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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago
*The given bar charts compare unemployment rates and average wages according to the degree of education.
Overall, it is evident that more people with high school diploma had no job while employee with graduate degree were paid more than others in 2008. Units are measured in percentages and dollars.
To begin with the first chart, the rate of owners of high school diploma consisted of the 5,5 % which was the highest index. The percentage of some college made up 4,2 % while the equivalent figure for college degree accounted for 2.5 %, followed by graduate degree with 1,2 %.
Moving on to the next graph, workers with graduate degree earned average $ 1,500 which was the biggest salary among others. In contrast, the paycheck for both employee with college degree and some college education comprised $ 1,400 and $ 675 respectively. Finally, the workers with high school diploma were paid the least at around $ 600.*
WORD COUNT - 157 ✅
Estimated Score - 7+ *⭐️***
Written by Mr. ?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎
Channel : @ielts_fighters ✈️
*Some domestic animals such as dogs and cats are kept by most people. While taking care of animals at home can sometimes be problematic, I believe that there are also some benefits.
On the one hand, keeping animals at home can pose some risks to the owner. When animals are cared by people at home, they are more likely to spread infectious diseases. They may contract these diseases from other stray dogs or cats when they have encountered them on the street accidentally. Probably, the pet owner has no idea about this incident and thus, he or she might feed and stroke the animal, which will pose a health risk to the owner. Furthermore, pets are more inclined to damage properties at home by scratching or smashing them. It can therefore be argued that people had better abide by some strict rules while keeping pets.
On the other hand, it is perhaps more beneficial to keep pets at home. If people are used to living together with pets at home, there is no need to be afraid of being robbed since alert dogs signal about it by barking. Also, cats are helpful in terms of controlling rodents like mice and rats. Take my aunt as an example, she keeps three cats in his house and she is not worried about harmful rodents due to her beloved cats. Finally, pets can be a source of entertainment for people, especially children. Once children are bored with their daily home and school tasks, playing with pets will be a great pastime for them.
In conclusion, I can realize why some people are against having pets at home, but it seems to me that major advantages of keeping pets outweigh its minor disadvantages.*
WORD COUNT - 289 ✅
Estimated Score - 7+ *⭐️***
Written by Mr. ?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎
Channel : @ielts_fighters ✈️
*In this day and age, global warming is considered as a perceived hazard to our planet; however, governments are not taking sufficient political action in order to handle too much consumerism and contamination. In my opinion, I agree with this statement to some extent, but I do not think the authorities are indifferent to this huge problem.
There are several reasons why it seems that political action is not taken sufficiently . Firstly, the governments are currently focusing mainly on problems on society like unemployment and malnutrition. In this case, climate change is neglected since authorities argue that making citizens satisfied with their life is a priority for them. Secondly, the scope of this issue is so large that it requires many bodies to collaborate. When there are a lot of nations which gather to work, it will be much easier to tackle this problem.
However, several measures have been taken so far to minimize the extent of this issue. For example, on 22 September in 1985, 20 countries met in Vienna to make a plan on how to stop this problem. At that time, almost 200 countries got together and agreed to halt making and using harmful gases such as CFS. After these initiatives, one of the consequences of climate change, namely, the decaying of ozone layer was fixed. If every country is engaged in similar deliberations like this, they will sort out the issues in a short period of time.
In conclusion, although some beneficial actions took place in terms of solving the problem of climate change, I believe that this is not enough and the nations will do more to get rid of it.*
WORD COUNT - 277 ✅
Estimated Score - 7+ *⭐️***
Written by Mr. ?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎
Channel : @ielts_fighters ✈️
*It is true that people have frequent problems in adjusting to new occasions in their lives. There are a variety of possible reasons for this, but steps can definitely be taken to tackle the problem.
In my view, two main factors are to blame for the situations in which individuals struggle. Firstly, people are not ready for those new plights or they have not experienced them yet. Many people become accustomed to fixed daily routines and therefore, they are unlikely to change from one phase to another one with ease. Secondly, those who struggle with new situations in their lives may be conservative. That means they are unwilling to face new circumstances as they have a traditional viewpoint about everything.
People struggling with new occasions in life can surely sort out this problem. I believe that the change must start with their personality. When people come across a wide range of difficult situations in life, they strengthen their temperament by overcoming them in various ways. Furthermore, asking for a piece of advice may be beneficial in this case. Most of the time, young people are bound to encounter this hardship as they have no experience about that new incident. Thus, they will control those new predicaments if they inquire some advice from the elderly who have already faced them and come to a proper conclusion.
In conclusion, people will continue to struggle with new incidents in their lives unless they alter their personality for the better and sometimes they ask for help as well.*
WORD COUNT - 253 ✅
Estimated Score - 7.5 ⭐️
Written by Mr. ?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎ ?
Channel : @ielts_fighters ✈️
Fast-food joint - a specific type of restaurant that serves fast-food cuisine and has minimal table service
Clueless - having no knowledge
Find common ground - to come to an agreement
Channel : @ielts_fighters ?
Radiator - a hollow metal device, usually connected by pipes to a central heating system, that is used to heat a room.
Leak - to allow liquid or gas to escape
Spill it - to tell a secret
Reprimand - formal expression of disapproval
Clamp - fastener
That's on me - to take responsibility for smth
It's not a big deal - it is not a serious problem
Engrave - to cut or carve (a text or design) on the surface of a hard object
Channel : @short_english_movies ?
Have a field day - to get a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from doing smth
Sub-zero - ninja warrior in mortal combat game
Trending - currently popular
Keep a low profile - not attract a lot of attention
Algorithm - a set of rules
break through this wall - to move to a new level
Roll out - to officially launch or introduce a new product or service
Inbox - an electronic folder in which emails received by an individual are held
Swim in gold - to make a huge profit
Dazzle - to cause someone to feel strong admiration of smth or sb
Nemesis - a rival that is very difficult to win
Trashman - a person who collects and removes trash
Channel : @ielts_fighters ?
*The given two pie charts demonstrate the outcomes of a survey that inquired visitors to the Parkway Hotel how they graded the hotel’s customer service based on five categories. The same survey was granted to hundred guests in 2005 and 2010. Units are measured in percentages.
Overall, it is clear that a majority of people who came to the hotel were satisfied with the service in the initial year while most of the visitors described it as good or excellent after five years.
To begin with 2005, 45 % of the visitors rated the hotel’s customer service as satisfactory while the percentile of the people who described the service as poor accounted for a bit above 20 %. Moreover, the equivalent figure for the rating of very poor and good made up a similar result with respective to 15 % and 14 %.
Moving on to 2010, there were experienced huge uptakes to a bit under 40 % and a well over quarter in the proportion of the ratings for good and excellent. Interestingly, the percentage of people who described the service as satisfactory and bad in 2005 saw a significant drop by 17 % and 12 % relatively in 2010. Finally, the biggest decrease was the case in the percent of the rating for very poor from 15 % to 4 % after five years.*
WORD COUNT – 226 ✅
Estimated Score - 7.5
Written by Mr. ?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎?︎ ?
Channel : @ielts_fighters ?
#Article ✅ ?️
Do you want to know why Hong Kong activist was jailed?*? If so, read this article ?
Channel : @ielts_fighters ?*
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