Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
✧ #onigyurivobo
*? SECOND PAYMENT: DUE 09/07/2024 2359*✧ please fill up the form FIRST
✧ second payment to be made within 1 week to avoid confiscation
✧ 7 days late = confiscation
✧ please refer to the spreadsheet for more info
? COLLECTION: DUE 16/07/2024 2359✧ please remember to pay second payment before filling up the form here
✧ collection to be made prior to the deadline, if not items will be confiscated
✧ packing will be done on weekdays, mail runs done on weekends (add check will be sent before mailing)
❕general updates❕
#onigyurivobo collection will be up this evening
#onigyurigkrh has been dispatched by the creator, arriving at the end of the week
#onigyurihpg615, #onigyurippozzong, #onigyurifml17 has been sent out by the respective creators! will update again when forwarded from the k-add
#onigyurirhsigned forwarding requested, awaiting dispatch from the us-add
? mailing updates ?
for both nm and courier
add checks have been sent to the first half of the mail batch, pick up for courier will be on thursday, mails will be mailed tomorrow~
for those who've yet to receive add checks, your items will be packed later in the weekend! will follow up with add check as soon as i can~
❕general updates❕ hi! thank you so much for your patience thus far, i am finally back in SG and will start to resume packing and mailing as per usual! if you have any unread DMs from me, do give me till the weekend to get back to you~ #onigyurirhsigned last…
❕general updates❕
hi! thank you so much for your patience thus far, i am finally back in SG and will start to resume packing and mailing as per usual! if you have any unread DMs from me, do give me till the weekend to get back to you~
#onigyurirhsigned last batch has just been dispatched, forwarding will be requested as soon as i can
#onigyurivobo expected to reach me tomorrow, will be up for collection by next monday latest
**self-collection won’t be available till the end of june!
‼️ COLLECTION NOTICE ‼️ ? READY FOR COLLECTION ✧ #onigyurint ✧ #onigyuridicon ✧ #onigyuriamm2 ? SECOND PAYMENT: DUE 14/05/2024 2359 ✧ please fill up the form FIRST ✧ second payment to be made within 1 week to avoid confiscation ✧ 7 days late = confiscation…
✧ #onigyurint
✧ #onigyuridicon
✧ #onigyuriamm2
*? SECOND PAYMENT: DUE 14/05/2024 2359*✧ please fill up the form FIRST
✧ second payment to be made within 1 week to avoid confiscation
✧ 7 days late = confiscation
✧ please refer to the spreadsheet for more info
? COLLECTION: DUE 31/05/2024 2359✧ please remember to pay second payment before filling up the form here
✧ collection to be made prior to the deadline, if not items will be confiscated
✧ packing will be done on weekdays, mail runs done on weekends (add check will be sent before mailing)
✧ please note that i will be away starting from 16/05/2023 - 30/05/2023 if you'd like to receive your items before then, please fill up your collection form by 12/05/2024 2359 for mails to be processed before my absence
woodlands MRT station exit 6
↳ 01/05/2023 12PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 04/05/2024 4PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 08/05/2024 7PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 11/05/2024 4PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
orchard station exit 8
↳ 04/05/2024 5PM orchard station exit 8 AVAILABLE
bayfront station exit c
↳ 11/05/2024 5PM bayfront station exit c AVAILABLE
❕general updates❕ apologies for the delay everyone! have been in and out of sg the past few weeks~ #onigyurint, #onigyuridicon, #onigyuriamm2 was previously stuck in customs and finally arrived yesterday! i’m in the midst of sorting and items will be up…
❕general updates❕
apologies for the delay everyone! have been in and out of sg the past few weeks~
#onigyurint, #onigyuridicon, #onigyuriamm2 was previously stuck in customs and finally arrived yesterday! i’m in the midst of sorting and items will be up for collection by tomorrow~
#onigyurirhsigned secured, will be sending secure proof later at night!
? mailing updates ?
one batch of NM was dropped of last wed, and another on sunday evening! if you require mail proof please DM @itstinating with #onigyurimail
woodlands MRT station exit 6
↳ 01/05/2023 12PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 04/05/2024 4PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 08/05/2024 7PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 11/05/2024 4PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
orchard station exit 8
↳ 04/05/2024 5PM orchard station exit 8 AVAILABLE
↳ 12/05/2024 5PM orchard station exit 8 AVAILABLE
*? READY FOR COLLECTION*✧ #onigyuri16xmin
**sp includes: (dsf + gst + shipping from id to sg) for more information do check the spreadsheet for a price breakdown!
*? SECOND PAYMENT: DUE 12/05/2024 2359*✧ please fill up the form FIRST
✧ second payment to be made within 1 week to avoid confiscation
✧ 7 days late = confiscation
✧ please refer to the spreadsheet for more info
? COLLECTION: DUE 31/05/2024 2359✧ please remember to pay second payment before filling up the form here
✧ collection to be made prior to the deadline, if not items will be confiscated
✧ packing will be done on weekdays, mail runs done on weekends (add check will be sent before mailing)
✧ please note that i will be away starting from 16/05/2023 - 30/05/2023 if you'd like to receive your items before then, please fill up your collection form by 12/05/2024 2359 for mails to be processed before my absence
woodlands MRT station exit 6
↳ 01/05/2023 12PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 04/05/2024 4PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 08/05/2024 7PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
↳ 11/05/2024 4PM woodlands MRT station exit 6: AVAILABLE
orchard station exit 8
↳ 04/05/2024 5PM orchard station exit 8 AVAILABLE
↳ 12/05/2024 5PM orchard station exit 8 AVAILABLE
❕general updates❕
#onigyurint, #onigyuridicon, #onigyuriamm2 arrived at k-add forwarding has been requested
#onigyuri16xmin otw to singapore
#onigyurivobo has been mailed by creator
? mailing updates ?
for those who've received add check for normal mail/courier, items will be picked up and mailed tomorrow~
for those who've yet to receive any add checks, items will be packed subsequently in the next few days! add checks will be sent to you as soon as it's available~
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago