Human Rights Advocates Australia

Advocates that you can trust on any matter. Fighting for Human Rights.

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3 months, 1 week ago
Julian Assange is free! ***?******?******?***

Julian Assange is free! ???

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released from prison after US plea deal. Assange to plead guilty to one charge of espionage and return home to Australia after years fighting US extradition.

He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Many of us are going to refuse Digital ID.

Have you actually asked these questions:
How long can you hold out? If they require you have ID to access your bank account? Access to the internet? Access medical? Car Rego........
What will be your 'point' of compliance?

These are all questions that we must ask.
1. If you are on a pension, you will have to get it.
2. If you require medical treatment, you will have to get it
3. If you want a license or a car rego, bike rego
4. If you want to buy food
5. If you want to access your bank

These are things we need to think about now!!

I am in a unique postion where I own my house, but it is not on my land. This means I don't pay rates and no one knows where I live.
I live off grid
I grow 90% of my own food undercover with filtered water.
I am healthy, I never see a doctor. I see a naturpath.
I make every thing like detergents, moisturisers and deoderant.

I have much of what I need for the next 15 to 20 years and I am working out what I need for 1 year to survive well atm.
I don't have any money.....I am practicing living on $200 per week atm and it is easy and I save money!

I knit, spin, sew, preserve, dehydrate and have horses and carriages, electric pushbike and motor bikes.
Start practicing now! Start growing food, start learning how to live without money and start learning how to preserve food as well

I think my tipping point will be if I need to see a dentist or I have an accident and need surgery.

What will your tipping point be?

Shared from Suddenly Gone Australia FB page.

3 months, 2 weeks ago
Lock him up!!!

Lock him up!!!

3 months, 3 weeks ago


3 months, 3 weeks ago

Strip Daniel Andrews of this NOW. Sign below!!!

The Nationals Victoria

Petition: Revoke Daniel Andrews' Companion of the Order of Australia award

3 months, 3 weeks ago
Human Rights Advocates Australia
5 months, 3 weeks ago


5 months, 4 weeks ago

Serene has long attested; that the Police, prosecutors, judicial systems and CPS; are all in on this; it is what Serene refers to as the “Paedophilia Agenda”, and it has well and truly taken a firm grip over Australia’s establishments and agencies.

Laura has also been threatened with incarceration, pushing for a maximum sentence of 20 years and threats of deportation to England

Serene really needs your support in standing up for Laura and other parents just like her. Laura has been denied legal aid services, with no reason provided; she is certainly eligible for same. Perhaps the legal establishment are in on it too; or perhaps they are just too scared to engage in a case of this magnitude, that would likely cripple the career of any moralistic Lawyer who elected to stand against this corruption. How does one fight something this big on their own? It is the entire system against one lone and terrified mother; they are trying to destroy her once and for all.

Laura is a mental health support worker and is studying trauma-informed yoga and meditation. She is a very level-headed and calm person and is also an amazing artist.

We are putting out a desperate plea for your support to assist with Laura’s case. Your financial donations will be gratefully received.


ACCT: 12435201

**Shared from Co-Vision

5 months, 4 weeks ago

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Laura resides in the Northern Territory and is a devoted mother to her two beautiful children.

Approximately two years ago, Laura began to observe highly sexualised behaviour and verbal disclosures from her very young daughter, coupled with very concerning behaviours from her slightly older son. These disclosures and behaviours began after Laura separated from the children’s father, and parenting began in the two separate homes.

Laura was deeply concerned by this, and rightly reported same to the Police and Child Protective Services (CPS), as she was concerned that something disturbing must have been occurring whilst the children were out of her care. CPS produced a report from Laura’s allegations, which confirmed that the behaviours displayed by her daughter; were indicative that sexual abuse was a clear risk. It appeared to Laura, that her concerns were being heeded by authorities and that action would be taken to intervene and protect her children; however, that was not to be the case. Less than 48 hours later; CPS and the Police forcibly removed the children from Laura’s care without explanation.

Laura’s only contact with her children from that time, was through a supervised contact centre. Family Court proceedings, saw the father awarded custody of the children, despite CPS indicators that the alleged abuse was occurring during time spent with him. The father took custody of their young daughter; however, refused custody of their son, due to his autism condition and subsequent challenging behaviours. Instead of awarding custody of their son to Laura; he was instead made a ward of the state, and to this day is being bounced around the country from one foster carer or state facility to another.

During one of the supervised visits with her daughter; Laura observed that her daughter was experiencing discomfort in her genital region, and when this was highlighted to the supervisors and CPS; she was advised that her daughter had ​ giardia (a parasite in her faeces) and vaginosis a bacterial infection. Laura was advised that both of these conditions had “allegedly” arisen from the child’s toileting hygiene. Her daughter was only 4-years old at the time of the diagnosis of these conditions.

Obviously Laura was beside herself with concern for her daughter’s health and her son’s wellbeing; she was being denied any contact with her son at this time, and had no knowledge of his whereabouts. During one of the supervised visits with her daughter and in a moment of sheer desperation and vulnerability; Laura fled the contact centre with her daughter. This was a mother that had been pushed to the brink, and she was prepared to do whatever it took to keep her daughter from any further harm.

Shortly after her departure from the contact centre with her daughter; the NT Police were dispatched in full force; fully-armed and adorned in balaclavas in pursuit of Laura and her daughter.

Laura was pursued for some 14-days, at which time; she realised that she could not remain hidden forever, and voluntarily handed herself in to the authorities. To this end; Laura was criminally charged with the abduction of her daughter, and was denied all contact with both children.

A case was brought to the courts to challenge the lawmakers, that a biological parent cannot abduct their child; however, this was dismissed and the Court determined that a Court can remove the status of parenthood and treat a parent as a stranger irrespective of their motivations to want to protect the child. This is complete insanity in anyone’s eyes.

There was no further investigation by CPS or the Police into the initial concerns raised by Laura regarding her concerns for the children; this was simply ignored and put to bed. Instead; the entire corrupt system; now appears to be advocating to destroy this young devoted, protective mother.

7 months, 3 weeks ago
Reaching out to our HRAA family …

Reaching out to our HRAA family for a mother in need. ?

We currently have a client who has had her children taken from her (at no fault of her own) and just recently one of them passed away. Our beautiful, loving client is trying to source some house cleaning jobs, in exchange for cash, so she can try to re-build her life and get her children back.

Our client has extensive cleaning history and is known for being a perfectionist. She lives near Salisbury, South Australia. If anyone needs their home or office cleaned on a regular basis, please contact us via email at [email protected].

Thank you kindly,
HRA Australia team ?

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