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The Burning Desire And The Burning Oven
Our scholars - may Allāh have mercy on them - have mentioned that [Imām] Mālik believed that it was impermissible to adorn the grave because that is considered from the beatifications and decorations whilst the grave is a stopover in the afterlife and not a place for decorations; ???????, ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???????.
Book: The Reminder About the Condition of the Dead and the Events of the Afterlife -At - Tadhkirah-
Author: Al-Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakr bin Farah al-Qurtubi (D. 671H) | Translation: Osman Hamid | Pg 50 | Reviewed and Edited: Hikmah Publications
Ibn Hajar al- Asqalānī said,
The Sunnah when sitting to eat is to kneel down with the top of the feet resting upon the floor, or to sit with the right knee up, resting on the left foot.
Book: A Commentary on the Depiction of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Shama'il Muhammadiyyah), By Imam Abu Isa at Tirmidhi (d.279), Compiled and Translated by Ayman ibn Khalid, Published by Dar al- Arqam, Page 182
Ibn al-Uthaymin said,
The Prophet ﷺ ate like that so that he would not become too comfortable and eat too much. This is because, usually when a person sits in this manner, he does not feel too comfortable and this causes him to become unable to eat excessively. If he is not comfortable he will never eat to excess, but if he is comfortable he will.
Abdul Razzaq al-Badr said,
This hadith is fully narrated in the Musnad of Imām Ahmad and its wording is: "Dates were presented to the Prophet ﷺ so he divided it equally to be distributed amongst the [needy] people and I was the one who was sent to give it away. After he finished, I saw him eating whilst sitting in a kneeling position and this made me realise that he was hungry." Musnad Ahmad (13101)
This hadith shows he gave priority to other persons who had a similar condition (i.e. hunger) despite the fact that he was hungry himself.
Prepare for Ramadan with these audio online classes...
Welcome Ramadān – Khutbah by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
Prepare Yourself for the Month of Mercy and Forgiveness: Ramadān – Khutbah by Abu Khadeejah
Sahih Muslim: Explanation of the Book of Fasting – Ramadan Seminar - Aqbul-Abbaas Moosaa Richardson, Abu Suhailah Umar Quinn & Abu Muhammad al-Maghribi
Ramadan Lessons Moosa Richardson
Utilise Ramadān To Rectify Yourselves by Abu Idrees
Ramadan Is A Remedy For Diseases Of Heart – Khutbah By Hasan Somali
Ramadan A Month Of Repentance! by Hasan Somali
Ramadān Is A Period Of Happiness For The Believer – Khutbah by Abu Khadeejah
Fasting in Ramadān According to the Sunnah – Lessons by Abu Khadeejah
The Book of Fasting in Ramadān – from the explanation of Zād Al-Mustaqni’ – Series by Abu Khadeejah 2017
Benefit From Ramadān Before it’s Over By Abu Hakeem
Remaining Focused After Ramadān – Lecture by Abdulilah Lahmami
How Muslims Should Celebrate Eid Day – Short lesson by Abu Khadeejah
A beautiful supplication of our Prophet ﷺ. Learn it and teach it to your family and friends. Is there anything better than being loved by Allaah, but attaing His love is by having the correct belief, and doing righteous deeds and staying away from what He has prohibited...
A du'aa the Prophet (may Allāh honour him and grant him peace) would say often. Memorise it, understand its meaning, say it often & teach it to your family, for trials and tribulations keep increasing, so we need to ask Allāh continuously to protect our hearts from deviating.
Our beloved Prophet ﷺ, the Leader of all the Prophets, did NOT have knowledge of the unseen....
Don't follow the Prophet (ﷺ) in his 'Aqeedah (belief), nor worship Allaah تعالى the way he (ﷺ) prescribed, nor follow him (ﷺ) in his manners and characteristics but claim to love him, a strange claim of love...
The envier in reality is an enemy of the blessings of Allāh, the envier is not pleased, nor happy to see others do well and succeed and many other evil traits the envier possesses. And for this reason the Prophet (may Allāh protect him and grant him peace) said:
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Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
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Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago
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