю) в России православные христиане отмечают Рождество Христово.
Посольство поздравляет верующих с праздником!

នាថ្ងៃទី៧ ខែមករា (ថ្ងៃទី២៥ ខែធ្នូ តាម ប្រតិទិនជូលៀន) អ្នកកាន់គ្រិស្តសាសនារុស្ស៊ីប្រារព្ធពិធីបុណ្យកំណើតរបស់ព្រះយេស៊ូវ គ្រិស្ត។
ស្ថានទូតរុស្ស៊ី អបអរសាទរអ្នកកាន់គ្រិស្តសាសនាទាំងអស់ក្នុងឱកាសនៃទិវាបុណ្យនេះ!

On 7 January (25 December in Julian calendar) Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas.
The Embassy congratulates the religious practitioners with the holiday!

? Павел Лисицын

1 month, 4 weeks ago
***⚡️*** [**Comment**]( **by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman …

⚡️ Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the drone attack in the DPR killing a Russian journalist and wounding his colleagues

On January 4,Izvestiya newspaper freelance correspondent Alexander Martemyanov was killed in a targeted drone attack by the Kiev regime militants, which also left at least another four Russian journalists wounded to varying degrees of severity, including RIA Novosti reporters Mikhail Kevkhiev and Maxim Romanenko.

A vehicle carrying a team of war correspondents was heading back to Donetsk after filming the effects of the shelling of civilian facilities in Gorlovka by Ukrainian neo-Nazis when it was hit by a kamikaze drone loaded with explosives. The tragedy occurred far from the line of contact. The media representatives were intentionally selected as targets for a deadly attack, which is also evidenced by the testimonies of its survivors.

▪️ We express our deep condolences to Alexander Martemyanov’s family and friends, the editorial staff of the Izvestiya Multimedia Information Centre, and all his colleagues who are currently performing their professional duty in the zone of the special military operation. We wish a speedy recovery to those wounded in this atrocious terrorist attack.

The assassination of Russian journalists is yet another brutal crime in a string of violent atrocities committed by the Zelensky regime, which has openly resorted to terrorist methods to eliminate its ideological opponents. The Kiev clique is accountable for the deaths of countless innocent citizens, people of civilian professions, including journalists and war correspondents who became victims of intentional attacks carried out as part of the terror campaign that Bandera inhumane followers unleashed against Russia’s civilian population as well as their own nation.

The idea of ​​the total impunity and permissiveness that the Ukrobanderite murderers of unarmed journalists revel in stems directly from the policy pursued by relevant international bodies such as the OHCHR, UNESCO and the OSCE, which have chosen to intentionally ignore the Kiev regime’s crimes.

This politically biased stance by multilateral institutions has peaked with a recent draft report by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity, which failed to mention a single Russian journalist killed by Ukrainian militants. Despite the rejection of approval of the report, which grossly distorts the actual situation and is full of statistical manipulations, the UNESCO leadership and its head have yet to take a single step that would indicate a radical revision of this fundamentally flawed and vicious practice. This makes the leader of this global organisation a direct accomplice and instigator of the terrorist attacks.

❗️ We demand that this brutal murder of a Russian war correspondent receive a proper response from Audrey Azoulay in accordance to her mandate. We expect all other human rights organisations and bodies to express a similarly strong denunciation of this horrific act. Attempts to hide behind vague excuses and broad statements cannot be regarded as an adequate response from the relevant authorities; international officials who advocate for human rights must explicitly point to the perpetrators of these killings.

All those responsible for the crime against Russian journalists will be identified and will face a just and inevitable punishment.

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2 months ago
***⚡️*** [**Comment**]( **by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman …

⚡️ Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Ukraine ending Russian gas transit (January 2, 2025)

Kiev has refused to extend the agreements between Russia’s Gazprom and Ukraine’s Naftogaz and Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine, which expired on January 1, 2025. The same day, the transit of Russian gas to Europe through the territory of Ukraine was stopped.

☝️ It was the Ukrainian authorities that chose to halt Russian gas supplies to European residents despite the fact that Gazprom was fulfilling its obligations under contracts.

This move to halt the supplies of competitive and environmentally friendly Russian source of energy both diminishes Europe’s economic potential and severely affects the quality of life for European citizens.

*❗️ The geopolitical context behind this decision by the Kiev regime is obvious*, with the United States being the primary beneficiary of the redistribution of the energy market in Europe as well as the main orchestrator of the Ukrainian crisis.

The major European economy, Germany, has already become the first to fall victim of the US predatory strategy: Germany was forced to purchase natural gas at significantly higher prices following the explosions of the Nord Stream 1 and the Nord Stream 2 pipelines. Germany also had to start closing a number of its major legendary industries.

Now other nations, which were once part of the economically thriving and independent European Union, will also face the consequences of the US 'patronage'.

The responsibility for halting Russian gas supplies lies entirely with the United States, the puppet Kiev regime, and the authorities of European states that preferred providing financial support to the American economy to ensuring well-being of their own citizens.

2 months ago

?️ President of Russia Vladimir Putin’s New Year Address to the Nation

? The year 2025 begins, marking the completion of the first quarter of the 21st Century.

For Russia, this period has been marked by numerous events, including developments of historical significance and great magnitude. We set ambitious goals for ourselves and achieved them, coped with many challenges because we stood united.

This’s what consolidated our unity, strengthened our confidence in ourselves, in our abilities, in our potential. True, there is still a lot to be accomplished, but we can be rightfully proud of what we have already achieved. This is our joint achievement, a solid foundation for future progress.

Our nation – independent, free, and strong – has tackled successfully the most formidable challenges. As we stand on the brink of a new year, we think about the future. We are confident that everything is going to be all right. We will continue to advance. We know for sure that Russia’s destiny and well-being of its people has always been and will remain our absolute value.

Sincere love for our Motherland gives our lives a deep sense of purpose, while determination to make our own contribution to protecting its sovereignty, security, interests, and freedom of development has become a matter of honour for us.

As we welcome the New Year, the thoughts and hopes of families and friends, of millions of people across Russia are with our soldiers and commanders. You are the true heroes who undertook a great task and immense responsibility of defending Russia and ensuring peace and security for our nation. We are proud of your bravery and valour and we believe in you.

In your honour, in honour of the 80th anniversary of Great Victory and as a tribute to the memory of our ancestors who have always defended the Motherland, the upcoming year 2025 has been declared the Year of the Defender of the Fatherland in Russia. We are the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of the generation that crushed Nazism. We remain loyal to the legacy and traditions of our veterans.

New Year’s Eve always holds a special place in our hearts, filling us with warmth and hope that our dreams, aspirations, and best intentions will come to fruition. As the countdown to the New Year begins, we find ourselves surrounded by our near and dear ones: our family, children, parents, grandchildren, our friends and comrades-in-arms.

I wish happiness and prosperity to our every home and every family, and to our beloved country, Russia. Together, we can achieve anything.

Happy New Year, friends! Happy 2025!

2 months ago
**Дорогие друзья!**

Дорогие друзья!

? Сегодня, 1 января 2025 г., мы празднуем 10 лет с даты вступления в силу Договора о ЕАЭС и начала фактического функционирования Союза.

Благодаря мерам, принятым в объединении, рынки стран ЕАЭС обеспечены необходимой продукцией, граждане Союза могут перемещаться, работать и получать соцобеспечение в любой стране «пятерки», для компаний созданы благоприятные условия для ведения внешнеэкономической деятельности.

? На мировой арене ЕАЭС проявил себя как конструктивно настроенный партнёр, заинтересованный в диалоге на основе взаимного уважения и соблюдения норм международного права.

Об этом свидетельствуют развитие взаимодействия с государствами-наблюдателями (??Узбекистаном, ??Кубой и ??Ираном), торговые соглашения с ??Вьетнамом, ??Сербией, ??Ираном и ??Китаем, более 80 меморандумов о сотрудничестве по линии ЕЭК.

*? Благодарим коллег из российских ведомств и ЕЭК, а также партнёров по Союзу за плодотворные 10 лет.*

*? Уверены, евразийская экономическая интеграция продолжит набирать обороты!*

2 months ago


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In the outgoing year, Russian diplomacy made energetic efforts to implement the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation approved by President Vladimir Putin in March 2023.

While the collective West made attempts to preserve the rudiments of its global dominance and impose a “rules-based international order,” Russia proposed a constructive alternative by advocating for the unconditional adherence to the principles of the UN Charter in all their completeness and interconnectedness, including in relation to settling the crisis in Ukraine and other conflicts <...>.

By putting forth new initiatives for Eurasian security and against neocolonialism, Russia provided a new ideological framework for its policy course to enhance its standing on the international arena as one of the leading centres in a multipolar world.

The implementation of the strategic initiative for creating an architecture of indivisible security in Eurasia, presented by the President of Russia in June, has begun. <...>

Bilateral agreements on security guarantees were signed with Belarus and the DPRK, regulating the response in the event of armed aggression against either party. Moscow and Minsk also took practical steps in the field of nuclear weapons as a measure to deter a potential aggressor. <...>

The economic potential of Greater Eurasia was strengthened this year through the promotion of the project to develop the North-South International Transport Corridor. <...>

Russia launched the implementation of the foreign policy initiative on international cooperation in countering neocolonialism.

? President Vladimir Putin’s state visits to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan confirmed the proximity of our foreign policy approaches, and consolidated promising areas of cooperation, including joint production and logistics projects, in the bilateral agenda.

? President Vladimir Putin’s first-ever state visit to Azerbaijan in August served as evidence of the intensive development of Russia-Azerbaijan bilateral relations.

? The overarching partnership and strategic interaction with China reached a new level following the state visit by President Vladimir Putin to China in May. The People’s Republic of China consolidated its role as Russia’s largest foreign trade partner, as mutual trade reached the equivalent of $240 billion, with 95 percent of payments made in national currencies.

? The special privileged strategic partnership with India received a serious boost thanks to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official visit to Russia in July, which paved the way for expanding cooperation in finance, investment, transport, energy, science and technology.

? President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to Pyongyang in June opened a new chapter in the cooperation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, during which the parties signed the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership that set guidelines for deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries on a broad range of issues.

? President Vladimir Putin’s official visits to Vietnam and Mongolia improved the dynamics of the relations with these countries, mainly in energy, transport and industrial production, as well as in large investment projects.

??? The Kazan Summit of BRICS became the flagship international event, which, under Russia’s chairmanship, convened for the first time in an expanded format and definitively dispelled the myth of Russia’s international isolation.

Under Russia’s Chairship in the CIS, the development of cooperation in energy, chemical industry, and several other sectors was given a serious boost. The Agreement on Free Trade in Services, Establishment, Operation, and Investment in the CIS entered into effect.

? The First Ministerial Conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum was held in November, where the participating countries detailed plans for the implementation of agreements on advancing Russia’s cooperation with African states across the board


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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago