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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
? through thick and thin
المقابل العربي: في السرَّاءِ والضرَّاء.
under all circumstances, no matter how difficult.
?For example ⬇️
? "They stuck together through thick and thin."
? I want to thank my husband of 38 years, who has been there through thick and thin, supporting me every step of the way.
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
? When it rains, it pours
المقابل العربي: إن المصائب لا تأتي فُرادى.
Bad things occur in large numbers, but many big things happen all at once.
?For example ⬇️
? “First he was laid off, then his wife got into a car accident. When it rains, it pours.“
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
**the half of it
?** (often used in the negative) If someone does not know the half of it, they know that a situation is bad but do not know how serious it is. Used to say that a situation is even worse than one would think it is or than it seems to be.
? Yes, the company is losing money, but that's only the half of it: if we don't show some improved sales soon, the bank will cut our credit line, too!
?A: "I heard the meeting went pretty poorly." B: "That isn't the half of it. Now the boss wants to do a full review of my employment, so I might even lose my job!"
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
**in a jiffy
? Meaning**
A jiffy is a brief amount of time — an instant, or a split second.
If you say that you will do something in a jiffy, you mean that you will do it very quickly or very soon.
? When you're really tired at the end of a long day, you probably fall asleep in a jiffy after lying in bed.
? I'll be with you in a jiffy.
? I've just got to fetch some books from upstairs - I won't be a jiffy (= I'll be very quick).
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
when pigs fly
? Meaning
Never / It's impossible for pigs to fly, so when someone says this, they are saying that something will (most likely) never happen.
**For example:
?** I think he’ll pay you back your money – when pigs fly.
? John asked Sarah whether she would go to the movies with him, Sarah replied that would happen when pigs fly.
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
in any case
*? Meaning*
You can say "in any case" before giving an additional reason for doing or not doing something, or instead of saying "anyway".
For example:
?I don't need a car, and in any case I can't afford one now.
?I can't go to the dance club tonight, and in any case I'm far too old for that sort of thing.
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
? the dust settles
let the dust settle / wait for the dust to settle / when the dust settles
? If you let the dust settle, or wait till the dust settles, you wait until things have become calmer or have returned to normality after conflict or a problem.
to allow or wait for a confused situation to become clear
? I think we need to let the dust settle and see what's going to happen after that.
?I think we need to let the dust settle before we decide what to do.
? Let’s not make any decisions now — we’ll wait for the dust to settle and then decide what to do.
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
? up the duff
For example:?Terry got his girlfriend up the duff, and then he dumped her. What a creep!
?Debbie's up the duff, and she doesn't know what to do about it.
? Two days before I was due to have an appointment with the doctor, I found out I was up the duff.
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?MeaningThis saying warns us against hypocrisy. We should not criticize other people for things we do ourselves.
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
Salt of the earth?Meaning
Being honest and good.
For example:
?My father is the salt of the earth. He works hard and always helps people who are in need.
? Mary is really the salt of the earth. She has neither lied to nor harmed anyone.
English Idioms ™
New Daily English Idioms and Phrases
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago