BikeTrips 🚲

This channel was created for gathering of all bike trips lovers at IUT
We will organize some (short/long distance) trips and possibly conduct events, if the wish appears
Also feel free to join discussion in a channel group:)

For Q&A: @YUlugbek, @rovsh02
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1 year, 7 months ago

For some unexpected reasons, our trip planned for tomorrow has to be cancelled...
As soon as "Chilla?" ends up, we will organize the trips more frequently ?

1 year, 7 months ago
Good part of the day ***?***

Good part of the day ?

I hope you haven't sunburned yet ?

This Sunday, we are organizing an awesome trip to the New Uzbekistan park.

In order not to die we will start the trip early in the morning.

Trip details:
?Starting point: monument to Mirzo Ulugbek (near INHA University)
?Destination: New Uzbekistan park
?Speed: ~25km/h
?Distance: 12km (in one direction)
?Time: 05:00 am
?Trip leader: @IamUbaydulloh

Stay tuned and join our discussion chat: @IUT_BikeTripChat

1 year, 8 months ago

Our tomorrow bike-trip will be at 19:00 near A building along the Anchor river as usual. I don't write about weather conditions because it is predictably hot ? Hope it will be a bit windy in the evening See you tomorrow, don't be late and don't forget to…

1 year, 8 months ago

Our tomorrow bike-trip will be at 19:00 near A building along the Anchor river as usual.

I don't write about weather conditions because it is predictably hot ?
Hope it will be a bit windy in the evening

See you tomorrow, don't be late and don't forget to take a good mood with you ?

1 year, 8 months ago

Good evening, dear fella!
I hope you have ended up this academic year without any problems and are ready to join us this Saturday!
I will announce the exact time tomorrow.
Be ready and stay tuned ?

Don't forget to join our discussion chat: @IUT_BikeTripChat

1 year, 10 months ago

Good evening, everyone!

On Sunday 07.05, we are organizing a bike-trip?

Weather will be perfect - cloudy and not very warm, just 22-20°C

?First meet point:
IUT, block A, at 16:30
We will wait 15 minutes and then ride to the second point.

? Second meet point:
Broadway (You may rent a bike here and wait us coming), at 17:45
Wait 15 minutes and then ride along the Anhor river.

Please, don't be late and let's make fun together:)

If you have any questions ask them in our chat: @IUT_BikeTripChat

We recommend to visit

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