Official Cape Fear Proud Boys

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1 year, 3 months ago
If you were ushered into the …

If you were ushered into the Capitol on January 6th by police, walked through, took pictures, then left you would still be in jail without trial.

If you burn down a Wendy’s expect a $500 fine and probation as long as you did it for BLM.

There are two tiers of justice in this country.

1 year, 3 months ago
Official Cape Fear Proud Boys
1 year, 3 months ago

Try harder next time FBI. This is so obvious it’s insulting. ??

1 year, 8 months ago
Another trans shooting. This time it …

Another trans shooting. This time it was a BLM activist as well. “Kimbrady” Carrier believed black lives mattered so much… that he killed them.

BLM typically commits arson, taints jury pools, espouses Marxist ideology and spends charitable donations buying mansions and enriching family members of it’s leadership. We can now add committing radical trans activist mass shootings to their list of accomplishments.

1 year, 8 months ago
"Today, it is common to criticize …

"Today, it is common to criticize the founders of America. Judging them by today's standards of equality and justice, they do fail.
Some owned slaves, none fought to give women equal rights. Most were wealthy white men.

But there is just one problem with judging them by today's standards and it is this: but for those imperfect founders and the sacrifices that they made and the instruments of government which they created, there would be no current, enlightened standards of equality and justice by which to judge them."

-Ted Stewart

1 year, 8 months ago
Men of Virginia, consider this a …

Men of Virginia, consider this a blessing. Instead of spending this upcoming Saturday night mired in porn, put on a shirt with a collar then go out and meet an actual woman.

1 year, 9 months ago

The Miami Trump indictment
Part III, The worst is yet to come

This indictment isn’t the big one. When it’s all said and done Trump will be facing four indictments. The Stormy Daniels case in New York City, the classified documents case in Miami, an upcoming indictment involving election interference in Atlanta, and most importantly a January 6th related indictment in Washington DC where they will attempt to land a seditious conspiracy charge. If indicted this case will go before a DC jury. Trump will not stand a chance.

The groundwork for Trump’s seditious conspiracy charge has already been laid. It was critical for the DOJ to secure convictions on J6 related seditious conspiracy charges in other cases before they indicted Trump for the same offense. This establishes a precedent. Stewart Rhodes, the president of the Oath Keepers was present on J6 but by the government’s own admission did not enter the capitol building. His crime was a speech crime. After the protest, Stewart Rhodes publicly stated his only regret was that “they did not bring rifles”. For this he was found guilty of seditious conspiracy and sentenced to 18 years in prison. Multiple Proud Boys have also been found guilty of this charge and are currently awaiting sentencing. At age 77, the precedent has been set to imprison Donald Trump for the rest of his natural life.

The democrats and the deep state can’t lose here. Even if he is found not guilty on all indictments they will have forced the leading Republican presidential candidate through four trials during campaign season. If he is found guilty and loses the election he goes to prison. If he is found guilty and wins the election they will have forced a situation where a sitting president must pardon himself. The optics of this will be unrecoverable and will haunt his entire second term. No mater what happens, the democrats win.

So what is our take? Simple.
All of this is by design.

We fully admit Trump made some unforced errors and did himself no favors. However, in the end that was irrelevant. If the government wants to destroy you they can and will. If they can do this to a former president imagine what they could do to you.

1 year, 9 months ago

The Miami Trump indictment
Part I, The government lies

On June 13th Trump was indicted in Miami on 37 criminal charges based on his handling of classified information. We’ll say this up front, if Trump was passing around top secret invasion plans that he keeps stored behind his toilet to his buddies without security clearances at a Mar-A-Lago cocktail party, we have a serious problem with that and he should face charges.

But did he? In order to believe this indictment you have to believe the federal government. When the government opens their mouth we automatically assume they are lying. They have earned this reputation. This is the same government that fraudulently obtained a FISA warrant based on a fake dossier paid for by the DNC and spent years investigating Trump, all the while they swore to us that they had true and damning evidence to support their claims. This is the same government that had over 50 current and retired intelligence officials sign a letter for Joe Biden facilitating a PSYOP on the American people in order to try and persuade you to believe Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”. This is the same government that lied about a phone call to Ukraine and used it to impeach him. Twice. If you’re reading this in Miami you are a potential juror. As a Miami resident you should also know this is the same government that in 1962 planned to kill your mothers and fathers and then lie to you, blaming it on Cuban terrorists in order to start a war with Cuba. Don’t take our word for it, read it yourself in the government’s own national security archive (Page 8 of the document/page 11 of the PDF, beginning with paragraph 4).

Thankfully President Kennedy canceled this operation. The government didn’t appreciate that. We know what happened to Kennedy. There has been a coordinated government effort since 2016 to lie about Trump. This is an indisputable fact. Why would we suddenly believe the government?

When we catch our children in a lie we tell them if they continue lying no one will believe them. The government should heed this advice.

1 year, 9 months ago
Official Cape Fear Proud Boys
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