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Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months ago

1 year ago

Wed. 11 Oct. Bombshell!!! Martial Law Unleashed: EBS Alert’s Urgent Broadcast and How Redemption Centers Might Be Our Only Hope! | Alternative | Before It’s News ( ETHAN WHITE … BOMBSHELL !!! MARTIAL LAW UNLEASHED: EBS ALERT’S URGENT BROADCAST AND HOW REDEMPTION CENTERS MIGHT BE OUR ONLY HOPE! (

Deep State arrests: California alone has witnessed up to 8000 arrests, with over 3000 in the Northeast U.S., particularly concentrated in the New England area.
Rumors suggest that the populace might be urged to stay indoors for their safety, especially during ‘Disclosures‘, while the final arrests take place. However, a resilient and awakened citizenry, now more than ever, won’t be silenced or confined.
The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on the horizon, and when it hits, it will be swift, silent, and shocking. Like a ghostly shadow, everything familiar will fade into obscurity.
Just like the eerie silence of 2020, we’ll be asked to remain rooted, perhaps for days, maybe weeks.
The Military, it seems, has a broader purpose. As the last of the so-called Satanists face arrest and are sent to GITMO, the Military is also gearing up to distribute food, especially to the elderly. This is not just about control but also about care.
There’s chatter about the Military potentially overseeing the nation until fresh elections are held, precisely 120 days post the Gesara announcement. The focus should shift towards electing individuals with business acumen, particularly those who can rejuvenate local businesses, and more importantly, food-growing enterprises.
The bustling stock market? Halted. The digital world you’re so intricately linked to? Gone. And trust me, when the EBS alert vibrates your cell phone, echoing the chilling announcement, you’ll know it’s begun.
These messages, sourced from the Starlink, are there to stay. Deleting them? Forget about it. They’re imprinted, lasting reminders of the changing times.
Essentials First: Stock up on clean drinking water. Ensure there’s enough food, not just for you, but for your pets too. Medicines? Get them in advance. Remember, the digital world is on a hiatus, so medical records are inaccessible.
Cash is King: In a world where digital transactions become obsolete, cash will be your savior. ATMs might be out of service, and swiping those cards at gas pumps? Dream on.
Mental Fortitude: When the shock hits, it’s vital to keep your wits about you. Before you extend your hand to others, ensure you’re mentally fortified. Some might be in a state of shock, unable to respond. In such cases, a breath of fresh air, a gentle walk, might help.
Your TV, phone, and internet will spring back to life, unveiling a spectacle titled ‘Disclosures’. Rumor has it, it might even grace the big screens. But this isn’t your typical Netflix binge. It’s a 24/7, 8-hour block broadcast, lasting anywhere between 3 to 10 days.
The content? Oh, it’s the raw, unfiltered truth of events, spanning Military Tribunals and even, hold your breath, Public Executions. Areas drenched in corruption, like Los Angeles and New York, might experience extended viewing periods.
But when the switch is flipped back, expect a metamorphosis. A world pulsating with positive energy, devoid of evil’s grasp. The internet? Transformed. Banking systems? Revolutionized. This, dear readers, is the dawn of an era of transparency and abundance. A veritable paradise on Earth.
However, as the layers peel back, revealing covert operations, prepare to be flabbergasted. The faces you recognize might just be elaborate masquerades, Hollywood-grade masks, CGI marvels, and eerily realistic Body Doubles. Ever watched the ‘Truman Show’? Our reality might not be far off, with the scripted drama unfolding since 2015, or perhaps even earlier.

Subscribe for more:@JFKJrAwakeningQ✅️

1 year ago


_Israel with over 10,000 Spys in the military imbedded inside IRAN. Saudi Arabia and world Militaries.... Israels INTELLIGENCE Agencies, including MOSSAD which is deeply connected to CIA, MI6 .. > ALL knew the Hamas was going to attack Israel several weeks before and months ago including several hours before the attack<
_The United States knew the attack was coming was did Australia, UK. Canada, EU INTELLIGENCE...... Several satellites over Iran, Israel, Palestine and near all captured thousands of troops moving towards Israel all MAJOR INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES knew the attack was coming and news reporters (Israeli spys) in Palestine all knew the attack was coming and tried to warn Israel and the military///// >

EVERYONE KNEW THE ATTACK WAS COMING,, INCLUDING INDIA INTELLIGENCE WHO TRIED TO CONTACT ISRAEL ( but Israel commanders and President blocked ALL calls before the attack)


This attack on Israel was an inside Job, with the help of CIA. MOSSAD, MI6 and large parts of the funding 6 billion $$$$$$$ from U.S. to Iran funded the operations.
_The weapons used came from the Ukraine Black market which came from NATO,>the U.S.

The ISRAELI President and Prime minister Netanyahu ALL STOOD DOWN before the attacks began and told the Israeli INTEL and military commanders to stand down<
There was no intelligence error. Israeli intensionally let the stacks happen<
Both the deep state and the white hats wanted these EVENTS to take place.
BOTH the [ ds] and white hats are fighting for the future control of ISRAEL

]> [ EPSTEIN] was created by the MOSSAD
with the CIA MI6 and EPSTEIN got his funding from MOSSAD who was Ghislaine Maxwells father> Israeli super spy Robert Maxwell_ ( who worked for, cia and mi6 also)/////
The past 2 years in Israel the military has become divided much like the U.S. military who are losing hope in the government leaders and sectors. Several Revolts have tried to start but were ended quickly.
? Major PANIC has been hitting the Israeli INTEL, Prime minister and military commanders community as their corruption and crimes keep getting EXPOSED and major PANIC is happening as U S. IS COMING CLOSER TO DROPPING THE EPSTEIN FILES. EPSTEIN LIST AND THE MAJOR COUNTRIES WHO DEALT WITH EPSTEIN> ESPECIALLY ISRAEL WHO CREATED EPSTEIN w/cia/mi6
Before EPSTEIN was arrested, he was apprehended several times by the military intelligence ALLIANCE and he was working with white hats and gave ALL INFORMATION ON CIA. MI6 . MOSSAD. JP MORGAN. WORLD BANKS. GATES. ETC ETC ECT EX ECT E TO X..>> ISRAEL<<BIG TECH
GOOGLE. FACEBOOK YOUTUBE MICROSOFT and their connection to world deep state cabal military intelligence and world control by the Elites and Globalist,<

( Not far from where Jesus once walked.... The KAZARIAN Mafia. The cabal, dark Families began the practice of ADRENOCHROME and there satanic rituals to the god of moloch god of child sacrifice ..
Satanism..... This is why satanism is pushed through the world and world shopping centers and music and movies...)

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1 year ago

A. EBS will occur before the end of 2023 TruthB. As of today, the white hats do not intend to use the EBS Lie
C. The EBS was coded by the entity known as Edward Snowden Lie

  1. Speaker of the House
    A. Donald Trump will be the next Speaker of the House Truth or Lie?
    B. Jim Jordan will be the next Speaker of the House Truth or Lie?
    C. The election fraud will be revealed prior to the election of the new Speaker Lie

  2. Nesara Gesara
    A. Only certain countries in the world will be using Gold or precious metals to back their currency Lie
    B. Assuming a 1:1 value ratio, the chances of gold and silver exceeding $1000/oz is 100% TruthC. Even though Nesara Gesara will be implemented, the fiat dollar will still have a place in the economic future of the world economy Lie

  3. Snoweden
    A. Snowden will be arrested and tried for Treason for what he did Lie
    B. Even after Snowden – the most known whistleblower, he/they/them continue to help the white hats and is very much involved in the plan to save the world TruthC. Birthdate is June 21, 1983 Lie

  4. JFK Jr.
    A. On the night of his alleged death (plane crash) JFK Jr did fly the plane as reported Truth or Lie?
    B. JFK Jr has attended Trump rallies in disguse or hidden in plain sight. Lie
    C. Phil has met JFK Jr. since his alleged death. Truth or Lie?

  5. Biden Removal
    A. Will be removed predicated by the 25th amendment Lie
    B. Will resign and immediately followed by criminal indictments. TruthC. Will die before his term ends Lie

  6. Medbeds
    A. Are available now if you know where to look Truth or Lie
    B. Free for public use Lie
    C. They will have the ability to cure all viruses/diseases and also be able to diagnose future not yet seen or have issues not caused by symptoms Truth or Lie

Phil explained why B is a lie because we have been indoctrinated by the use of money. We won’t have to pay for it but will have to do something.

  1. RV
    A. RV has already occurred and implementation to the QFS is in place Lie
    B. For those who have at least $1000 in Iraqi Dinar will be millionaires Truth or Lie?
    C. The countries in BRICS are the countries who have already RVd with currency and those those who have not joined have not revalued their currency Truth or Lie?

  2. Trump’s Return
    A. DJT will never be President of the United States again. Lie
    B. DJT’s path to presidency will be through the 2024 election Lie
    C. His return hinges on one more very strategic event – once it occurs he will be back. Truth10. Stock Market Crash
    A. After the implantation of QFS no version of the NYSE will ever exist again. Lie
    B. Roughly one half of the over 500,000 sealed indictments are stock market banks, traders or higher ups in the stock exchange TruthC. Stock exchange world wide are vitally important for the economic future of the world economy. Lie

  3. Mickey Mouse Clock
    A. The Mickey clock was posted to bring awareness to Child Trafficking at Disney Land/World Lie
    B. Q was hinting at the foreshadowing of a date or time by posting that image - Phil noted – think mirror TruthC. DJT posted the image himself to Q Lie

Notes: Phil said it will be a particular event (single most important that you’ll got through in your entire life) that will be life changing for all people world wide - 1) Repercussions of the event not happening, 2) what it means for the future 3) most importantly - for our children/future generations - having to do with special elections

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1 year, 1 month ago

United States under Military Control<

_This EVENT has already happened ,
( as I had stated several times the past years since 2021 early on. These operations and Continuity of government (COG) is the principle of establishing defined procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in case of a catastrophic event such as nuclear war.
In the US, COG is no longer limited to nuclear emergencies; the Continuity of Operations Plan was activated following the September 11 attacks, more over these Operations coincide with the Department of Defense military laws of War that can be activated through Presidential Powers, Executive Orders that execute and addresses Military occupation Chapter 11.3 Laws of War COVERT and OVERT military operations.

It's now becoming clear to many People and some MAJOR broadcasters as Valuetainment's
Patrick Bet-David ( PBD)  that TRUMP . MUSK. TUCKER CARLSON are working together behind the scenes. PBD podcast reaches over 30 million people monthly and his podcast show is rebroadcast on thousands of other channels, websites and other browsers through world.  ( a few months ago I gave you DROPS that Major internet podcasts would be ACTIVATED to bring important information and these very different platforms would silently unite. I had also given you DROPS 2 years ago that the distain ROGAN had for TRUMP was FAKE and they had already PLANS for 2023 or 2024 PODCAST together...... Now ROGAN wants TRUMP... And Rogan has been fighting hard AGAINST the deep state the past months with vaccine information and going after Gates. WHO. WEF. SOROS .. Exposing Biden and confirming Hunter laptop and RUSSIA collusion hoax)
_I have stated many times it was important inside military white HATS psychological operations to have many people who don't like TRUMP or have distain for him publicly to create networks of other Patriot communities and ANONS fighting against [ DS] unknowingly
( middle neutral Americans)  .... And was SUPER IMPORTANT to have RFKJR take control of 30% of the Democratic party and EXPOSE the PLANDEMIC by ELITES. The vaccines agenda and biolabs and Ukraine WAR exposure and military COMPLEX and BLACKROCK vanguard etc
ECT etc......... >all these different Leaders with their communities were PLANNED to come together in COVERTMil.ops and to unite then slowly... Now the pace is picking up.

MUSK supported Desantis for a reason.. He knew Desantis would fail > . The MASSIVE FAILURE of MUSK TWITTER to launch Desantis
back in May with massive campaign was a PLANNED FAILED OPERATION. >>TWITTER intentionally collapsed that night and Desantis never recovered.

As Jim Jordan goes after FAUCI and has big plans to EXPOSE NIH. RFKJR also has CARDS ♠️♦️ to bring down the FAUCI and help bring in important DISCLOSURE of the creation of the virus.


The Brunson case is being saved for the EXPOSURE of a military COUP that happened through 2020 stolen election.
_ This stolen election SAGA is intensionally connected to TRUMP indictments and to U.S. judges ( PLANTS) going after TRUMP..... These PLANTS were planted long ago to collapse/ EXPOSE the captured u.s. judicial system and weaponized one tiered dnc system in COLLISION with foreign governments, agencies and actors as WEF. DAVOS GROUP. SOROS.
(I had DROPPED many many times that TRUMP was going to get arrested over 3 years ago and this would lead to the EXPOSURE OF A CORRUPT SYSTEM AND EVIDENCE COMING FORWARD.......... well that's happening now as a few other TRUTHERS had shared this importantl info that leads to a MILITARY COUP)
And let's you know the PHOTO IS FAKE.
( when you are arrested you must look forward with your head up and get three photos. No chin down) ... this very obvious PHOTOshop picture would never be released by the Police department.
Military COMMS from TRUMP defying the normal mugshot gives you COMMS it's ALL FAKE. A SHOW. STAGED A ?

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1 year, 1 month ago

Be ready for the >EVENTS< unfold to >EXPOSE the >CABAL >DEEP STATE >AGENDAS >You will know we are right around the corner from a NEW WORLD. do not get angry, and do not panic.This is NEEDED. Yes it TRULY must HAPPEN like this so we can TRANSITION to a BRIGHT FUTURE. It is part of the SCRIPT and LAST PHASE of, indeed gut wrenching, AWAKENING movie that was necessary to AWAKEN the masses.This will ensure EVERYONE is SAFELY placed in their HOME and able to WITNESS the HISTORICAL moment that REVEALS all of the TRUTHS, cover ups etc. through the >E B S < which is imminent. All is SCHEDULED to HAPPEN. so get PREPARED. Circle the DATE on your calendar and PLEASE pay attention. There must be a TEST and then a review of all OCCURRENCES and ACTIVITIES.The possible implications on a NATIONAL and GLOBAL level can be quite COMPLICATED so things must be in ALIGNMENT to the PROTOCOLS. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with PRECISION and perfection.This is the PRACTICE run before the REAL ONE to see responses and accuracy to what is FORTHCOMING which changes >HUMANITY< We hear the SCHEDULE is now FINALLY firm, but again I’m just the MESSENGER. Be READY to adjust if needed in regards to possible TIME changes. Only a SELECT few know the MOMENT of exact and precise TIMING of EVENTS. For SECURITY and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept PRIVATE. Again the >E B S< is going to AIR playing an 8 HOUR VIDEO. It will be replaying 3 TIMES a days for 10 DAYS Communication DARKNESS. During those 10 DAYS of Communication DARKNESS the following things will happen. We will RECEIVE 7 >TRUMPETS< aka >E B S< text MESSAGES on our PHONES alerting US to tune into our TV at this TIME. Our PHONES will only work for 911and we are INFORMED the Signal App, which is MILITARY encrypted will be available. Our TV’s will only show 3 EXPLANATORY MOVIES on a continuous loop for the 10 DAY'S. It will cover topics of ARRESTS,, TRIBUNALS, FRAUD CORRUPTION , PEDOPHILIA etc Our INTERNET will not work during that TIME. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 DAYS of Communication DARKNESS, we will connect to a new QUANTUM internet.People are urged to STOCK up on at least THREE WEEKS of FOOD and WATER.We are PROMISED the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month. Again I repeat be PREPARED with FOOD, WATER, TOILET PAPER, generators etc. for this >GREAT AWAKENING< REVEAL. As we speak the TEAMS coordinating this IMPORTANT HISTORIC EVENT are revamping the >E.B.S< to ensure the utmost SECURITY for all INVOLVED so remain PATIENT as things get finalized.They want to make CERTAIN there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the PLAN want no ONE to PANIC because it’s simply the release of the TRUTH. After the >E B S < and we’ve gone through the 10 DAYS mainstream media BLACKOUT and sat through all the 24/7, [eight hours long movies] do we go back to NORMAL like business as usual? Answer is: After >E B S< and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change.The, LIFE support, attached to the old and EVIL systems will be PULLED. >HUMANITY,< and >PLANET EARTH< simultaneously move to QUANTUM reality consciousness system [PEACE and PROSPERITY].END of FINANCIAL and HUMAN consciousness ENSLAVEMENT. Old systems of GOVERNMENT, EDUCATION ,FINANCE, HEALTH, TRADE and COMMERCE etc., will all be DISMANTLED and REPLACED.
We will have new CURRENCY called the USN US NOTE and GOLD backed.
The TIME is now to ALERT as many who will LISTEN.Do not have too much PRIDE. Go WARN those you LOVE even though they think you’re CRAZY. Your GOAL for OTHERS is TRULY to HELP absorb the SHOCK of what is COMING.
Stay strong >PATRIOTS and >STOCK BACK UP ON >FOOD. >RESOURCES. >SUPPLIES for the >EVENTS< happening and coming. >We are inside the >STORM< MAJOR >EVENTS HITTING<
Everything is leading to >>>MILITARY<<<

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1 year, 1 month ago

- Trumps booking in GA took 17min.
- Trump’s motorcade had over 18 vehicles, and an active duty ambulance
- 19 pairs of motorcycles traveling 2x2, except for the 17th row, which had a single rider.
- Trump’s mugshot — different size wall badge.
- Mil escort sighted
- Air space around Fulton Cty closed during arrest/booking.
- Mug(shot) released on POTUS45 Twitter (worldwide reach)(“shot” heard round the world), first post since 1/8/2021
“How many times before it’s mathematically impossible?”

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1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago

IRubix Q on Telegram forward from Willy’s Thoughts:

7 billion people on the planet and all will have a stellar account on the QFS.
Protocols 16 and 17 are in place to assist the Quantum Compliant Banks the ability to assist in helping set up your accounts and transfer your fiat to digital for you.
The fear of trying to do all of this yourself should not be of concern. QC Banks will have the ability to assist here and educate.
The Quantum System is not being set up for just banking but for military, elections and so much more. Far larger than one can fathom, especially if one is to believe what gurus are pushing. Larger than the information providers are informing you of.
The systems of old have to be dismantled so that there is never the option of going back to them. (Bridges being built and Bridges being dismantled at the same time)
They are taking steps to remove influencers/criminal behavior in all of this. Punishable for certain, not the old system or ways.

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1 year, 2 months ago

RV? Mr. Ed - Here is what to expect:

The greatest transfer of wealth from the DS thugs to “WE” the people. This wealth will be transferred into the QFS and then dispersed through GESARA/NESARA programs.

The new financial system is a gift from the Space Brothers.

New Elections begin November 3rd, after the July 27th restart of planet earth and the GESARA/NESARA announcement. All government positions were stolen through the Blackrock/Evergrande/Vanguard connection. The DC government is part owners in the Evergrande umbrella. They were not electing officials, they were placing them. Through Dominion voting machines and their Skittle servers and the 5 Eyes, they made sure to put their Satanic approved bloodlines into positions of power. It was all for the child abduction, adrenochrome and human slavery/sex programs. Did you know that Obama signed an EO to enslave us?

End of Taxation! Do you know where our taxes went? It was to support the dark web and money for Bit Coin, BioLabs, Bank Theft, Poisoned Foods, Western Medicine’s killing machine, Bribery money, control over Universities, fund the Tiers of agencies to support and push the Agenda of the Reptilians and Greys. Sunday/Monday looks like the beginning of the Black Swan event where all the house of financial cards comes down for the dark lords.

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage:

MyGov COVID19 page :

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk:

Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 2 months ago