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1 year, 1 month ago

What demotivates employees? ?

According to a Gallup study, 70% of employees feel they aren't fully engaged at work. Every company understands the importance of motivation and employee engagement, yet most organizations struggle to achieve it. ?

Researchers from the University of California found that highly motivated employees are 31% more productive, 37% better at sales, and three times more creative than their demotivated peers. ??

Experts suggest avoiding the following pitfalls:

Introducing too many pointless rules ?. While rules are essential, they shouldn't feel arbitrary or overly restrictive, whether it's stringent attendance policies or removing travel perks. When employees feel micromanaged, they might look elsewhere for employment. ?️

Ignoring employees' achievements ?. Everyone wants recognition, especially those who work tirelessly. Managers need to understand what rewards resonate with each employee, whether it's a salary boost or peer recognition, and then praise them appropriately. ?

Hiring and promoting the wrong individuals ?. Top-performing employees want to work alongside like-minded peers. If managers aren't selective in their hiring process, it can upset those who must work with these new hires. ?

Treating everyone the same ?. This might work in schools, but in the professional realm, a one-size-fits-all approach can demotivate. When employees see that their extra effort doesn't lead to extra recognition or benefits, it can be disheartening. ?

Overlooking poor performance ?. If underperformers aren’t held accountable, it can affect the entire team, even the best performers. ?

Breaking promises ?. Leaders who keep their word are respected and trusted. Those who don’t appear dishonest and uncaring. ?

Being indifferent ?. Successful companies ensure their managers strike a balance between professionalism and empathy, genuinely celebrating employees' achievements and offering support during challenging times. ?

How does your workplace measure up? Share your experiences below! ⬇️

#leadership #motivation


1 year, 1 month ago

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1 year, 1 month ago

Types of Interview Questions. Pt.3 - Questions about Past Work Experience ??

Recently, this method has emerged as a distinct interview style. Questions about past work experience are based on the assumption that past actions can predict future actions. In other words, it's believed that a person will perform in a new job similarly to how they performed in previous roles. ?

These questions are open-ended in their logical structure, but they focus on examples from the candidate's past experience. Such questions usually start with phrases like, "Tell me about a time when you..." ?, "Can you provide an example of how..." ?, or "When you held the position of...". ?

It's advisable to ask these questions early in the interview so that the candidate understands that detailed insights from their past experiences are expected. This way, there's less temptation for them to mislead the interviewer as the conversation progresses. ??‍♂️

#terms #interview


1 year, 1 month ago

How to behave during an interview?

Your own behavior during an interview is as important as the behavior of the candidates themselves. You need to ensure that your interviewees feel comfortable enough in the conversation, which will help you get more honest answers from them. ??

However, if you're not the type of manager who can interact and communicate with subordinates in a relaxed manner, you shouldn't fight against your usual style of behavior. ??

Just remember: the decision on how suitable a potential candidate is for the job depends not only on how they present themselves but also on you personally. ??

And whether this candidate is right for the position needs to be determined during the interview. It's essential to be polite and attentive. ??

It's bad if you make your interviewee wait for you in the reception area or if you continually take or make phone calls during your conversation with them. ??

After all, this person might work for you. And it's possible that one day you might work for them – the modern world is so unpredictable. ??

#recruiting #interview


1 year, 1 month ago

How to Determine If You Have a Good Job? ?

People of all ages, holding various positions in companies, men and women with minimal or massive incomes, constantly ask themselves if they've chosen their job correctly. ?? How can you evaluate what you do? Let's try to identify the best criteria.

1️⃣ Is it a job or a career? ?️
A job is something we do solely to earn a living. Losing it mainly results in financial issues. A career, however, develops a person as a professional, offering growth prospects within the organization and in the market. A job might be suitable during student years, mainly to fund nights out. But those thinking about their future should aim for a career path. That's how you soar to the top. ?

2️⃣ Do you feel passionate? ❤️
The luckiest ones turn their hobbies into jobs. Yet, it's hard to imagine someone growing up passionate about risk assessment or investment banking. But even in these areas, there are professionals who genuinely love what they do. Do you feel that fire inside? Indifference rarely accompanies success. ?

3️⃣ Are you proud of what you do? ?
Would you do your job if every action of yours was reported in city newspapers? How do you feel when someone asks, "So, what do you do?" To feel pride in your work, think of those whose lives are made easier and better because of what you do. It might be a stretch for a traffic officer or tax collector, but you can certainly try! ??‍♂️?

4️⃣ How will this job affect your resume? ?
What would someone reading about your current job in your resume think? Does it indicate growth, stress-handling abilities, teamwork, ethics, or other positive qualities? Or does it simply show that you had nowhere else to go during that period? ?‍♂️

5️⃣ What networking opportunities does your job provide? ?
One of a specialist's main assets has always been their network. Is your company known for its alumni becoming leaders in other firms? Do you often travel or attend events where you can meet industry authorities? How many new business cards do you collect in a week? All of this will be useful even after you leave your current position. ✈️?

6️⃣ What are the alternatives? ?
There's no point in criticizing something if you can't suggest a better replacement. Which companies would you consider as an alternative to your current one? Or perhaps, consider starting your own business? Sometimes, even basic sports knowledge can be enough to start a venture. Always have a backup plan in mind. ??


1 year, 1 month ago

Types of Interview Questions. Pt.2 - Open-ended Questions (Detailed Response Questions) ?✍️

Logically, this type of question is the opposite of the first type. When answering an open-ended question, a candidate can't give a straightforward response; therefore, a detailed answer is expected. For instance, a question like, "How successfully do you handle working under pressure?" ? is an open-ended question that anticipates a thorough response from the candidate.

Experience shows that this type of question is preferable over general questions, as it places the candidate in a position where they must elaborate, provide examples, and you simply listen. ? These questions often start with phrases like, "I'd be really interested to hear about how you..." ?, "I'm curious to know..." ?, or "Could you tell me about..." ?.

#terms #interview


1 year, 2 months ago

Types of Interview Questions. Pt.1 - Short Answer Questions (General Questions) ?

This type of question is frequently asked and often overused. How often have you heard interviewers ask a general question like, "Can you work under pressure?" ?

Such a question usually yields only "yes" or "no" answers, but who would respond negatively? Thus, the interviewer doesn't get any valuable information to evaluate this candidate compared to others. ?‍♂️

While these questions might not be the best way to conduct an interview, they can still be beneficial. General questions are suitable when you want to confirm a specific fact or verify previously received information. ?
Examples of general questions include, "Can you start working this Monday?" ? or "Did you work at Xerox for ten years?" ?

You can also use this type of question to add some variety to the conversation, especially when you have to ask several questions on the same topic. ??

#terms #interview


1 year, 2 months ago

? Rules of Effective Business Conversation ?

Rationality ?: During a business talk or negotiations, try to stay composed. Firstly, uncontrolled emotions always negatively affect the outcome. Secondly, there's a psychological rule: "In a discussion, the most calm person wins."

Understanding ?: Before trying to influence your partner's position, and changing it in the direction you want, you need to understand it. He's probably trying to convey his point of view. However, due to your inattention, he can't achieve his goal. This can cause irritation and might lead to your partner not wanting to understand you.

Attention ?: Psychologists believe that during any conversation, the level of concentration fluctuates, even when there are no distractions. Remember, people need occasional breaks to process information. Otherwise, they might momentarily "drop out" of the conversation.

To keep the discussion productive, get your partner's attention back during these moments (for instance, by calling their name) and reconnect.

Authenticity ?: In business conversations, never provide false information, even if your partner does. A tactical win can sometimes turn into a strategic defeat.

Distinction ?: Unfortunately, we often equate what a partner says with their personality or our attitude towards them. Good news delivered by an unpleasant person loses half of its appeal. Focus primarily on the message, not the messenger. Remember, separating facts from opinions, and opinions from emotions, is the key to constructive conversations.

Emphasis ?️: Tone, speech pace, and logical pauses are essential tools for effective dialogue. Here are some simple techniques to highlight your message:

Adjust your voice tone ? – monotony can be lulling and distract your partner. Raising or lowering your tone can emphasize certain words or phrases.
Vary your speech pace ? – this adds expressiveness.
Pause before and after crucial points ?.
Control your volume ? – lowering it at key moments can draw attention to your words.



1 year, 2 months ago

How to Deal with an Aggressive Boss ?

Take Notes ?:
If your boss is prone to uncontrollable anger, always carry a notepad and pen. As soon as they start yelling, politely say: "I'm taking notes." Your goal is to slow down their speech. Ask questions, request repetitions. Once they realize their words are being documented, they begin to control their speech, thus, their anger level drops. ?✍️

During this, you might occasionally interrupt overly emotional speech: "Slow down, please, I'm taking notes" ?, "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, what did you mean?" ?, "Could you repeat that, please?" ?, "I want to make sure I understand you correctly." ?

Call Them by Their Name ?:
For most of us, the most pleasant sound is our own name. Sometimes, the only way to stop an angry person might be by repeatedly calling their name. If your boss is shouting at you, calmly, at least three times, or even better, seven, address them, interrupting the flow of accusations. This can help them to literally snap back to reality. ?

From a Fly's Point of View ?:
If you're being verbally attacked and you understand that stopping this flow is pointless, try to view the situation from the perspective of a fly on the ceiling. Down there, some people are hustling and making noise, while you have your own worries and joys. Perceive the yelling as if it's a storm outside the window. ⛈️

Rational Self-Criticism ?:
In response to criticism, you agree that you might have been wrong. Do this in a serious, calm tone, without any self-deprecating words, without making excuses, and without self-blame.

To your boss's angry remarks, you can respond: "Yes, perhaps I was wrong, and I have areas to improve upon." ?

"And They'll Treat You..." ?:
Imagine you're a psychiatrist or a biologist studying the behavior of wild animals. From this role, observe your boss's anger outbursts. Note for yourself how red their face gets, the shine in their eyes, the poses they take to intimidate you. This helps you distance yourself from the aggression directed at you, reducing your anxiety level. ?

All Will Be Well! ?:
If you find yourself at the receiving end of your boss's anger during a meeting and can't respond, remind yourself that this too shall pass: the meeting, the shouting, the accusations. Think of a beneficial outcome for everyone - you, your team, and your boss. Maybe due to a delay on your part, your company will miraculously avoid a disaster, you get a promotion, and the boss increases their earnings. Right now, they're yelling, unaware of how grateful they will be to you soon. Always envision a positive outcome for all involved. ?

Remember, always aim for a positive end! Let everyone be well! ??

#leadership #advice


1 year, 3 months ago
***?******?*** **Motivation at Pandora Company** ***?******?***

?? Motivation at Pandora Company ??

In its six years of existence, Pandora has built the largest retail salon network in the world. However, like other companies in the retail industry, it has faced employee turnover. Today, I'll tell you how Pandora managed to change the situation and retain its talented staff.

Every month, Pandora selects the top three salespeople in 16 territorial groups within the network. The winners receive a jewelry piece as a gift, which becomes a symbol of their achievements and is added to their personal collection.

As part of the "Achievement Collection" program, the jewelry brand quarterly rewards not only its salespeople but also the managers selected from each store group. They receive certificates for beauty salon visits with a wide range of services. The value of a single certificate is enough for multiple visits throughout the quarter.

The logical conclusion of the annual "Achievement Collection" program cycle is the selection of the best salespeople and managers. They are always rewarded with significant prizes. For first place, a gold Pandora bracelet is awarded, while the top three managers receive a trip to Thailand, where they can enjoy well-deserved relaxation and visit Pandora's jewelry heart — the production complex in Gemopolis.

Another tool in the "Achievement Collection" program is the corporate symbol, a combination of a bee, giraffe, and lion — "BeeGiraffeLion," representing the brand's corporate values.

The lion represents the team (pride), the bee represents achieving results (performance), and the giraffe represents passion. Every month, based on performance indicators, the best store within the network is chosen. Its showcase is adorned with the symbol until the next evaluation.

With this approach, Pandora has managed to reduce the turnover of junior staff in the company from 110% to 60%, nearly halving it. ??

#motivation #cases


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