Sevara's notes | Investment Analyst

??‍?Sevara Kamolova
Ex-Investment Professional at BlackRock??,the biggest asset manager.

STEM MBA candidate at Simon Business School??.

?Personal blog to share my notes (Uz&Eng)
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2 months, 2 weeks ago
Sevara's notes | Investment Analyst
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Sevara's notes | Investment Analyst
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Today, I talked with my landlord, Juan, who owns many properties in DC and used to be a real estate investor. He shared invaluable advice on how to be successful in Wall Street and his experience in real estate business.

Some thoughts from him:

  1. Answer to 'where are you from': 'i am from here'
  2. Have discipline and plan B
  3. Be woman. Get rid of inner child inside you and stop mentioning about your culture or comparing things. if you want to keep the culture, go back there. This is the capitalistic country.
  4. To survive in the zone, act like them and show the confidence
  5. Speak/share less. ask people what they gonna do with extra information
  6. Don`t dive into ocean, without being ready not to be bitten by sharks
  7. Your eyes speak, so be ready to show the readiness from inside and out
  8. Maximize your every minute spent here by allocating it wisely and exploring important things.
  9. Work for what you need and ask for help/advice from people. You have nothing to lose.
  10. Don`t ask for favor. Work for it and earn it yourself.


4 months, 4 weeks ago
Sevara's notes | Investment Analyst
4 months, 4 weeks ago
**Otter - meeting notes app**AI mahsulotlaridan …

Otter - meeting notes appAI mahsulotlaridan unimli foydalash kundalik yumushlarimizni va vazifalarimizni yengillashtiradi. Majlis yoki kim bilandir muloqot qilganda unda aytilgan malumotlarni to’liq eslab qolish va unga assoslanib meeting note yuborish yoki follow up email yozish anchagina vaqt oladigan ish. O’zim BlackRockda ishlaganimda investorlar bilan uchrashuvdan va jamoa yig’ilishlarida qatnashib meeting note tayyorlashda bazida telefonimda record qilib olardim nimanidir noto’g’ri tushunib biror xato qilmay deb (Britanlarning gaplari bazida chalg’itarli ayniqsa Shatlandiyaliklarni).

Hozirda buning oson usuli Otter app ekan. U recordga asoslanib transcript, meeting summary, action items va follow up email yozadi. AI chat bot transcriptga ko’ra sizga kerakli savolga javob beradi. Hozirda uni coffee chatlarda ishlatyapman va kim bilan nimani gaplashganimni saqlab borishda ham yordam beradi.


5 months, 2 weeks ago
**Have an aspiration to maintain a …

Have an aspiration to maintain a level of health akin to Warren's.

Hosting annual investor conference with thousands of top investment managers worldwide at the age of 93? Remaining so sharp and knowledgeable about the minutiae of his investments even at this stage is so inspiring and can be a goal that one aim to achieve.

Wealth can only be truly enjoyed with good health. This is a fact we often overlook, neglecting our mental and physical well-being. Let this serve as a reminder to everyone to prioritize their health, ensuring they can fully reap the benefits of compounding gains in the future.

5 months, 2 weeks ago
Sevara's notes | Investment Analyst
5 months, 2 weeks ago
**The Harvard College Project for Asian …

The Harvard College Project for Asian & International Relations is inviting me for their conference in Thailand based on my past application and interview result for the conference held in Boston.

It seems to me that they are once friend always friend :)

5 months, 3 weeks ago

My brother is opening an online IELTS course??

he is such a great teacher and expert of his job. I wish I can be passionate like him.

5 months, 3 weeks ago
Online course ochaman. IELTS band 8.5/C2 …

Online course ochaman. IELTS band 8.5/C2 instructor yordami bilan online tayyorlanishni effektini keyingi postlarda ko'rsataman.


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