Sergei Sergienko

Entrepreneur, investor, founder of - the first project that converts man-hours into currency value.


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22 hours ago

🤔 What can you do if you don’t have a ‘proper’ education but have a passion for decentralized tech? I’ve seen many people start as content writers, community managers, and project managers, building fantastic careers in the Web3 space.

These positions are excellent entry points for several reasons.

•They often require strong communication and organizational skills rather than formal education.
•These roles allow you to connect with key players and communities in the industry.
•You gain hands-on experience with decentralized technologies and blockchain applications.

To grow further, you need to immerse yourself in the community, continuously learn, and take on new challenges. Stay curious and innovative, push yourself out of that comfort zone, and you’ll find your path.


460+ Full-time Web3 Jobs & Crypto Jobs (July 2024)

Browse full-time Blockchain and Crypto Jobs now. Find a Cryptocurrency job at LaborX and get paid in crypto.

1 day, 4 hours ago
***🎓*** **Many of the people who …

🎓 Many of the people who have succeeded in Web3 haven’t graduated from top universities—in fact, some haven’t graduated at all. They don’t have special training or have completed any blockchain courses.

The reality is that many Web3 builders are self-taught. And I think that’s beautiful.

When Bitcoin took off in 2017, it captivated thousands. They did their own research and became so fascinated that they’re still deeply involved, excelling as community managers, content leads, and product owners. This trend emerged organically.

The lack of traditional higher education is not a barrier in our industry. You’ll hardly notice who has formal degrees and who doesn’t—perhaps only a few do.

Yet, the space is full of smart, enthusiastic, and innovative individuals who prove that unconventional paths can lead to remarkable success.


1 day, 17 hours ago
Sergei Sergienko
1 day, 17 hours ago
Sergei Sergienko
1 day, 17 hours ago
Sergei Sergienko
1 day, 17 hours ago
Sergei Sergienko
2 days, 5 hours ago

*📈 *Honestly, it's been fascinating to watch the launch of Ether ETFs. Some people were pretty skeptical at first, but they turned out to be a huge success, breaking past $1 billion in no time.

Now, everyone's eyes are on the ETH price, but it hasn’t moved much yet.

Sure, big investments from institutions are important, but if regular investors like you and me aren't jumping in, the market just feels kind of flat. To really see a strong upward trend, we need both the big players and everyday investors getting involved. Plus, what's happening in the larger crypto market always has an impact.


Ether ETFs See $107M Inflows on Day One as Trading Volume Tops $1B

Daily cumulative net inflow hit $106.78 million, with most ETFs in the green on the first day of trading.

*****📈***** **Honestly, it's been fascinating to watch the launch of Ether ETFs.** Some people were pretty skeptical at first, but …
2 days, 19 hours ago

💼 Another thing I love about Web3 is the revolution in HR. This space moves fast, there’s no time to waste. You have to be incredibly efficient to stay afloat, and HR professionals are no exception.

I keep hearing wild stories from friends in other industries about the lengthy and confusing hiring processes—or even questions about their start sign.

Now, judging by the feedback of both talent and employers who published on LaborX, Web3 companies have streamlined their hiring processes to be faster and more transparent.

So yes, I might be biased, but in my experience, the Web3 HR professionals I've encountered are some of the finest. They get things done quickly and effectively, making the entire process not just bearable, but enjoyable.


Cracking the Web3 Code: Insights from OP Labs' Talent Wizard

Discover the unique hiring practices in the Web3 space with Harper Garvey of OP Labs. Learn how to stand out and secure your dream crypto job.

***💼*** **Another thing I love about Web3 is the revolution in HR.** This space moves fast, there’s no time to …
3 days, 1 hour ago
***🎙*** **Our team interviewed Nelson Lopez,** …

🎙 Our team interviewed Nelson Lopez,'s Global Head of People. Twice. The interview turned out incredibly insightful because Nelson approaches every task with passion. He is one of those OG Web3 enthusiasts who entered the industry over a decade ago and still has a burning passion for it. These are the people who keep Web3 moving. I highly recommend reading the full interview on the LaborX blog. certainly employs best practices tailored to the Web3 workflow.For instance, they adopt a highly personalized approach to every employee, refusing the one-size-fits-all model. In return, they seek out exceptional team members—individuals who dream of contributing to the world’s financial education and independence.

💡 I guess, this is the best kind of deal: onboard people who love what they do and give them the freedom to do it.

3 days, 23 hours ago

🧠 Twitter seems to be obsessed with Elon Musk's statement regarding his son, whom he referred to as "dead" due to the woke mind virus and the use of puberty blockers. This got me thinking on the broader issue.

Personally, I am not in favor of interfering with nature, especially at a young age. In such cases, I believe it’s more beneficial to work with a child’s mind. If a child is unhappy with their body, we should help them address the underlying issues causing their discomfort. When they are old enough, they can make those big decisions for themselves.

On the other hand, there is nothing inherently wrong with being 'woke'. Challenging traditional norms is a driving force behind innovation. If we didn't challenge the norms, women might still be denied education. It’s ok to question conventions and propose new models, embracing diversity.

💡 If everyone strictly adhered to the norm, there would be no Bitcoin and, quite possibly, no Tesla either.

Raw Story

‘Killed by the woke mind virus’: Elon Musk bashed for saying his trans kid ‘dead’ to him

Elon Musk is getting slammed on his social media app after saying his own child is “dead” to him after coming out as trans.In a conversation with conservative psychologist Jordan Peterson on Monday, Musk described being “tricked” into signing paperwork affirming…

***🧠*** **Twitter seems to be obsessed with Elon Musk's statement regarding his son**, whom he [referred]( to as "dead" due …
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